Rosemary & garlic crusted prime rib roast and gravy

What's buzzin Hive foodies!

I don't know about you but prime rib roast is my absolute favorite meal and always has been. The unfortunate part is that it's so darn expensive to eat it in a restaurant and anywhere that serves this kind of dish is generally outside of my price range overall (more so I deem it overvalued). For years I was afraid to make it myself because I was afraid to mess up such an expensive cut of meat and the cooking instructions are kind of strange compared to a regular roast. One day at the supermarket, I noticed it was on sale for half of it's usual price (hooray!) so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to test and learn. Well my friends, I got over my fear and this endeavor certainly didn't disappoint! Being a perfectionist when I cook ends up kicking me in the confidence most times, I get upset at myself when I screw up and I don't know why or how to stop it, sometimes holds me back from trying new things or learning a new skill. Maybe it's just part of being human. To be honest, getting a regular rib roast that is much cheaper is a similar cut, prime simply is a top quality grade of beef that is more tender and it has the bone still attached otherwise, it's the same part of the cow and should taste about the same.


There is two ingredients that I find complement each other like no other, almost like a match made in heaven and that is beef and rosemary. just the fragrance or even thinking about it makes me hungry! The compound butter recipe below, is good on any cuts of beef many don't know this trick but the best steaks have butter on it after it's cooked and it melts into the meat as the juices gets pulled back to the center when it rests. Even if you are afraid at trying your hand at cooking a prime rib roast, you can still use the butter recipe to put on you BBQ'ed steak as it comes off the grill. This recipe is for a 1 kilo roast, perfect for 2 people to share. The best type of pan to cook this in would be on a drip tray so the meat doesn't soak and boil in the juices to get that nice crust on the outside and of course you want that on a cookie sheet so you can use the drippings to make a delicious rosemary gravy.

I chose to serve this with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies like carrots, asparagus and broccoli. I wont write you a post as to how to make mashed potatoes or steam vegetables, I'm sure most of you know how to do that by now if you have made it to adulthood! However, I will share a few tips on how to get them steakhouse garlic mashed taters that seem to have that je ne sais quoi. When you initially put your potatoes to boil, I like to add a few slices of onion and garlic and leave them in when I mash. Some also go the extra step and actually add liquid chicken concentrate to the water, it adds a whole new dept of flavor. This isn't quite the trick I was talking about, steakhouse garlic mash generally have this extra creaminess to them and that is due to the type of dairy used. Before adding the milk, I like to add either 4 ounces of cream cheese or half of a small container of sour cream as I add the butter, either or will add the creamy texture. Then I add the milk or cream to get the desired texture after all said and done and decorate with some freshly chopped chives or green onions.


  • 1 kg prime rib roast
  • salt & pepper


  • 1/4 cup room temperature butter
  • 1 branch of fresh rosemary chopped (stem removed)
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp onion powder & celery salt
  • 1 large purple garlic clove pressed (or 3 regular garlic cloves)


  • 2 onion slices
  • 1 branch of rosemary
  • corn starch


  • Cut down along the rib bone about 3/4 of the way (not fully, it will make it easier to cut the roast after it's cooked). Salt & pepper the meat, be generous with the salt and don't forget to get some in the slit along the bone. Let it sit for an hour or so until it gets to room temperature.

  • Mix the ingredients for the compound butter and rub the butter on all sides including inside the cut and place in a pan with a baking rack so it doesn't sit in liquid while cooking. Using room temperature butter and spreading on room temperature roast will also make it easier to get an even spread or the butter will kind of glob up if the meat is cold. I used 2 onion slices and a stem of rosemary under the roast for flavor and to use for the gravy later.

prime rib roast.jpg

  • Preheat oven to 500 degrees and cook for 25 minutes for a rare cook then turn the heat off but leave the roast in the oven and don't open the door for another 30 minutes. Normally you would cook a roast like this standing but a 1 kilo is too thin and will just fall over as it cooks, better off just laying it on it's side from the beginning. After 30 minutes has passed, take out of the oven and cover with a foil and let it rest for another 10 minutes, the foil will help keep the heat and moisture in the meat.

  • About half way into the 30 minutes in the oven after it's been turned off is a good time to start boiling your potatoes for the mash.

  • When the meat is resting for the last 10 minutes, transfer the pan drippings and the onion slices/rosemary branch into a pot, add water and liquid beef concentrate and bring to a boil. Once it boils for a minute or so, remove the onion and rosemary bits and add cornstarch mixture until desired thickness.


It may seem like a strange way to cook a roast at first glance but after watching a few bbq pit pro videos, that is the same method they use and also used at most restaurants that serve this dish leaving the meat extra juicy and tender. Cut the roast in half and serve drowned in gravy with your favorite sides! This is for a rare cook on the meat. I remove the bone first to make it easier for cutting but there is some delicious meat on the rib bone, we just eat it before diner is served.

All images taken with Nikon D7000 and Nikkor 40 mm micro.

Bon apetit! X🐞X


Yum, that is one good looking plate, I'd be happy to get that served to me at a restaurant lol hopefully one day when they're open again I can :)

Thanks! Ah bummer, still closed at home eh! Hopefully soon enough for you too. We are starting to slowly open, restaurants are open here but it's weird and reduced capacity, some stuff is still closed tho. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Do they also put the plastic separators between the people or fill them with mannequins? I've seen some countries are doing that now, to make it less weird but more a different kind of weird

Haha, no but that sounds pretty funny. they just removed some tables or just took them out of service. All the cashiers everywhere have a plexi barrier. All servers have to wear a mask & gloves and stay 6 feet away. Kind of interesting when they almost need to rocket launch our plates to the table to stay 6 feet away and they can't clear anything from the table until we leave...a bit of an awkward moment. I think bars, comedy clubs and such are still closed.

