My Little Wonderland - (LOH#76)

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

Hola, everyone :)

Wednesday arrived and the husband sped off for a trip elsewhere and I opted to stay. I'm left with my plants, my music, with everything around and myself.

Gloxinia surviving so well.

Was considering to go to the other house but the thought of putting up with the constant honking of cars, trucks and motorbikes passing through the property isn't appealing so I dismissed the idea.

And I enjoyed my walk earlier today. It made me recognize the fact that amidst the nuances of life, our little magical world is so blessed with peace, serenity, calmness, love, joy, bliss and what else? Aahh, comfort!

Here, I can converse with any creature I come across with ― people, moths, insects, cats, birds, bees and yes, including myself. No, I am not going crazy, lol! But did you know that talking positively and listening to yourself is healthy? Also talking to plants is beneficial not only to you but to their growth as well? I digressed for a moment there but there's truth to it, mind you :)

Schlumbergera truncata or Crab Cactus

Waking up to the sound of birds chirping is incomparable to any human orchestra that I've ever heard. Maybe I sound out of line here but that is my truth. It excites me to hear even the owls doing their own night-duty calls as the husband puts it.

Sitting here alone, calm, worry-free, not feeling any ounce of loneliness made me realize that it is here that I am truly myself. Here, I'm relaxed and have nothing to fear, free from pretenses, from judgments, from the world's chatters. Here, I can laugh out loud, dance, sing and even cry. I can dream and let my mind wonder and wander to different places. And here, I embrace my flaws, my mistakes and failures and I appreciate sadness and grief too.

Reflections: tree trunk, sky, shadows, some plants out the yard.

In this little world of ours, my heart is at peace. I love the beach, yes, but when it's packed with people, it becomes a 'heavy' place for me. I like the woods or the jungle with all its trees and everything else but sometimes, my fears abound, like what if a snake comes out, etc. I love being in the midst of my family and close friends but at the end of the day, I still yearn for a retreat.

Here, I look up above me and I see nature's magic. Look down the valley or all around me, I see life and splendor. When I get bored or angered, I just get out of the house, take a walk with nature and I'd be in a great mood soon after.

Sunset captured days ago.

And so I am glad that I don't need to travel far to find my happiness. Our little kingdom up here is already my wonderland, my paradise, my haven, my "happy place" and nowhere else...

On second thought, there is! Within each one of us lies the power which can make every place a happy one... we just have to tap into it and use it to our benefit. I'm yet to arrive at that stage, but I'm working on it and hopefully soon, I'll no longer tie my happiness to this place, and I can be happy and at ease irrespective of time and where I'd be.

"If you want to be happy, be."

― Leo Tolstoy

This is my participation to the 76th Edition of the Ladies Hive Contest answering the second question: "If you could pick a favorite 'happy place,' where would that be?"

And I invite @eylz619 to check this out too :)

Thank you & cheers to a beautiful day and a lovely You :)

Photos are my own. 300322/12:01PH

FarmGirl writes from their little kingdom in the mountains of PHL.
She muses mostly about life, adventure/travel, nature, food, coffee, gardening and others.
You can also find her on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter


Oh I didnt see this weeks LOH contest, maybe I will enter once again its a great topic.
Happy to see, you found YOUR place! Its so important to have such a place, how big or small it may be, in life
guess who sent me? yea @dreemport

are you still in the challenge race? hope you also drunk the water not only took reflection photos ;-)

Yes, the contest is still on going :) Thank you and hope to read yours😍

Haha, yes! Water is life so I won't miss it. But slacked off with the others on the list so... I hope you are on a better track :)

I felt it too
The calm and beauty jumped right out
Beautifully explained :D

I'm glad you did, thank you lots :)

Thanks for sharing, @ifarmgirl.
Good luck with the contest!

Thank you :) Happy mid-week!

Enjoy the week, @ifarmgirl!
Life is so busy... it is wonderful!!!

Your little kingdom is just gorgeous and I love the serenity of nature CJ.
You chose the best place to be today!

Many thanks Tito Ed, serenity of nature is incomparable :)

that is so very true CJ

Wow, that sunset is absolutely beautiful. You certainly take wonderful pictures ❤️😊🤔😊😊❤️🌸💓💕💕

Thank you, it was one of those days when nature displayed its beauty and I was there to see😍

I know you are happy in your little kingdom with farmboy 😁

Thank you sis, hehe. I feel sad here too at times, but I can snap out of it quite easily without much effort.

You are very lucky sis that the little kingdom of yours is a haven of peace.

And, indeed, we don't have to go far if we are at peace with ourselves. We can have that special place that makes us happy wherever we are.😊

Thank you sis it's what we really love here, the absence of noise pollution hehe. And yes, we can be happy anytime we want☺

Live without noise pollution is a privilege, sis! Have a great day!😊

Its seems crazy at first, but getting along with it seems beautiful😍 your happiness also matters a lot to you.

