The trend of the natural and my changes thanks to nature || La tendencia de lo natural y mis cambios gracias a la naturaleza

in Natural Medicine4 years ago



In this article I will answer three questions that caught my attention and made me remember and think about everything I have experienced over the years.

En este articulo responderé a 3 preguntas que me llamaron la atención y que me hizo recordar y pensar todo lo vivido a través de los años

  • Do you think this boom of the natural is just another trend or is society really starting to wake up?
  • How you feel today with the changes? you look back and you feel you have changed or you feel the same?

¿Crees que este boom de lo natural es sólo otra tendencia o que la sociedad está empezando a despertar?
¿Cómo te sientes hoy con los cambios? ¿Miras atrás y sientes que has cambiado o te sientes igual?





Do you think this boom of the natural is just another trend or is society really starting to wake up?

Easy, I think it's not just any trend.

Moreover, it is a question that should not be asked, since all or most people in our last generations have realized how important the care of mother earth is. Mother Earth is the one who gives us life, she allows us to live in harmony between the artificial and the natural, but without the former harming the latter.

We can observe the climatic changes that have occurred over the last few years, we can realize the result of not having worked for nature to have its space, the space that has belonged to it since our creation.

Society is beginning to realize how important it is to treat nature with respect, In many countries, governments have no choice but to apply laws where the main thing is to take care of the environment; In many countries people are advised to plant and harvest their own food, this comes from the lack of production and the shortage of food that many of us live.

My country is an example. They took advantage of oil exploitation to bring in money, but they never realized the environmental damage that this has caused and where the economy always has an end. Mismanagement of resources led to this and therefore inflation hit so hard that food was scarce.

Now, in recent years, the inhabitants have learned to create ideas to control this decline in resources, so most people plant and harvest their own food, which I apply the phrase ''out of all the bad, you also get the good'', because because of the crisis we are living, people woke up and realized what they need from the land and the sowing.



¿Crees que este boom de lo natural es sólo otra tendencia o que la sociedad está empezando a despertar?

Fácil, creo que no es una tendencia cualquiera.

Además, es una pregunta que no debería hacerse, ya que todas o la mayoría de las personas en nuestras últimas generaciones se han dado cuenta de lo importante que es el cuidado de la Madre Tierra. La Madre Tierra es la que nos da la vida, nos permite vivir en armonía entre lo artificial y lo natural, pero sin que lo primero perjudique a lo segundo.

Podemos observar los cambios climáticos que han ocurrido en los últimos años, podemos darnos cuenta del resultado de no haber trabajado para que la naturaleza tenga su espacio, el espacio que le ha pertenecido desde nuestra creación.

La sociedad está empezando a darse cuenta de lo importante que es tratar a la naturaleza con respeto, pues en muchos países los gobiernos no le queda de otra que aplicar leyes donde lo primordial es cuidar el ambiente; En muchos países se aconseja a las personas que planten y cosechen sus propios alimentos, esto se debe a la falta de producción y a la escasez de alimentos que muchos de nosotros vivimos.

Mi país es un ejemplo. Se aprovecharon de la explotación petrolera para traer dinero, pero nunca se dieron cuenta del daño ambiental que esto ha causado y donde la economía siempre tiene un fin. A esto nos llevó la mala administración de los recursos y por ende la inflación golpeó tanto que el alimento fue escaseado.

Ahora, en los últimos años, los habitantes han aprendido a crear ideas para controlar esta disminución de los recursos, por lo que la mayoría de las personas plantan y cosechan sus propios alimentos, la cual aplico la frase ''de todo lo malo, también se saca lo bueno'', porque por la crisis que estamos viviendo, la gente despertó y se dio cuenta lo necesario de la tierra y la siembra.



The boom of the natural, cannot be trend or fashion, it is something very necessary for the human being, it is a requirement of life. That is why since these years we began to observe this change in society, we can not live without the natural, is the creation of each species on this planet.

There are many things we can debate about this, although I think it is not a subject for debate, there is no debate when the reality is this, we cannot ignore nature and create societies for ourselves where we no longer depend on it, that is impossible.


