
Sorry I am a little late to this discussion, I have urun and manniman on mute.

Acidyo is correct, I was not the first to downvote it. Actually a few Hive members pointed out a back and forth of comments with gifs (no text, just randomly generated memes) and just upvoting each other.. upwards of dozens of times a post.

I told yall what happens when people do stuff like that. And yall told me dont talk to me like a five year old.

So I left it at that, until more people noticed and complained of your spam behavior. So at that point I decided to downvote, and all I got back was threats about saying urun knows where I live and leaving some really nasty comments. And then the blockchain tx spam started, good to see not only yall are ok with content spamming but network spam is something you support too.

BTW what is your point about Mitches Archery? Is your plan to harass them as you are doing to me, hoping they will not serve me as a customer? Sounds like a Twitter cancel culture behavior....

I did not know about the second spammer you supported, makes me wonder if you are just making alts and puppeting them. Maybe that is why you are defending urun with so much vigor.

Thank you @acidyo I try to be selective in who I go after, and I am always open to feedback and want to make sure I stay within the communities ethics. I will be here a long time and hope to be seen doing good and not bad. My DMs are always open :-)

But when my detractors like manimann and urun give me wordsalad and ChatGPT outputs as comments about I am a bad person its really hard to listen to people like those.

Upfront, I do write here because I think you are about or 1 second away from nuking my account for false reasons and I do believe we're 98% ideologically comparable and it's worth the words.

That is the first real response and what I was smelling in the dark. You just point at me and say those are alt of mine. Straight out of the blue, because I use tiny upvotes on EVERY COMMENT ANSWER I GET. This is absolutely destroying my Curation APR, so your argument is dull, unless your point is that those are my Alts. You gotta be kidding me, Urun an ALT of mine, I'm fully doxed 500 times - open your eyes.

That is the malevolence that I talk about. You make a false statement, your argument makes 0 sense and you still just pull through with personal force. No wonder you have to block on Hive frontends and ban any Discord Channel you have the power for it, that's how Tyrants react when confronted with the truth.

I can't really comment on the level of problems that you create with different people, that includes your exchange with urun and however low you two went there.

Btw, my last response was to thank you that I can witness the end of this senseless drama. Say what you want to say, but my motivation is pretty clear. It's unclear what exactly you are aiming for.

Just at the corners of this argument, I don't even get how Voting Cycles should make any sense at all with 20% HBD APY and even higher on other Hive-based DEFI options to switch to alternatively.

You're chasing ghosts, no offense, just my POV.

Dude i dont care about your downvotes. IMO you are an idiot thats all :D

So if makes you happy, why not!

But dont wonder if you receive reactions to your actions and dont be a whinny baby if you get spammed or whatever.

In every single case, that does not change the bottom line. People are idiots sometimes, I will not be the judge and executioner.

It's a stake-based blockchain, it's literally in the name of it, if people misbehave then the masses use their stake to appropriately counter behavior they don't want to see.

It has even happened when whales have misbehaved, although harder to combat, more people with more stake have come in to help avoid behavior the community doesn't appreciate or want and in many cases help the smaller stakeholders when it's being used for personal reasons, vendetta's, etc. How are you siding with someone literally making downvotes personal, posting his picture in posts to call him names and insinuate nasty shit? Solo wasn't even the one who started the downvotes on his crappy farmy AI content with nothing else of value than copy-pasting images he generated using an AI tool.

I'm honestly done trying to reason with you at this point and have lost any respect your time and activity here may have reflected on you.

Fair points, does not explain why I get called a comment farmer. He can easily just annihilate me on a bad mood day. So I'm forced to use the social cloud to point the situation out. Scares me to the bones.

Btw., you can right-click "search with google" that pic and find the Facebook page of that shop. I don't know what that action was in support to achieve, very distasteful but also an interesting reminder of fast you can become a real-life target if you attack people online. Scary Scary stuff.

You see the Wallets that become targeted indefinitely are not just Shitposter. They are also Crypto Gamer, small investors, Leo Threader, Reverio Participants, Twitter shills, their untransformed posted AI Art is copyright free, their active on the charts, their mobile App Beta Tester, Discord Chiller, DCity Members, and so on.

This is the Internet, it‘s the Wild West. Indefinite downvote trail kill and are straight out unacceptable. I see you got some on your ass as well and I hate to see that.

Yeah bad downvote trails exist too, who cares, doesn't mean I'm being "deplatformed" cause of it. It doesn't matter what other activities or value he brings to hive, if the community deems certain content not to receive rewards and other stakeholders use their downvotes for it it doesn't mean he can lose his fucking mind and start doing what he's been doing, it means he should re-consider how he posts and take a fucking hint, especially when the downvotes are coming from users/curators that have a higher reputation than him and their past actions and history can back up their current ones.

