My best sandwich bread / 私の最強のサンドイッチパンは・・・

in BreadBakers4 years ago (edited)

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This is my post to Bread Bakers' Challenge:

2nd Bread Bakers' Challenge - Best Sandwich Bread

Over the week I was thinking about what is my best sandwich bread ... So many tasty bread, so many tasty sandwiches ... combinations are infinit!

I like European style sandwiches with hard bread such as sourdough bread, baguette etc but when I think about "sandwich", those my mother made for me mostly with toast bread came up in my mind. My mother packed my lunch almost all week days for six years when I was a junior high and high school student. One of my favorites was sandwich 🥪

First I made white toast bread. But hmmm ... The bread itself was super well done (I'll write about my experience in a separate post as I have tons to talk about rice yeast water I used for it).

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Somehow I felt like making sandwiches with more brown grainy bread. Then I gave a second try. The result was the one on top of this post. I alternated two third of white flour of the first rice yeast water toast bread to whole-wheat flour and adjusted the amount of water.

It could be taller (I should have increased the amount of flour a bit, and taken first rise longer and second rise longer). But I'm happy that it's nicely fluffy inside while it has full grainy smell and outlook. Yuuhuu!

... but time is up. I'll make sandwiches tomorrow for my lunch and add a photo to this post ...

Added on 7 May:

I had classical sandwich for lunch 😋

この投稿はBread Bakersの「最強のサンドイッチブレッド」チャレンジへのエントリーです。

2nd Bread Bakers' Challenge - Best Sandwich Bread







That bread looks beautifully fluffy. I must try the proportions 2/3 white flour: 1/3 wholemeal flour. I usually do half and half. Rice yeast water sounds interesting :)

Your sandwich looks very refreshing, I like the crisp lettuce!

Yeees!! I like the lettuce layer ... but it made the photoshoot difficult (always!).

I really start liking wholemeal (and rye) in Germany. The grain-grain taste is super. It's not much common to have them in Japan. Most bread is white except for those sold in Western style bakeries.

I'm making white bread today - a treat!