BITCOIN: Decentralization Key [eng/срп] БИТКОИН: Кључна децентрализација

in Deep Diveslast year

Source / Извор: RT News

Yes, there is one million men army ready to break down New World Order. Only that army has nothing to do with Trump and the United States…

At the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, Putin’s rhetoric changed significantly. There are less and less diplomatic expressions in it, and more and more open hints about things to come. That man first abolished the corona fraud on February 24, 2022, and then he began to describe the West as it had been described by ‘conspiracy theorists’ until that date – as a heartless colonial mechanism steeped in mass crimes and the plundering of the planet’s wealth, as a failed hegemon that threatens the global by nuclear war in order to reduce the population to a ‘golden billion’, and as Satanists and as ‘a bunch of half-wits who would take second place in a half-wits contest – because they are half-wits!’

However, much more important than the description is the announcement of taking measures to destroy that perverted, Satanic order. Putin put the story of multipolarity and de-dollarization into action, gathered 90% of the world on that project, and yesterday at the Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow he spoke the key word: Decentralization!

Да, постоји милионска војска спремна да сруши Нови светски поредак. Само што та војска нема везе с Трампом и САД…

Почетком руске специјалне војне операције у Украјини, Путинова реторика значајно се променила. У њој је све мање дипломатских израза, а све више отворених наговештаја о стварима које долазе. Тај човек је прво укинуо коронапревару 24. фебруара 2022, а затим је почео да описује запад онако како су га до тог датума описивали ‘теоретичари завере’ – као бездушан колонијални механизам огрезао у масовним злочинима и пљачки богатстава планете, као неуспелог хегемона који прети глобалним нуклеарним ратом у циљу смањења популације на ‘златну милијарду’, као сатанисте и као ‘скуп идиота који би на такмичењу идиота заузели друго место – јер су идиоти!’

Међутим, много важнија од описа јесте најава предузимања мера на рушењу тог настраног, сатанистичког поретка. Путин је причу о мултиполарности и дедоларизацији спровео у дело, окупио 90% света на том пројекту, а јуче је на Евроазијском Економском Форуму у Москви изговорио кључну реч: Децентрализација!

Putin on Decentralization at Odysee. Duration / Трајање: 3:57


Putin on Decentralization at Bastyon. Duration / Трајање: 3:57


Putin on Decentralization at Rumble. Duration / Трајање: 3:57


Speaking about the decentralization of the financial system as the key to the depoliticising of the global economy, Putin actually said two things: First, that it is necessary to dismantle the strongest weapon of the Satanic World Order – control over money. And secondly, that the financial system established at Bretton Woods in 1944 is dead, and that a decision has been made that it will not be replaced by another centralized system.

This practically means that for now only one step back is foreseen: Towards the decentralization of the global financial system through the creation of a multitude of state, centralized systems that will condition much more equal relations between them.

The first problem that will appear in such a system is the problem of the accounting currency. If you immediately think: ‘Gold!’, I have to disappoint you – the price of gold is controlled by bankers from the City of London. The matrix built on gold has brought us into a situation of possible extermination.

So, however this is a good step, one must ask, is just one step back enough? Of course it is not. Fortunately, there is a mechanism that works as described in Murphy's Law: "People will act reasonably only when they have exhausted all other options!" Which means: The bigger the crisis, the more people will be forced to go deeper into decentralization. And it goes very deep, ending at the level of the individual. With Bitcoin.

Honestly, I highly doubt that the politicians will remember Bitcoin before it takes root among the population.

Honorable mention to exceptions like Nayib Bukele and Vladimir Putin, who has just stepped on the right path…

Говорећи о децентрализацији финансијског система као кључу деполитизације глобалне економије, Путин је заправо рекао две ствари: Прво, да је потребно размонтирати најјаче оружје сатанистичког светског поретка – контролу над новцем. И друго, да је финансијски систем успостављен у Бретон Вудсу 1944. мртав, и да је донета одлука да се он неће бити замењен другим централизованим системом.

То, практично, значи да је засад предвиђен само један корак назад: Ка децентрализацији глобалног финансијског система преко стварања мноштва државних, централизованих система који ће условити много равноправније односе.

Први проблем који ће се појавити у таквом систему јесте проблем обрачунске валуте. Ако одмах помислите: ‘Злато!’, мораћу да вас разочарам – цену злата контролишу банкари из Лондонског Ситија. Матрица изграђена на злату нас је и довела у ситуацију могућег истребљења.

Зато се треба питати да ли је само један корак назад довољан? Наравно да није. Срећом, постоји механизам који ради као што је описано у Марфијевом закону: „Људи ће поступати разумно тек кад исцрпе све остале могућности!“ То значи: Што криза буде већа, то ће људи бити принуђени да иду дубље у децентрализацију. А она иде веома дубоко и завршава се на нивоу појединца. Са Биткоином.

Искрено, чисто сумњам да ће се политичари сетити биткоина пре него што он заживи међу становништвом.

Част изузецима као што су Наиб Букеле и Владимир Путин, који је тек закорачио правим путем…

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Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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It is surprising that China and Russia, who most seek to control their populations using track and trace surveillance, and are most advanced in the issuance of CBDCs and least avail their people of free speech, are recommending that national governments most decentralize trade between them.

I am struck by the fact that each individual human being is sovereign, not authorized to be by some country or another, and the prospect of decentralized trade between sovereign authorities, as Putin and Xi advocate, is best adopted personally, by all individuals, not by their overlords and masters.