Nothing else you mention matters when someone starts doing things that would actually deplatform them on literally all web2's, it can't happen here, sure, but it doesn't mean he should continue get rewards or that his actions should make the initial downvoters back off. You trying to get in the way to help that is only dragging you into the mess yourself, you now have a solid history of defending not just 1 abuser but 2 in a row and that's just the very little time I've bothered looking into this. Using how difficult is to onboard and retent users as an excuse to protect anyone no matter their actions is absurd, maybe take some time off and think about wtf you're doing here.

Yeah well, I've been down that road. Brought some people onto the platform over the last few years and while the bigger chunk left due to a lack of interest and convenience, some of them got knocked off-road by downvotes. And it makes sense that you want to come back to the Urun situation again and again but I don't cry over spilled milk. I've lost a bunch of digital friends over the year due to this insanity.

The Stakes create a power dynamic and the curation organizations do as well. You can't talk to a colleague the same way as with a subordinate, at least if you want them to stay in the company and don't get dragged into legal battles. If you run a fat stake, you can't talk to small accounts the way you handle the big ones. There's no HR around, they will gtfo.

Moreover, it doesn't really matter if you run a downvote rant against somebody who goes overboard. But to not state, an indefinite end to the downvotes is practical to murder. So I wanted to get a view on what I am talking about and did the footwork. I went down some interactions between larger stakeholders and the people that they've placed their downvotes on and it's horrific. It's so bad that I immediately stopped thinking about the idea of talking about those case by case.

One account 50k-100k active policing can easily blast more minnows than we have the chain onboarding at the moment. It's the opposite of good.

Every single one of those cases of negative interactions isolated might very well prove to be justified. The result doh and the sum of the results and their impact on the whole Ecosystem, or what Dan has come to call "Platform Hive" tells a different story.

Here's an example of how those go down often:

livinguktaiwan78 (MOD)
In your case, there is nothing to judge - plagiarism is clearly not acceptable on Hive. That is a fact.
Your chance, is exactly why I told you that plagiarism is not tolerated on Hive, in case you were not aware (which you should not be as you are a PhD student), instead of sending you to Hivewathchers immediately. If I did, then you can say I didn't give you a chance.
And finally the threat, as you put it, is to make you aware of the consequences of repeat behaviour. Many people think it is not a big issue to plagairise on Hive and that there are no consequences. That is where they are failing and bringing Hive down with them.
Trust this explains everything and my approach to this problem.

I mean, just wow. That guy used a quote without citing it, the post is very original and a giant one.

And she was the one stirring up the tensions with urun and making it impossible to isolate the instance. Seems to me it does not make sense to go over single cases one by one. I have to be fair and add, she's not wrong! But you write that way to a newbie and byebye.

The entanglement between dispute and reputation seems to be the major dealbreaker to me as well as the perspective of how many people have left because they felt that they're not welcome anymore.

To be fair that was a fucking school teacher plagiarising, it's like a cop committing felonies, or you know, maybe stop trying to compare hive with web2 and don't just leave context out when quoting these things. While I understand the aggressiveness in her tone there considering the teacher should know better, I do think we should tone it down a bit in general with the way we go about it.

That said it's still not a real issue, downvotes aren't "chasing people away" as when they're used badly everyone hears about it, when they're used correctly only a few people hear about it and the rest don't care cause that's the community policing the rewardpool and it's working as intended. There's plenty of new users being onboarded and joining and most don't need to be told not to plagiarise or shitpost at rep 70 and throw a weird hissy fit that's borderline illegal because of it.

Either way, I'm done discussing this non-issue, feel free to ping me if someone is actually using their downvotes maliciously and I'll look into it, but for what it's worth your words have stopped having much reason or value behind them at this point to me.

I have to applaud your vigorous nature, makes sense that you run OCD.

Also, I can't help the feeling that most of these interactions would end immediately if people would just Downvote and leave a friendly message that sounds like "I want you to do better so that I can upvote and not downvote you next time. That would be great."

I tried talking with y'all, many months ago. You had many opportunities to turn around your behavior.

Yeah so, you're missing the point. I see what your argument is, but that was not spam. It's Tenor available MEMEs to have a MEME-based conversation. Those interactions have been over hours, some days and express a way of communication.

Here's a list of differences:

  • The Upvotes are tiny and will be penalized by the curation metrics
  • Reading the Chain of Memes tells a story
  • They all start with a new post, no arbitrary Comments in the nirvana

Well, I'm open to the thought that it looks abusive and spammy. That was not intended, none is making gains with this. It's really just fun.

Is that so absurd to believe?

Look, srsly. My last post was thanking you on Threads that you turned to peace.
This is not helpful to anybody.

i dont care about the downvotes, so dont worry