Ivermectin is much more than horse paste

in Informationwar3 years ago

I just obtained Ivermectin tablets, and took my first dose! This drug has antiviral, antiparasitic, and other powerful benefits, in humans and many other mammals. Billions of doses have been prescribed and taken for the past 40 years, the discoverers won a Nobel Prize for it, India defeated the Delta variant with it, and... well, you know all this. If you've been reading my posts at all in the past couple months, you've heard me talk about Ivermectin, link to new studies, expose corporate media censorship, and so on. Ivermectin works against Covid, and is incredibly safe. It's a viable alternative to the "vaccines" being forced on the population, so it is slandered, censored, even prohibited. But I've got my hands on 60 tablets - each a full dose for a large adult, enough to knock Covid right down. It's even effective against future variants, and other viral (or parasitic) issues currently unknown. Ivermectin takes the fear out of Covid, and makes the vaccine mandates illegal and immoral since a good alternative exists.

My tablets were produced by an Indian drug company, and sold through a pharmacy in Israel. A reader here on Hive named @apshamilton responded to my post offering 1000 HIVE for 60 tablets shipped to me in Canada. We made the arrangements, I sent a 100 HIVE deposit, he shipped the tablets, I received them, and I sent the other 900 HIVE!

Thank Yous

My sincere gratitude to:

  1. apshamilton for the smooth transaction
  2. the Hive blockchain for facilitating the offer, and being the payment method
  3. my other readers, viewers, and friends for their suggestions and support

I took the first tablet 8 hours ago and so far I haven't noticed anything (which is to be expected). Assuming all is well in a couple days, I'll take another full tablet, and go from there.

I also plan to put at least a couple cards away for my family. These are fresh for at least 3 more years.

And soon I'll be giving away one card (10 tablets x12mg each) of Ivermectin to someone else who needs it but has been having trouble getting it. I know how frustrating it can be! I've been trying to get my hands on these tablets for months now. I've got the funds and I'm motivated, but there were still a lot of barriers. So watch for an upcoming post where I'll announce how I'm going to select someone to receive this medicine in the mail.

I don't feel I overpaid. (Current value of 1000 HIVE is $810 USD.) I was talking about this with my wife earlier today. We both agreed that money (and currency) is to be spent. Sure, we both believe in savings, absolutely. In fact, after more than 4 years of nonstop content-creation, this is the first time I've ever spent any of my earnings on myself (I previously spent several thousand dollars on a water pump for a neighborhood in Venezuela). I've never powered down. I prefer to hold my HP to power up my votes, so I can support content I believe in. But I needed Ivermectin, I had the funds available. It's what it took for me to get what I wanted/needed. The dollar price doesn't really factor into it all that much for me.

So in the end, it was a success. Without a smart device, without a bank account, without a credit card, I got some hard-to-locate medicine delivered to my hands. Using nothing but my home PC with internet connection. My content generated crypto payouts, and someone valued those tokens enough to give me what I asked for. I'm satisfied, he's satisfied, even the postal service is satisfied. Everybody got what they want. To me, that's a success for the free market, for voluntarism, and for crypto.

Thanks again for helping make this happen! And the good news doesn't end here - because this worked out, somebody else will get enough Ivermectin to treat a small family for Covid. I'll post on that soon.

Seeing Joe Rogan absolutely bitchslap Sanjay Gupta with knowledge about Ivermectin last week was hilarious. "You dumb mother%$#@er!" Incredible how CNN spun that afterward. And they're back to pretending it's just "horse paste". But too late, millions more people now see the emperor has no clothes.



Congrats!! So glad you have finally got hold of Ivermectin! I have been sharing mine with people who used to work for me or help me in the past. These are simple local drivers who got herded by local officials to get the jabs. They came back with adverse injuries. Two person were losing weight and became suddenly old! Now, one person has started to gain weight and become younger looking.

My close friend just asked me to order ten bottles of Ivermectin tablets! I have accumulated enough supply for myself and people around me for the next two years. The supply chain will get lost sometimes next year and prices will rocket!