What holds us back from trading with one another as sovereign individuals? The power yet held by overlords whose wealth and power has been parasitized from centralized industry and our collective work to create the blessings of civilization. It is a fact that decentralization of the means of production only now has become the cutting edge of technological advance in every field of industry, and in the past it has been centralized industry that had the edge in productivity.

No more. Now individual households that invest their capital in the means of production available to us all at very low costs, comparable to the price of a nice lunch out with family and friends, can themselves manufacture the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization. Less and less are collective industrial manufacturing necessary to humanity, and more and more increase in productivity inures to individual households that themselves produce bespoke goods locally.

I consider the destruction of the debauched and degenerate Communists in the West the WEF is embarking on both hazardous and potential of incredible benefit to the industrious that themselves step away from enslavement to corporate oligarchs and create the goods and services they need. Even in more tyrannical despotisms such as Russia and China, this becomes ever more possible, and more profitable, because overlords burden centralized production with insuperable overhead necessary to their oppressive forces they must have to keep people their chattel, to sustain the corrupt governments that facilitate their kleptocracies, and their sybaritic luxury they intend to forever maintain on the broken backs of workers in their industrial factories.

Seize today the means of production suitable to your personal circumstances, and get ahead of the decentralization ongoing globally, both in the rising Eurasian nations, and in the failing degenerate West.


It is surprising that China and Russia, who most seek to control their populations using track and trace surveillance, and are most advanced in the issuance of CBDCs and least avail their people of free speech, are recommending that national governments most decentralize trade between them.

This is a deep prejudice that you have gotten through Western propaganda, @valued-customer. Level of control is much higher in the West. Far higher:

It's not prejudice. Russia is at the forefront of social credit scoring and China all but invented it. If you've ever read any of my posts you would not state I have claimed the USA is a bastion of freedom, justice, or good government. It's just the fact that Russia and China, particularly, are worse.


Where did you hear about the social credit scoring in Russia?

I do a lot of reading. I could have been reading up on Yegor Prosvirnin, or perhaps shortly after his untimely death. Because of the diversity and breadth of my inquisition of media, it is difficult to recall particular source after many months.

Please check again for the source and don’t believe everything bad you read about Russia and China. Prosvirin was a part of a Western PsyOp in Russia. When you want more people to believe lies about Russia, you find a Russian degenerate to spread the lies…

I didn't say I heard it from Prosvirnin, but that was around the time I was reading up on him, after his death. I don't believe everything I read, as you well know, but I am prone to bias, as we all are. I try to keep my biases in mind, so that even if I do favor things I favor, I am aware I favor them and can change my mind if I find out I'm wrong, and you know that too.

Russia can't exert much control over peasants living in Siberia innawoods, but around Moscow and the West it can, where most of the population is concentrated. Since oligarchs profit from surveillance and oligarchs demonstrably exert powerful control of Russian industry and such civil society as it has, Russia is at the forefront of social credit systems where it can exert that control. I'm the first to complain of censorship and deceptive propaganda in the West, but that doesn't mean I think Russia or China is free of either, and I know they are knee deep in crap too.

Putin isn't the scumbag scalawag to the WEF he's sold to plebs in the West as. In fact I recently saw video of a model wearing a t-shirt insulting Putin barred from entry into the Cannes Film Festival, where the rich people like to pretend to intellectual capacity while slumming with artistes. That reveals a glimpse of Putin's actual membership in the minions of the banksters, because he's looted so much wealth from Russian industry. If there's one thing the WEF respects, it's the ability to loot a national economy, and this belies the false narrative that Western scumbags... er, I mean the super rich, hate Putin.

He's one of them, and probably more like a mentor to Zelensky than an enemy. They're both Chabad Lubavitch, for example, besides being WEF minions. The war between Russia and the Ukraine isn't at all the geopolitical outrage we're told and sold by the enemedia. The sanctions on Russia are actually devastating economic attacks on Europe, and particularly Germany. Russia and the Ukraine are today engaged in cooperative economic endeavors, at least through the pipelines that deliver Russian oil and gas through the Ukraine into Europe, for which Russia pays the Ukraine transit fees, and the Ukraine allows Russian energy to be delivered through. I strongly believe the recent reports from Seymour Hirsch that accuse Ukrainian brass of selling a lot of the Western war materiel on the black market, where I am sure Russia buys a lot of it for pennies on the dollar.

These are things I have evidence of, and that I reckon are factually correct. We don't have to agree on these things, but I feel obligated to speak truly to you, because you have always spoken what you believe to be true to me, AFAIK. I will hear what criticisms you can avail me, and if you can show me I am wrong about something I think I will change my mind. You can't criticize my understanding if I don't clearly and forthrightly communicate it to you, and I can't benefit from that criticism if you can't make it.

So, honestly, this is what I think is happening and why. I'm not happy about any of it, and none of these things help me sleep at night. I would be happy if you could convince me any of it wasn't factually correct, because I have kids that could be drafted in a global war, and I would rather be eaten alive by snails than that to happen. So, if you can show me where I'm wrong, little could make me happier.

Boards where both Russians and Ukrainians post. Sberbank is a leader in the CBDC policies globally, and Russians point out various mechanisms that limit their ability to speak or conduct their affairs because their finances are affected negatively.

Of late the boards are more concerned with the military situation. I just took a look, and that's all that being discussed at present.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 157 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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