Soup Stories #18: Chinese hot and sour soup / 酸辣湯

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago (edited)

I've been in love with a Chinese soup called Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣湯, Sanrātan) for some time now.

Hot and Sour Soup - Wikipedia

Looking back my memories, I think I first discovered it at a soup chain called Soup Stock Tokyo during my days living in Tokyo as an engineer. It reminded me of my busy yet fun-filled 20s in Tokyo.

酸辣湯(サンラータン) | Soup Stock Tokyo(スープストックトーキョー)

Eating it at a restaurant is nice, but Hot and Sour Soup is easy to make with ingredients available at home, perfect for this cold season. It's sure to warm you up!

Here is my brief recipe:


  • Garlic, ginger, (chili peppers)
  • Oil
  • Vegetables and ingredients of your choice (This time I used napa cabbage, carrots, tofu, dried mushrooms, and sun-dried tomatoes in my kitchen.)
  • Salt, pepper, soy sauce, vinegar
  • Potato or cornstarch to thicken the soup
  • Green onions for garnish


  1. Slice or mince garlic, finely julienne the ginger. If you like it spicy, add chili peppers in a pot and drizzle oil over them. I love the aroma and use sesame oil.

  2. Julienne the vegetables to your preferred thickness. Julienning gives a look reminiscent of Sour and Spicy Soup. Also, prepare tofu and other ingredients.

  3. Start frying garlic, ginger, and chili peppers until fragrant, then lightly fry the other ingredients with some salt and pepper.

  4. Pour water and cook until the vegetables reach your desired tenderness. I prefer them a bit crunchy.

  5. Add one tablespoon each of soy sauce and vinegar per person, and season with salt and pepper. I've been using cloudy apple vinegar lately as I heard it's healthy.

  6. Thicken the soup with starch slurry.

  7. Finish by topping with chopped green onions!

For those who eat eggs, adding a beaten egg works well 🥚 If you're hungry, adding readily boiled rice noodles or precooked rice makes it a more satisfying meal.

The sour and spicy taste is addictive. Give it a try 😊

By the way, I'm using the content I've written for Soup Stories to create a Soup Advent Calendar on Instagram. Feel free to follow us if you're interested!

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酸辣湯 - Wikipedia

記憶を辿ってみると、東京に住んでいた会社員時代、Soup Stock Tokyoというスープ屋さんのチェーンが大好きでそこで知ったのだと思います。酸辣湯は今週のスープではなかったものの、メニューにはまだ酸辣湯があってちょっと感動。東京ボルシチもオマール海老のスープもまだある!忙しくても遊びまくった20代の東京時代を思い出して懐かしくなりました。

酸辣湯(サンラータン) | Soup Stock Tokyo(スープストックトーキョー)



  • ニンニク、生姜、(唐辛子)
  • お好みの野菜や具(今回私は家にあった白菜とにんじん、豆腐、お友達から分けてもらった乾燥きのこ、ドライトマトを入れました)
  • 塩、胡椒、醤油、酢
  • 片栗粉
  • 薬味のネギ


  1. ニンニクはスライスかみじん切り、生姜は細めの千切りにする。辛いのが苦手でなければ唐辛子も合わせて鍋に入れて油をかけておく。私は香りが好きでごま油を使います。
  2. 野菜を好みの太さの千切りにする。千切りにするとなんとなく酸辣湯ぽい見た目になります。豆腐などその他の具も切る。
  3. ニンニクと生姜、唐辛子を炒め始めて香りがたったら、そのほかの具も入れて、塩胡椒をして軽く炒める。
  4. お湯を注いで野菜が好みの固さになるまで煮る。私は歯応えがのこるくらいが好みです。
  5. 酢と醤油を一人当たり大さじ1ずつ加えて、塩胡椒で味を整える。
  6. 水溶き片栗粉でとろみをつける。
  7. 小口切りにしたネギをトッピングして完成!


酸っぱ辛い味がクセになりますよ。ぜひお試しあれ 😊

そうそう、Soup Storiesで書きためたコンテンツを使って、Instagramでスープのアドベントカレンダーを公開しています。よかったらフォローしてくださいね!

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Lived in China for 11 years, but never tried this soup. Maybe I should try to cook it myself, seems easy enough.
If you like this kind of soup, you might want to try suan la fen. Was one of my favourites back in China.

Hi @bossel! Nice to see you after a while. You lived that long in China. I read somewhere the soup is from Sichuan region, deep west in China. It's super easy to cook (I don't know the real way to make it though 😅). Suan la fen looks tasty and definitely my taste 😁

there are a lot of vegetables and spices, that's my food 👍

Same for me 😊
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I was looking for this recipe the other day. Nothing was right but this is exactly what I wanted, it's almost clear and clean and without much of added seasoning.

Yes yes, you can make the soup quite simple :) Give it a try!