El boom de lo natural, no puede ser tendencia o moda, es algo muy necesario para el ser humano, es un requisito de vida. Es por eso que desde estos años comenzamos a observar este cambio en la sociedad, no podemos vivir sin lo natural, es la creación de cada especie en este planeta.

Hay muchas cosas que podemos debatir al respecto, aunque pienso que no es un tema para debatir, no hay debate cuando la realidad es esta, no podemos ignorar a la naturaleza y crearnos sociedades donde ya no dependan de ella, eso es imposible.



How you feel today with the changes? you look back and you feel you have changed or you feel the same?

I feel very good, in fact, I am much better now with these changes in me, the things I once saw as valuable, are insignificant things compared to now; In the past I was more ignorant about these issues, although I was lucky enough to meet people who lived from this and I was always taught what is essential in man, in the human being.

Little by little I was learning and realizing that the material did not feed me, did not fill those gaps that I felt in that past. Little by little I grew up, learning from my mistakes and from what I once ignored. Now I am someone who lives by ecological thinking and my mission has always been to make people understand how important it is to take care of the earth.

From the sowing, the use of natural medicines, my rituals with music to the panchamama and my poems dedicated to the Being, with that feeling that moves the universe, love.

Looking back I realize that this change was very necessary, I was not comfortable with those around me, the place where I was and the times I spent. Now I am blessed to meet people with the same thoughts and realities as me, I am in the right place and the moments are of abundance and joy.

Today, I feel like a new man. The now is my moment, the now is lived and the yesterday was already discarded.


¿Cómo te sientes hoy con los cambios? ¿Miras atrás y sientes que has cambiado o te sientes igual?

Me siento muy bien, es más, estoy mucho mejor ahora con estos cambios en mi, las cosas que una vez vi valiosas, son cosas insignificante comparado con el ahora; en el pasado era más ignorante con respecto a estos temas, aunque tuve la suerte de conocer gente que vivían de esto y siempre me enseñaron lo que es lo esencial en el hombre, en el ser humano.

Poco a poco fui aprendiendo y darme cuenta que lo material no me alimentaba, no me llenaba esos vacíos que sentía en aquel pasado. Poco a poco fui creciendo, aprendiendo de mis errores y de lo que una vez ignoraba, ahora soy alguien que vive bajo el pensamiento ecológico y mi misión siempre ha sido hacer entender a las personas lo importante que es cuidar la tierra.

Desde la siembra, la utilización de medicinas naturales, mis rituales con música hacía la panchamama y mis poemas dedicados al Ser, con ese sentimiento que mueve el universo, el amor.

Mirando atrás me doy cuenta que este cambio era muy necesario, no estaba cómodo con quienes me rodeaban, el lugar donde me encontraba y los momentos en los que pasé. Ahora tengo la bendición de conocer gente con los mismos pensamientos y realidades que yo, estoy en el lugar correcto y los momentos son de abundancia y alegría.

Hoy, me siento un hombre nuevo. El ahora es mi momento, el ahora se vive y el ayer ya fue desecho.


I want to mention @vaneaventuras and @andreaa22 to encourage you to answer 5 questions from the list mentioned in the main article HERE

Quiero mencionar @vaneaventuras y @andreaa22 para animarles a responder 5 preguntas de la lista mencionada en el artículo principal AQUÍ


I invite you to answer these and many other questions, what you have to do is to accept @naturalmedicine invitation and enter HERE to get informed about it and start the journey.

Te invito a responder estas y muchas otras preguntas, lo que tienes que hacer es aceptar la invitación de @naturalmedicina y solo entrar AQUÍ para informarte y comenzar el viaje.

For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord here !

Para cualquier pregunta, puedes preguntar en nuestra amistoso Discord aquí !

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Thanks for taking the time to read me, I hope you have a day of good vibes and blessings for you and yours.

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo para leerme, espero tengas un día de buenas vibraciones y bendiciones para ti y los tuyos.

Source of the images:
Picture 1: homecare
Pictures 2, 3, 4 of @pavanjr


Translation made with the free version of the translator DeepL

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL


image 2 1.png

LIFE AND LITERATURET2removebgpreview.png


Such a hopeful and beautiful post. I feel despair a lot about what man has done to the environment, but I find you and others in Natural Medicine always make me feel such hope. Looking forward to reading some of your poems soon! I love how your healing is so deeply connected to the Earth itself. I have learnt so much from Venuzuelans about this connection that it helps my own. A beautiful post.

