This Should be the News [eng/срп] Ово би требало да буду вести

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

Можете и умрети, што је нормално. Source / Извор:

The corporate media can no longer hide the harsh truth that ‘vaccines’ kill. To begin with, read this: Among athletes in 2021, there were as many as 649 heart attacks with 404 deaths!

In just six months, 108 deaths were recorded among professional football players!

And the unfortunates who lost their loved ones after the ‘vaccination’ are organized on social networks and send everything that the corporate media does not want to see. An obituary database by country is currently being created on Instagram. You can see it by entering jab_injuries_(country name) in the address bar profile. It will certainly be censored quickly, so we will post a few screenshots. These are tragic examples from Croatia:

Корпоративни медији више не могу да сакрију сурову истину да ‘вакцине’ убијају. За почетак прочитајте ово: Међу спортистима у 2021. било је чак 649 срчаних удара са 404 смртна исхода!

За само шест месеци забележено је 108 смртних случајева међу професионалним фудбалерима!

А несрећници који су изгубили ближње после ‘вакцинације’ организују се на друштвеним мрежама и шаљу све оно што корпоративни медији не желе да виде. Тренутно се на Инстаграму ствара база читуља по државама. Њу можете видети ако у адресну линију профила унесете jab_injuries_(име државе). Биће то сигурно брзо цензурисано, па ћемо зато поставити неколико снимака екрана. Ово су трагични примери из Хрватске:

Source / Извор: Instagram

Mother and daughter, just a few days after the ‘vaccination’. Source / Извор:

Source / Извор:

In Switzerland today, citizens have been deciding on the ban over the animal experiments. Almost in unison, you had a bunch of comments with the same message: “Why would they experiments on animals when they can now freely experiment on humans!”

And Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna deleted his twitter account, and dumped his stocks:

У Швајцарској су данас грађани одлучивали о забрани експеримената на животињама. Готово углас имали сте гомилу коментара са истом поруком: „Шта ће им експерименти на животињама кад се сад може слободно експериментисати на људима!“

А Стивен Бансел, извршни директор Модерне, избрисао је свој твитер налог и распродао акције:

And probably the most important news of the day: the European Central Bank (ECB) has warned all financial institutions that they may become targets of Russian-sponsored cyberattacks:

И вероватно најважнија вест дана: Европска Централна Банка (ЕЦБ) упозорила је све финансијске институције Европске Уније да би могле постати мете сајбер напада које спонзорише Русија:

Source / Извор: Telegram/

This is practically an announcement of future events: The cycle of plunder culminating in Coronavirus Hoax is coming to an end, and now the entire Bretton Woods financial system needs to be torn down blaming it on the Russians in preparation of a new plunder through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) – and all this with the threat of a great war because of which no one will demand the responsibility of the psychopaths who organized it all.

Only their political puppets will suffer. If anyone has forgotten how Mussolini ended…

Ово је практично најава будућих догађаја: Циклус пљачке чији је врхунац био коронапревара се завршава, и сад треба срушити комплетан финансијски систем из Бретон Вудса, окривити за то Русе и припремити нову пљачку преко дигиталних валута централних банака (ЦБДЦ) – и све то уз претњу великим ратом због које нико неће тражити одговорност психопата који су ово све закували.

Страдаће само њихове политичке марионете. Ако је ко заборавио како је завршио Мусолини…

Duration / Трајање: 8:37

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2021 (200–212)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2021 (188–199)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2021 (184–187)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2021 (165–176)

Archived Coronavirus Files – February 2021 (162–164)

Archived Coronavirus Files – January 2021 (147–161)

Archived Coronavirus Files – December 2020 (131–146)

Archived Coronavirus Files – November 2020 (115–130)

Archived Coronavirus Files – October 2020 (101–114)

Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2020 (92–100)

Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020 (77–91)

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020 (17–34)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020 (1–16)

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The statistics are astounding and devastating. It's a shame facts are being censored on Facebook and other social media platforms. Thank goodness for HIVE and posts such as yours that shed the light! @lighteye💡🔍✍🔎💡

Thank you for your support, @ninahaskin

Indeed, They are plundering Humanity's wealth.  And They can do that because We use money.  If More shared awareness that We can remove that archaic and VERY dangerous practice of accounting for Our energy added with tokens, We could end Their reign.  My work is all about a better way that promotes the caring Ones to take care of things (and not the psychopaths as We have today).

Please read My articles here and watch My playlist (on Odysee because, though I have twisted, turned, and bashed videos, 3Speak will not let Me upload a single one):

How about outsource and fund gain of function research in China because people in the United States outlawed it...

Where is the due process and ending of the national institute of health over breaking the law.

How about outsource and fund gain of function research in China because people in the United States outlawed it...

I have had it in three texts a month ago, @ganjafarmer:

Where is the due process and ending of the national institute of health over breaking the law.

For that @ganjafarmer, rebelion is not enough. For that we will have to start a revolution…


I just keep finding it I'm using that so many individuals are completely avoiding the fact that the United States was funding gain of function research through the national institute of health as well as Anthony fauci in direct violation of the law.

I know that you covered it however why are the normal citizens just glossing over this and why is the media allowing this to go unpunished.

Basically that is the most unethical and clearly most damaging research to the entire world.

Not just to the United States and our country but all human beings across this planet are at risk.

I appreciate people like you who are continuing to research and bring attention to this situation.

It is very needed and very important.

Here in America as well as Canada I have a feeling there's going to be a huge revolution as well as quite a bit of government cleanup.

I have here in Serbia professor of sociology Slobodan Reljić, a wonderful man who wrote an excellent book titled ‘Will for Lies” in which he is explaining how corporate media has become a means of misinformation. They are holding a mass of people in a hypnotic spell. That must be broken before we see anybody of the globalist criminals in Court.

Joe Rogan just became the most important news in America....

It's all broken and it's all coming crashing down.

Just wait until the rittenhouse defamation trials start landing.

Pretty crazy more.peolle trust Joe Rogan for news and answers than the media.

Pretty backwards..

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 93 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!