The positive effect is very subtle! We took them after the evening meal, preferably with fatty food as Ivermectin got more easily absorbed with fatty food. We both slept deeply and felt well rested. When I took it in the morning, two hours later, my head became very light and alert! The whole morning was full of energy and I got a lot of work done!

Last week, my gardener got the weird experience of shedding by her daughter who was ‘kidnapped’ by local officials to get the jab! She was feeling mental fog and walking like a drunken person for two days; keeping losing the balance. After I gave her two tablets, all the weird symptoms just disappeared in two hours! This stuff is magic to me!lol

You should be feeling much, much better in two days!!

That's great news!
Thanks for the report.

Thank you very much for the tip!






@kaminchan, you've been given LUV from @hempy.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

So glad this worked out smoothly and the Eco Post service was quite fast in delivery.

Just one correction. I got it from a source in Israel that got it from India, not a pharmacy. Israel has also made it hard to get but Israelis are ingenious and good at getting around blocks.

High five for a global cooperative effort! Thanks for the clarification. My appreciation also to your local source.
24 hours since my first dose and I woke up this morning with far less joint pain that I've had in a very long time. I don't know if it's placebo, or coincidence, or an actual positive effect from the Ivermectin. But I didn't need Tylenol for the first time in a while, and went out to the global walkout event in my town, lots of walking and marching with signs, very little pain. I didn't even realize that could be a potential effect. I suppose everybody's health situation is different, and so it works a little differently. But no unwanted effects, so can't complain, that's for sure! I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes in the next few days.

Great work! You're appreciated by others for this as well.
Thank you!

Screen Shot 2021-09-30 at 4.19.12 PM.png

It's cool to finally see what the pills look like. Kind of takes the mystery out of it. Just any other medication. Strange how badly they media is trying to hide it.






@drutter, you've been given LUV from @greatesteem.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

You made it through the October Horse without your horse paste. You're sure to make it :) Hope it helps many people.

That's awesome someone was able to help you get what you needed👍

Glad you found a way to get your hands on some of these, and outside the monopolized money system no less, way to go! Freedom works, when people work together...

On another note, I know you’re looking for ideal alternative living situations to weather the tyrannical storm that is brewing (well, already here, but it’ll only get worse until resistance solidifies) and I stumbled across this intentional community directory page yesterday and noticed there are quite a few communities in Canada, some looking for new members, and don’t know if any would be freedom oriented and a good fit for you and your family, didn’t look at them all, but noticed a few that looked promising if that was a path you were interested in pursuing, vegetarian and love over fear oriented. So figured I’d drop the links so you could investigate and inquire further (and browse other listings to see what’s out there) if you’re interested.

This one’s in Saskatchewan and a vegan farm it appears with mostly vegan and vegetarian members:


And this one in BC looks to be really focused on love over fear and consent based operation as the solution to the many problems plaguing humanity:


Take care and keep up the fight for freedom! Tides appear to be slowly shifting here in the US with resistance to the mandates continuing to grow as the tyranny intensifies, so I have hope, I was encouraged by Sen. Rand Paul’s recent video calling for widespread resistance - they can’t arrest all of us, he pointed out - but we’re gonna have to give it all we’ve got to stop the momentum of this tyrannical March into dystopian apartheid.

Have a great rest of the week and hope the Ivermectin helps you all. Definitely not horse paste, the media propaganda’s gone extra wild this year.



OMG I didn't realize you needed any. I haven't tried to get any yet, but I've heard it's cheap here in Mexico. I can check it out at the pharmacy if you need any more🙏

Oh yeah, I have heard most parts of Mexico have made it very easy for people to get.
I have enough for myself for now, but if I can find a better deal it would probably be worth doing again. There are people here who can't get the paste or prefer using pills, and would be willing to pay for them. I don't really want to profiteer off a health product, but if I can help some people get what they need, I'd be willing to help make it happen.
Next time you're near such a store, could you inquire about availability and price? If you have time. Thanks : D

I didn't even know it came in paste lol😝 Of course, for the horses. I'll ask around and find out. I know several Freedom Cellers in Morelia that have already bought some. Will get back to you.