 4 years ago  

Wow! beautiful words, this comment has really touched me. Thank you for the good vibe you convey in the comments. I'll be posting a real life story soon and I'm glad to know that you value this too. I've stopped the poems a bit because I thought that here in NM such topics of literature were not handled, but I'm mixing the theme of community with literature and I'm glad they value it.

The support I receive here motivates me much more to continue working on my publications, if it were not for you I do not know what I would do in HIVE. I feel at home and surrounded by the best people in the entire HIVE ecosystem, I will always be grateful to you. We will continue to do what we can to continue taking care of our Mother Earth, from Venezuela and anywhere in the world.

Adiwa <3

 4 years ago  


 4 years ago  

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 4 years ago  

Acertadas reflexiones que creo todos los que estamos en consonancia con Madre Tierra, nos hemos hecho en algún momento. Si bien es cierto que una porción importante de la humanidad ha tomado conciencia de que somos uno con el planeta, también es cierto que aún existe mucha ignorancia e indolencia. Por eso, es vital que se eduquen las nuevas generaciones, para ir aumentando cada día la cantidad de personas con esta forma de vivir y pensar. Buena publicación. Bendiciones para tí.

Right reflections that all of us who are in harmony with Mother Earth believe have made ourselves at some point. While it is true that a significant portion of humanity has become aware that we are one with the planet, it is also true that there is still much ignorance and indolence. For this reason, it is vital that the new generations are educated, so that the number of people with this way of living and thinking increases every day. Good post. Blessings to you.

 4 years ago  

Exacto, enseñar a las nuevas generaciones es una tarea muy importante, sobre todo en estos tiempos donde la tecnología está avanzando muy rápido y partes de el planeta se encuentra en peligro. Gracias a ti por tu comentario. <3


Your post is wonderful and that's why it has been manually curated for @adiwathrive by @auelitairene.

Our project seeks to motivate our community to develop content in different branches of life. It doesn't matter if you speak English or Spanish, our foundation is based on the principles of balance, harmony and consciousness. Click here if you want to know more here. Our account is supported by @naturalmedicine and @imagenius, so our vote also rewards with and interesting amount of the LOTUS token.

If you want to join our project, delegate to @adiwathrive and receive our support with upvotes, reblogs, mentions and contests where you can win in HIVE and more. To Delegate Here!

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¡Geniaaal! YO también me uniré al desafío y te cuento que en mucho coincido contigo pues estamos comenzando a darnos cuenta de nuestra relación intima con la naturaleza a darle el trato que merece y a respetarla y ello sucede cuando despertamos a a la realidad de que la naturaleza somos también nosotros mismos.

Gracias @pavanjr. No había leído esta mención. Trataré de responderlas tan pronto como pueda si aun hay chance.

 4 years ago  

I too agree that people are beginning to realize the extreme importance of having to nurture nature. I hadn’t thought about how people in countries experiencing greater levels of crises were pushed in that direction more hastily than the rest of the globe. I think the way the natural boom is here in the US is more of a trend that will eventually lead to a lifestyle change but in other countries like your own I can see how it would be far from a trend.

 4 years ago  

The difference is that many places in the north are very inhabited, most are cities with the amount of population to the limit, it is urgent that they take measures for the care of the environment and to take advantage of the areas for urban agriculture. Many South American countries have many rural areas, in my country the problem is the exploitation of oil and mining, causing ecological damage and further subtracting natural spaces. We are desperate to avoid this damage and it is already a gigantic necessity to take care of mother earth. The lack of food is very strong and that is why we tend to look for other means for food, such as urban agriculture in small towns. I live on a coast, thanks to the universe that has an abundance of marine species, but the rural areas are mostly abandoned and this hurts. I want to form projects for the care of nature from this small coastal town, even the work is hard and extensive, but I have already seen positive results in terms of raising awareness and working for the environment. We are few, but eager. I only hope that in a few years we can achieve the goal at least in a part of this coast and part of the most inhabited cities in Venezuela.