THE WAR: Criminal Court [eng/срп] РАТ: Криминални суд

in Deep Diveslast year (edited)

Headlines / Наслови. Source / Извор: InfoDefenseSERBIA

The collective West, which likes to fake itself as the ‘International Community’, has its own fake media, fake values and of course, fake institutions…

One of these bogus institutions is made up of criminals gathered in The Hague around something called the International Criminal Court (ICC). After the decision of these clowns to issue a warrant for the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, it would be more natural to call them International Criminal Clowns.

The first reason for this qualification is the fact that these clowns do not know the law. If they knew it, they would know that it is a treaty court that does not apply to countries that have not recognized it:

Колективни Запад, који воли да се лажно представља за ‘Међународну заједницу’, има своје лажне медије, лажне вредности и наравно, лажне институције…

Једну од тих лажних институција сачињавају криминалци окупљени у Хагу око нечега названог Међународни кривични суд (МКС). После одлуке ових кловнова да рапишу потерницу за председником Русије Владимиром Владимировичем Путином, природније би било да се зову Међународни криминални кловнови.

Први разлог за овакву квалификацију јесте чињеница да ови кловнови не познају право. Да га знају, знали би да је у питању уговорни суд који не важи за земље које га нису признале:

RED – Countries that are NOT members of the International Criminal Court
Source / Извор: Sputnik

Everything we need to know about the ‘court’ in The Hague is summarized in these three headlines from the cover image:

1️⃣. The Court in The Hague plans to investigate US military crimes.

2️⃣. USA threatened the court in The Hague with sanctions.

3️⃣. The Hague Court has abandoned the prosecution for war crimes of the US Army and the CIA for their actions in Afghanistan.

Imagine the criminal audacity of those clowns, to accuse President Putin for the fact of evacuating children from a war zone – and they were turning a blind eye for nine years while Ukrainian-Nazi gangs bombed the Donbass killing more than 15,000 civilians and hundreds of children. The memory of those children is preserved in Angel’s Alley in Donetsk:

Све што треба да знамо о ‘суду’ у Хагу сажето је у ова три наслова са прве слике:

1️⃣. Суд у Хагу планира да истражи војне злочине САД.

2️⃣. САД запретиле суду у Хагу санкцијама.

3️⃣. Хашки суд је одустао од процесуирања за ратне злочине армије САД и ЦИА за деловање у Авганистану.

Замислите колико злочиначке дрскости мора бити у тим кловновима, да оптуже председника Путина зато што је евакуисао децу из ратне зоне – а они су читавих девет година жмурели док су укро-нацистичке банде бомбардовале Донбас убивши више од 15.000 цивила и на стотине деце. Успомена на ту децу чува се у Алеји Анђела у Доњецку:

Alley of Angels / Алеја анђела. Source / Извор:

BURNT ALIVE IN ODESSA. Documentary at Odysee
Duration / Трајање: 26:31 (eng)


BURNT ALIVE IN ODESSA. Documentary. Duration / Трајање: 26:31

The imperial clowns from the kangaroo court were activated in panic fear facing the Ukrainian Nazi regime military collapse, and the complete collapse of the Empire, which is reflected in the collapse of the banks and the growing rebellion of the people in the EU:

Империјални кловнови из лажног суда активирани су у паничном страху пред војним крахом укронацистичког режима и потпуним распадом Империје који се огледа кроз пропаст банака и све јачу побуну народа у ЕУ:




The psychopaths at the head of the dying Empire are actually sending a message through them that there will be no negotiations and no peace if they are not the rulers of the World. They want war. OK, bring it on!

And the criminal clowns from the fake court thereby qualified for the Kinzhal (dagger) in the final stage.

Психопате на челу умируће империје преко њих заправо шаљу поруку да никаквих преговора и мира неће бити ако они не буду владари света. Они желе рат. Нека им буде!

А злочиначки кловнови из назови суда тиме су се квалификовали за Кинжал у завршној фази.

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Archive of texts:

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Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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Recent elections in the Netherlands made the farmer's the largest political party, the BBB.


Ukraine was reported to have issued a warrant for Joe Biden, regarding his claim to have exchanged $1B in loan guarantees to the Ukraine in exchange for the removal of a prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter, for money laundering through Burisma.


Ukraine was reported to have issued a warrant for Joe Biden, regarding his claim to have exchanged $1B…

That is, unfortunately, very old news, in regard to the former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. It will never happen under today’s Ukro-Nazi regime.

I had been unaware of this specific detail of the corruption. The video was just uploaded, and only after digging to verify your comment did I learn this was indeed old news.


Thanks for a brilliant article which says everything I wanted to say on this subject. The nauseating hypocrisy of all those who support the Kiev dictatorship, which has killed thousands of civilians in the Donbass, is beyond belief. The ICC is a puppet instrument of EU imperialism.

You are welcome, @saltycat

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