I don't think anyone should be forced to be vaccinated. Having said that, pushing an uncertain treatment vs. a vaccine doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. There's plenty of evidence to suggest the available vaccines reduce the rate of infection and do an even better job preventing hospitalization and death. The case is far less clear for Ivermectin. While it is easy to show Ivermectin has anti-viral properties in vitro, that's not the same as working in an infected human being. Other medications like remdesivir (an antiviral) and baricitinib (an anti-inflamatory with anti-viral properties) work better in studies. The best Ivermectin studies so far (randomized control trials) have been unclear and low confidence. Even dexamethasone (which is far cheaper than remdesivir and even cheaper than Ivermectin) is another drug that has shown a lot of promise (more than Ivermectin). Concluding that Ivermectin is very effective requires a very selective view of the available studies. Taken as a whole, results are mixed and low confidence.

Yes, Ivermectin is not just for horses. It is used in humans (in the U.S.) to treat certain parasitic infections, head lice and certain skin conditions (but not viruses).

Ivermectin may very well work for some people but there is no guarantee. A treatment is a last line of defense. A vaccine is a first line. It doesn't make sense to abandon the first because the second might work. If you are young and healthy it may make sense to skip the vaccine as it offers only marginal benefits but if you have any health problems, including being overweight, I don't personally think it is a good idea. But you should certainly have the choice.

I think it is important that people continue to relate their experiences with the vaccine and with various treatments (I wish people would start saying WHICH vaccine they got though...there are many with 3 actively being used in the U.S. and people most often seem to lump them all together. They are not all the same thing...they are not even all mRNA vaccines).

I don't know if I have ever had COVID. I was mildly sick shortly after the outbreak started but was never tested. A couple of months ago I decided to get vaccinated. I got the Pfizer vaccine. I had no side effects from the first dose except a sore arm. I had mild symptoms after the second dose (mostly tired and had a low grade fever for a couple days). Other than that, nothing to speak of. My wife got the same vaccine and the side effects were even milder. My two daughters got the same vaccine and had similar side effects to mine. My son got the same vaccine and his side effects were a little worse and lasted longer (about a week) but after the first dose instead of the second. I know dozens of other people who have been vaccinated with mild or no side effects. I know of 3 unvaccinated people who have died because of COVID complications, I know of 1 person who was vaccinated and still hospitalized due to COVID, I know of know one that has died of COVID and been vaccinated. I know lots of people who are vaccinated and have not been hospitalized. I know a couple of people who are unvaccinated and have not been hospitalized. From what I have observed, COVID is particularly harsh on overweight people.

All of the above is just anecdotal of course.

Remdesivir works? Please... it is killing tens of thousands of people right now. This tells me you have only obtained information from a single source - the corporate media. You destroyed your superior natural immunity with an unproven injection and even though it hurt you, you defend it. Stockholm syndrome is a real bitch. Best of luck.

This is Hive. Telling the scientific consensus will get you downvoted. People here want to hear about edgy conspiracies and alternative truths…


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Ivermectin is a hoax from the big veterinarian industry. Don’t fall for it.

What big vet industry?
Ivermectin is produced by thousands of independent companies, for pennies per batch. It's a very simple compound to create in massive quantities for essentially nothing. "Big Phama" does not produce Ivermectin because there is no money to be made in it. It is made by mom&pops independent drug companies who compete among each other for the pennies in profit.
Don't fall for what?

I personally see it as an ingenious way for big pharma to trick people into supporting them further. Nonetheless your intentions are health based and you are searching for effective ways to treat symptoms without the need for experimental jabs. I support that mindset 100% 👍

Glad you finally got your pills! Looks like people were willing to help you after all! :)


I'm glad you fulfilled this story... was worried... a bit.

!gif celebrate

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment





@drutter, you've been given LUV from @networkallstar.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (8/10)