The Woman Of Secrets : Running Away

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

I met a girl and within days I ended up being the murderer the whole city is searching for. I was living a boring life, now everything just turned into full of tragedies. Everything was due to her, I would have stopped everything when she said goodbye. I'm the foolish one who tried to find her and ended up in this mess.

Before running from the police, I needed to collect some things from home. Now just someone hit me in the head and I'm blacked out.


#Maynia chapter 05 ; Chapter 01, chapter 02, chapter 03 and chapter 04 is here. You can even read it after reading this. You could read that for the depth of the story.


The thoughts of her started to flow like a dream in mind, I can feel the pain of the hit still. I can't see anything. My head is covered with a black cloth. A pair of healthy hands bustled me into a room. My legs got hit in somewhere. Then he took off the cloth on my head. It was him.

I remember those strong hands and the anchor tattoo on the hand. It's the one I saw with her on the train. He was also there when ran from the murder scene.

How he found me?
When I fell down on the road running from the murder scene, he helped me like a stranger.
I also saw him on the tv, he was in the crowd.

I looked at his face, he is smiling. It was fearful. But then I realised, I had nothing much more left to lose.

"So you are the one who killed him?. Now, are you gonna kill me? I yelled.

" Who told you to go to his house and caught in the camera? it's why you are screwed. We did the job clean and some stranger like you came and messed up it." His smile was still there even after saying this.

"Then why you are you holding up me here, I was trying to run?"

When I said it, I can see the change in his face. It's sympathy.

"Oh, poor man...
Do you really know about the trouble you are in?
Do you think only the cops are gonna be looking for you?
You know nothing."

I was in silence for some minutes. I felt naive in their world of crimes. Still, lots of questions are there.

"Where is she? Is she was also there when you killed that man?

" No...
He was there when I killed that man."

It was a woman's voice, I remember that somewhere. A lady in a suit walked passed the door and came towards us. It was her. There was no smile or blush on the cheeks as I remember her. I felt like someone different had entered into her body.

I tried to process the thing that she said. So she is the killer. Worrying about her made me trying to save her, trying to help her out I became the murderer who is now exclusive on TV. I am trapped because of her.

What the hell is happening in this world? Everyone has two faces these days. She was the one who made my boring life interesting for even a day, now she ruined it. I am not feeling that much attraction right at this moment.

The world looks like upside-down. I was being silent after she entered the room. I never felt this much anger towards anybody in my life. I felt like everything I have done is foolishness done by a fool who fell in love with a murderer.

"Why are you silent now?
Explain all this dumbness you have done." She looked at me in a way that she is the cop and it was an interrogation.

"What to explain there? You are a killer and you kill and manipulate people and trap the innocent ones to cover your murders and all your madness." I blasted.

Both of them didn't expect that. The one with the tattoo tried to have a smile when I said this until when he understood she noticed it

"I manipulated you, is that what you are saying? I just sat near you about 30 minutes on a train and been nice to you. I never said anything like to come to find and save me. You are the dumb one who thought there was something between us. I never told you to do anything for me. I just said goodbye and left. You tried to track me and yourself entered into a crime scene and messed up all."
I never expected that much of a speech from her. I didn't have any words to say. I sat there and started thinking it all over again.

"Yeah, you are right. It's all my fault. I'm just a stranger waiting for someone to come and fool around my emotions. Now what you want from me? Just say that and kill me. If you are not I'm going to the police. And before all that, just tell me why you said sorry when you left me? I remember your face. What was that all about?
A drama!!!"
This time when I said it, I looked in her eyes. I got some kind of confidence.

She has no reply. She just looked at my eyes for a minute and she started replying some other part of my question.

"If we are here to kill you, we already have done that. You still can't understand this scenario. And why are you talking about the police? they are not in the first ten lists of people who wanted you. The cops have nothing about you."

"What the hell are you talking about? they have got my footage and there are also witnesses."
It's still hard for me to understand they were saying and the big problem.

"Footage, what footage? Viz here collected everything the cops can retrieve. They only git some pictures of you covering your face with that hoodie. And the witnesses there aren't any. Is there any Viz? She said that that and looked at him.

Viz smiled. That felt like good news I here in the recent past.

" So, am I free now? Can I go back and have a normal life?" That was a reflex question from me.

" Normal!!!, you are far from having a normal life, and there is no going back for you. Cops are the ones who don't want you. There are people who wanted to kill you more than them. They got information about far before than us. Do you think the one that murdered there was a normal guy? There are a lot of people behind him. We made it a clean murder and you came and messed it up. You can either stay here and die or you can run with us. And stop looking at us as the ones who have to really fear about."

Still, it was hard for me to accept them. I can see the fear in their eyes. There something bigger happening.

"After all this, why you want me to run with you?"

Again asking this question upset her little more. I can see in her face that.
"Viz could please step outside, I want to have the last talk with this man."

Viz directed towards the door, She looked at me with the eyes of anger.

"Do you think we need you? We were planned to flee from here long before. Nobody wanted to save you from this big trouble. You are a dead man walking. It's only because of me they agreed to give you a chance to survive."

I interfered her speech and asked, "And why do you care about me?

" If you wanted to play all these like this, I have nothing more to stay. Your bag and cash everything is outside just taking it and leave and die."

There was a silence after when she said this. I don't know what to do and whom to trust. Either way, I'm gonna die. I don't have any place to run now.

Suddenly there are was a huge noise of gunfire outside. She knew that they are near. She wasn't horrified like me. Viz ran into our room. He had two guns and my bag. He gave the gun to her and handed over the bag to me.

"We have to leave, is he coming with us or..."
He looked at her.

"He is coming with us." She told that and look at me. I knew that I had no other option. We started running, there was a way to the outside from the back of the room. Then I realised that it was kind of some huge garage. There was a car outside. She entered the car and so I.

"I will leave with the boys after finishing up with these. Don't go so far on this car. Go get a train or some public transport. Meet you there."
Viz said that and looked at her. She nodded and said, "Take care".

Viz ran back to the garage. She started the car we started moving from there. I felt a little bit of comfort there in the car. She was looking straight towards the path. She hasn't looked at me even once after the car started.

" Who are you really?" I asked her.

"You are too late to ask that and we have no time for those chit chats. We needed to leave the car on the highway and get a train."

I didn't ask any question after that. We reached the highway and left the car. She told me to be careful.

We directed towards the station. She was walking in front of me. After reaching the corner of the platform she stopped me from moving forward.
"They are here...
Run when I say run to the train."
There was a train stopped at the platform. She knew when to ran into it.

I waited for her command as a new soldier joined in an army. She looked back at my eyes one more. Now she remembers me of that old girl on the train.
"Run now..."

We ran into the train and just got inside it before it starts. I saw some men moving forward when we entered the train.

The train moved without giving them a glance at us. We found two seats on the side where we usually sat before.

The night was in its beauty. Then suddenly a call came to her phone. She answered it. She was silent for a second and end the call.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Viz's dead." She was hiding the pain of losing him in front of me. She was silent and looked down to the floor.

I also had nothing to say, These all still look like a dream to me. It wasn't my reality.

We both were silent and waited for the mystery to happen for surviving.




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Are you in the Ink Well community ? Other writers might appreciate your work there. X

I'm there, but haven't posted yet. I will try to post there.

This is a beautiful. Anticipating your writing for Maynia day 6