The Woman Of Secrets: Past Coming to Haunt

in Freewriters4 years ago

#Maynia Day 4; Chapter 01, chapter 02 and chapter 03 is here. You can even read it after reading this. You could read that for the depth of the story.



Just talking to a girl for a day made me part of all these problems. I even became the murderer whom the police are searching for. I don't have even a gut to point a gun to someone. I became a suspect of the murder when I just searched a house for finding the trail of the woman.

By now there will be police on that house. They also have found out the body of that man.

All these thoughts started some ghostly reflections in mind. I suddenly woke up from the floor. The sunshine was coming through the windows. The room was on a magical light by the reflections of it. It felt like a dream. I stood up and looked at my phone. It's fully charged now I unplugged and switch on the phone. I can see a lot of messages coming. That was unusual. Who was there to text me?

My heart started beating a little faster. I knew that something's gonna come back to haunt me. But not this much fast. It was messages from Alby, that felt good for a second. It's the day of his party at Miles club about his dump relationship with Diya.

Next second, there was a call from him coming.

"Hey man, where are you?
Everything starts at 7 PM."
He was talking fast without giving me a chance to reply.

I looked at the clock, it's 5 PM now.

"I will be there," I said that and end the call. I knew that he is never gonna be leaving me alone this time. He talked to me about it a lot now. So I have to be there.

My hoodie started to smell like shit. I entered my room and I took off the pants and hoodie and put it in the corner. Then I recognized the wound on my leg. It's a little bit worse than I thought. It happened from running away from that murder scene.


I just went to the bath. I was there for about an hour. When I came back there was a pain in all part of the body. I took the first aid kit and dressed the leg wound. Then I dressed up for the function. I wore a light colour check shirt and black jeans on.

I felt some freshness, I came to the hall and sit on the sofa. I put on the socks. I sat there and after some moments my attention got into the TV. I turned on the TV and put a local news channel.

It's there, the murder is on TV now. They are showing the outside of the house where the body was in. A lot of police officers are there. The media guy turned the camera towards the people around it. I can't see anyone familiar. I can't see those people who already saw me and the boy who saw me running from that house.

I was totally tensed. Then again there was a call on my phone. I looked at it. It was Alby again, it's about to reach 6: 45 PM. I told him I'm on my way and took the remote to turn off the TV. Then I saw the guy who was with her on that train standing behind the crowd. It's all started on the train. He was looking at all this. My doubt was right, he had something to do with all this.

I turned off the TV, locked the room and went outside. I called a Taxi and directed towards Miles Club. I reached there and paid for the taxi. I entered the main hall, everyone from the office was there.


It was a small hall, Alby saw me and came towards me. He was happy because I was there. I still don't know why he is this much interested in me. There was a section for drinks. After some chit chat with Alby, I directed towards it.

Ther were some people standing there, also there was a tv on the left top side of the wall. It was playing a reality show. I was having a glass of water from there, I don't know why I became thirsty easily.

Suddenly a man came and took the remote and changed the channel. He put the local news on. It was about the murder that happened. Then somebody touched my shoulder, it was Diya.

"It's my brother, he's a cop"
She told me that by pointing towards the guy who changed the channel. She called him and he came towards us.

"This our friend from the office" she introduced me to him.
I smiled at him. He was a little bit tensed. Alby also joined us.

"They got a cc tv visual of the guy who did it but didn't get his face correctly, They are searching for a right angle." He told that by pointing towards the tv.

My blood pressure heated up, I felt like I was gonna be caught in any minute now. I can see that now on TV. It was from the Bar's camera. Now I'm on TV, the only thing is that the hoodie helped. My face is covered. But ther are also searching for other angles.

Diya's brother got a call, it was with a loud noise. That noise felt for me like someone shot me in the heart.

"You got his face, that's great. Send it"
When he said these words I was ready to run.

"His face will be on TV in any
minute now." He said that to us.

I knew that it was the time to leave there, I knew that my life is gonna end now. I had two ways to deal with it, one is to surrender myself and tell them what really happened or run as long as I can until they will get the killer.

They were never gonna believe my story. So I started to walk away from them. Alby came and tried to ask me questions and I told him I was directed towards the toilet.


I just jumped out of the hall without nobody noticing and started to run. By now all the office guy's may have seen my face on the TV as the murderer. I didn't know where to run. I had not much money and anything in my hand. I have to go to my home and collect some money and my laptop.

I called a taxi and reached home. I hid behind the fence and looked around the area. There were no cops yet. I ran into my home and unlocked the door. I entered, then I didn't know what I was doing. I took some cash I had in my bag and also took the bag with the laptop. I put all my cards in it. I knew that they are gonna track me with the signal of my phone. I left that there.

I was in my room doing all this. Suddenly I felt some kind of feeling that someone was also there in my room. I just remember turning back, somebody hit me in the head something.

Then there is complete darkness.

(story continues)


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Oh no! 😬

Loving the suspense in this story -- I can't wait to see what happens next!

thank you, These comments are the things I miss most times. If no one reads, there will no inspiration to write more

I know and I understand completely -- we tried this Manic Writing in November a couple of years ago, and I'm certain it's only because of the comments each day I even succeeded. It's a lot more motivating when you know people are following along!

We usually have a few 'Fans' to comment, but it looks like interest wasn't high this time around. 🙁

Your story is interesting though and I'm enjoying it!!

yeah, there is not much people to follow along.

we can just write and wait, that's just I always have done

it is uncool to cut the story in the moments of action like here. When we can expect the next part? :D

sorry man if you felt it badly. The next part will be tomorrow. As I said above This is the 4th chapter of the story.
There there will be a chapter every day.

Thanks for reading

not badly but hungry for more ;-)

I am waiting!

I read it without reading the previous chapters first. I liked it, I'll read it from the beginning.

thanks man, it feels good while somebody loves our content