I Didn't Realize The Jan6 Q Trick Would Be Able to Destroy Trump

in HISTORY4 years ago (edited)

I have to make a major announcement today, breaking news on my Facebook today, I have to confess, I've known Qanon was dangerous since 2018 but I didn't know Q operatives would be able to work with globalists to create a false flag on Jan6.

Where is Eisenhower when you need him?

Granted it wasn't as bad as they wanted it to be because patriots held back the crazy Q folks, globalists wanted hundreds to thousands of people to die last Wednesday, there were pipe bombs, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been but was still a lot worse than I could have imagine.

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I Didn't Realize The Jan6 Q Trick Would Be Able to Destroy Trump - Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-12 - Tuesday | Published in January of 2021

Jan6 Storming Capitol with Q, Antifa, bad cops, patriots.jpeg

What Trump needs to do in regards to Jan6 - Trump must become Eisenhower

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Become an Information Father

2021-01-12 - Tuesday - 11:43 AM - Facebook - @JoeyArnoldVN - 12th of January of 2021

My big announcement today is that I didn't realize the Q deception would have been this bad, I didn't realize the false flags would have been this successful at fooling people into thinking that Trump supporters were storming the capitol on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. Make no mistake, I was aware false flags come and go as usual, this has not been the first false flag in world history, but I was hoping that most of the Q followers were simply crazy keyboard warriors like I am. Yeah, I can confess that I'm just a dork hiding behind my keyboard. I've felt sorry for some of the Q people, I've encouraged them to wake up. Q is like a fortune cookie or the Bible Code. A major issue is that Q was hijacked by globalists to lead desperate Americans down the wrong path. Q talks in code. Q is often unconfirmed news. Q said Hillary Clinton was in jail. That didn't happen. Q is like a false prophet. I've said many times that Q can wake you up to question fake news. But the problem is when Q becomes the substitution to that fake news to a large degree. I've written many times over the years about Q. I've tried my best to warn people about Q. I regret not making more videos and writing more articles to expose the mind-control of the quantum Q which is probably like a MK Ultra operation.


Trump Must Make a Eisenhower Style Farewell Speech Right Now Or Else

So, my confession today, exclusive to my Facebook today, is that I didn't realize that Fake Q or Globalism Q would be this successful at tricking the hearts of too many gullible humans into Trust The Plan which is code for excessive pacifism, nihilism, meaning a feeling of not getting involved, in not taking peaceful action, and ironically Q was able to combine that with some action. But sadly, the wrong action. Like I said many times before, I was aware people would pretend to be Trump supporters in order to make it look like MAGA people are doing things they're not doing, that is one of the purposes behind BLM and Antifa, to make it look like patriots are doing what they in fact are doing, that is reflection, inflection, to blame the Proud Boys, to blame Stop The Steal, to blame different groups, on what they in fact do.

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Google is EVIL for Censoring Vaccine Information!

So, I didn't think Q folks would be that stupid to join forces with Antifa, BLM, and bad cops, well granted that Antifa were dressed in MAGA gear which probably fooled some of them on Jan6. But the good news on the other hand, out of the millions that came that day to Washington DC, only a few dozens were trying to storm, they couldn't get pass the police until a few bad cops were ordered to stand down, and some of the patriots were holding Q folks back from joining Antifa in what some dub as insurrection. I knew the swamp was deep, but like Trump said, I didn't know it was that deep. So, with all of this said, I still have a lot more to say as usual regarding everything, I feel like Trump appears to be giving up excessively right now, it looks like Trump is not exposing Jan6, Biden, China, Covid, and a wide variety of topics, Trump should make at least one last farewell address to the world like Eisenhower did when he talked about the Military Industrial Complex.

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Parler Ban vs Dont Ban Gay Wedding Irony Cult Culture

Had it not been for Q, the electoral college vote counting would have been delayed for 10 days. So, I blame Q mostly. But not to say there wouldn't have been attempted false flags on Jan6 even without the help of Q. But it would have been with a lot less people. Please note only a small percentage of the crowd at DC that day was following Antifa towards the capitol.

Biden Sniffing Hillary Jesus Hugging Baby Bush in front of Obama Sun - QuadTrains.jpeg

This meme was posted by Frank Bacon @FrankBacon on Hive Blog

Please note that the march has nothing to do with the storming of the capitol as the march was to the other side of the building. Now, if you don't hear from me in a while, I was probably arrested. Yes, Americans are being arrested for exercising their first amendment right. If the FBI tries to talk to you about exercising your first amendment rights which is given to you not by government but by God, then don't talk to the FBI. You don't have to talk to them. Politely decline to talk to them. Plead the 5th. It's also a fabric of the 4th amendment and a series of other things. We live in an information war.

Be an educational father to people around you while you still can.


The Q community made me throw up in the back of my throat from the first time I encountered it.

Its like a "no girls allowed" or "no boys allowed" level of maturity and I was insulted even being in the presence in blogs.

They use condescending connotations to almost all knowledge and in the process defiled all knowledge to a baseless of soul just like the Christian church, now it's all useless and destroyed so I hope they got what they wanted, because their actions signified a completely different goal.

I regret not attacking Q more. I always saw Q as a nice gateway drug towards the information war. I was hoping Q would be like an introduction crash course for investigation journalism or like how to be a citizen journalist or researcher for dummies kind of thing. A major problem is that too many Qanon followers have not graduated towards more critical thinking. Like for example, last night, people said Pelosi got arrested. I heard it and I thought to myself I should look to confirm the story. I should look for evidence to prove that is the case. Sadly, I saw people spread that rumor around online the past 12 or so hours. So, it's like we have to teach people Stefan Molyneux Philosophy of logic, reason, and evidence. Too often people can say things and yet, to quote Stefan Molyneux, not an argument. Like, people don't have the skills or the desire to prove things which can make the Q weirdos no better than leftist SJW NPC bots. Globalists created the leftist NPCs and were able to create Qanon NPCs too. So, like the Emperor in Star Wars, globalists were able to create idiots on both sides and have them fight against each other, divide and conquer kind of thing.

I have a desire to shame anyone not acting in self interest, that whole idea of a selfless person is religious and its not fair to put that over my head when i acknowledge 0 gods or deities.


Personally I don't really think that this situation is really going to be as much as they are making out to be.

yes they're going to be some charges for some behavior that happened at the capital but we need rule of law and violent riots need to be treated as such.

peaceful protesters need to be protected at all costs and the hundreds of thousands of individuals who attended these protests were absolutely peaceful it was a very very small minority of individuals who committed these crimes and they should be held accountable.

We will see what's all going on.

The Jan6 was supposed to be worse but patriots fought back against the weirdos and that is the good news. So, as long patriots are documenting it all and helping the police to a degree. Yeah, there are too many bad cops but I don't advocate fighting cops.

Best ways to change the system by working with it instead of destroying it all and having no police or court system at all



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Is this picture a screenshot of Twitter Jack? Yeah, Twitter sucks.