I came to read your post through @dreemsteem

That is so true, our happiness matters a lot to our well-being. Thank you for coming over Rita :)

U are most welcome

Also talking to plants is beneficial not only to you but to their growth as well? I digressed for a moment there but there's truth to it, mind you :)

I didn't know this, but now I do. Thank you for such a beautifully written post.

Hehe, glad you learned from here :) I also learned it from my brother and proven true when I applied myself. Thank you for your kind words☺

You're most welcome🙂

When we find happiness in our surroundings life gets very beautiful and easy as well. Good to see your happy place

When we find happiness in our surroundings life gets very beautiful and easy as well.

So true, we can easily snap back to being grateful and happy even when things go rough. Thank you for your kind remarks :)

Being able to spend time with our partner or loved ones is a great gift.
But, when someone leaves for a moment on the day we have to spend together, it's not a problem.

Loneliness is also a gift and we should be grateful for it with positive things to enjoy our solitude. Even so, contacting each other when apart is a must to keep the ties of the heart connected to each other.

TYVM for your sharing @ifarmgirl

I agree with you on all points mentioned :) Thank you too for your wonderful thoughts and remarks. Have a wonderful time!

That is sure a fantastic and magical happy place you have 😍
The envirement is amazing and to have your little heaven close is a blessing, then you don’t need to go far to feel at peace ❤️

Thank you for sharing your amazing place with us, your pictures are beautiful and I absolutly LOOVE the sunset 😍 WOW..

Happy weekend and good luck 🌹

Thank you so much and true, having this space where we feel mostly positive vibes is a gift we cherish.

Thanks again and Happy weekend🤗

Me encanto leerte y me vi reflejada en ti, cuando dices que hablar con las plantas, no solo te beneficiara a ti, también a ella en su crecimiento, y lo he comprobado durante el tiempo, en casa de mi mamá teníamos un rosal y yo todas las mañanas y tardes las regaba y conversaba con ella, siempre para mi cumpleaños, en mayo, ella estaba cargada de sus mejores rosas, al mudarme, ella al tiempo se seco, hasta morir. Ahora hablo con mis pocas plantas que tengo y la prima de mi pareja, dice , ya perdimos a Gladys, pero yo igual siempre al regarlas les digo palabras bonitas. Y estar en contacto con la naturaleza también mejora mi estado de animo. Te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso. Bendiciones 🙏🏼🤗🌺

I loved reading you and I saw myself reflected in you, when you say that talking to plants will not only benefit you, but also her growth, and I have verified it over time, at my mother's house we had a rosebush and I every morning and afternoon I watered them and talked to her, always for my birthday, in May, she was loaded with her best roses, when I moved, she dried up, to death. Now I talk to my few plants that I have and my partner's cousin, she says, we already lost Gladys, but I always say nice words to them when I water them. And being in contact with nature also improves my mood. I wish you luck in the contest. Blessings 🙏🏼🤗🌺

Oh wow... thank you... I am glad my post resonated with you.❤ It's good that you also talk to your plants, it may sound funny or crazy to others but those who are curious and faithfully do it usually prove to themselves that it works🌞

Many thanks for your good wishes and sending you cheers from my side of the world🤗

Oh wow... gracias... Me alegra que mi post haya resonado en ti.❤ Es bueno que tú también hables con tus plantas, puede sonar gracioso o loco para los demás pero los que son curiosos y lo hacen fielmente suelen demostrarse a sí mismos que funciona🌞

Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos y te mando saludos desde mi lado del mundo🤗

But did you know that talking positively and listening to yourself is healthy?

Absolutely so! It's what keeps me from going nuts😅 I call it "thinking out loud"😉

Also talking to plants is beneficial not only to you but to their growth as well?

I've heard of this and am now implementing it myself so, I'll soon see the result🙏🌱🌹🌺🌵

Yes, thinking out loud is the word :) And about talking to plants, I've learned it from my younger brother, lol! I didn't believe it at first but well, it works :)

Can't wait to see them all bloom and yes, I do feel better afterwards🤭🙏💞


Oh wow! Crucifix orchids, right? That's amazing!

Probably😅 I'm in Mexico with the most incredibly beautiful exotic flowers😍🙏

Fabulous!😍 I wish I could teleport myself there to see them too 😁

It is great that you find happiness in your Little Kingdom @ifarmgirl , the thing is our happy place can be found in everywhere. If we learn how to be at peace with ourselves and tap into it.

If we learn how to be at peace with ourselves and tap into it.

Thank you :) Still working on this☺

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Here again, this time from dreemport, sis!

Have some 🍕 :)


Thank you amiga🤗


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Gracias, sis! :)


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So beautiful to read and well detailed.

I'm very sorry that I only saw this today :) Thank you for your kind comment :)

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Its okay😊