Must be crazy, I guess its tough on everyone, its feels so unnatural and you're not going to get me to accept it as the norm I tell you that much

Here everything is still closed, you either have to order delivery service which only certain restaurants think is worth their time and others you have to park outside and they'll bring it too you. I'd love to sit down and have a beer and slice of pizza sometime, lol who knew this basic need would be taken away from me

I know it's nuts everywhere, I personally think they went overboard with the whole thing. As you said it's un-natural, I find it dehumanizing The first day the restaurants opened we were there, felt nice to sit some place public and feel human again...or almost. Like you I'm not accepting of the "new normal" if I have to hear that or "social distancing" again when this is all said and done, I'm gonna blow a gasket! The government sure has shown it's true communist colors with this one. Luckily we are in a less communist part of Canada, my hometown got like 20 infections and were denied service everywhere including neighboring hospitals, they freaking closed the hospital there, to add salt to the wound, a doctor brought it back from a trip to Montreal and spread it around the hospital, everyone roasted him online and because he was black it started a whole race war too. Some provinces closed their borders to other Canadians refusing making them drive hours into other towns instead of crossing the bridge to the nearby town for supplies or to bury their deceased relatives as both have a symbiotic relationship being in a rural area and being so close to one another. Glad I don't live there anymore. Hopefully they open things up soon in every country, this is messed up. #notmynormal

I also think we went well overboard, when I see decisions like this I always think of who benefits and it's by no means the individual, the small business owner the taxpayer, the debt holder the average joe six-pack.

It's a new form of control, instead of saying hey guys this is what's going on using common sense and protect yourself possible, they took freedom of assembly, speech and movement away, stripped us of work and income and then said whoops.

It's just a measure of control, keep them poor and uneducated and all they will need is bread and circus

LOL how did we go from steak to this juicy conversion? WOW Tangent of note

yummy! I want this too :D now I am craving a steak!

MMM....steak! I don't blame you!

A kilo for 2 persons ;) I normally buy 150 gramm beef for 2 persons.

OMG I don't know what to say! We like meat? lmao. Here in Alberta it's the standard serving of beef looks like half a cow, I felt weak and un-Albertan for struggling to finish any steaks portion they cut here. you just made me feel better about myself!

I am on my way!

Better hurry meat disappears quick here!

I could go some of that right about now...It would be even better if someone else was cooking it too! :)

It's really good! I like my beef to be fair, I don't think I have ever tasted a bad prime rib! I guess we are different on that, I like preparing my own food better.

Match made in heaven...You like preparing food...I like eating food that someone else prepared... :)

I am actually a pretty good cook. Not technically-trained, but I know some stuff. Besides, I'm an Aussie, if I didn't know how to cook a decent steak I'd be banished to New Zealand! Lol.

I prefer the more basic foods, nothing overly complicated. Can awesomly BBQ anything, make burgers, pizza (make a mean home made pizza, dough and all), pasta, tuna mornay (tuna caserole), soups and can bake the hell out of scones. Stuff like that...And grilled cheese...Don't even get me started on how good I am at making grilled cheese.

But I'm better at eating than I am at cooking.

LMFAO " if I didn't know how to cook a decent steak I'd be banished to New Zealand" Same here in Alberta, they would ship me back east! Yum, home made pizza! I like making that, delish. I don't like pizza delivery anymore! lol. Sounds like you cook typical guy food, it's good sometimes tho. You better be putting real cheese and not American cheese in that grilled cheese!

I'm more complicated, I like gourmet foods (must be my French coming but since I used to work in a kitchen for 3 years working from prepping sauces and dressing all the way to making the meals and buffet service, I can cook most things better than most restaurants. Having severe life threatening food allergies I can't really go to restaurants anyway, it turned me into a pretty mean cook over the years, I'm not much of a baker tho, well I could I just don't feel like it to be honest, might make toaster oven smores on a good day! lol. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I like cooking, it's more I like eating but my taste buds like nothing but the best, want something done right, do it yourself!

It sounds like back East wold be as heinous a place to be banished as New Zealand! Lol. (I actually love New Zealand, it's just the Aussie/Kiwi rivalry I refer to here.)

Yep, guy food is how you could describe my culinary skills...But when I eat I'm happy for any (of the two) genders to make my chow.

It sounds like you're a pretty nice cook which is good considering your allergies. I can imagine what that must be like for you, but it seems you work around it. I'll be honest, I have a fairly serious food allergy also; I'm allergic to not eating. So, I have to continue to do so, regularly, to ensure my food allergy doesn't take hold.

Oh, thanks ladybug, now I want 'smores...Damn you!

Whoa! You don't want the symptoms oft that food allergy, that would be tragic! I think I have an allergy to not eating too! haha. Food is sooo good, stuffing my face is my favorite hobby, sometimes I wonder how come I'm not twice my size and still look underweight.

It would be heinous to be exiled there! I hear ya, we have that same rivalry with the east. We live very differently with different values and it's fun to harass each other, especially during hokey season. :) They like seafood(eww)it's all about the lobster rolls over there, here we like beef! Eating a big fat chunk of meat is like a rite of passage here.

Smores are the bomb! I want to try making a smores cheesecake soon, lol. Making people hungry is my preferred method of torture!

wonder how come I'm not twice my size and still look underweight.

Fast metabolism, or just blind luck maybe. I not so lucky and have to work at it. I'm diabetic too, so it's even more important. (Type 2)

There's nothing like a little rivalry between countries or States. we have the same here in Australia. Adelaide is more conservative than the flamboyant and artsy-fartsy Melbourne-ites and glitzy Sydney-siders. We're a little more country than city to a certain degree. Makes for some good jokes...Although the whole country picks on New Zealanders.