Ladies of Hive Community Contest #144

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago
Authored by @joanstewart

W E L C O M E 
TO THE 144th EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!

¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.

We will award 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 15 LEO tokens, and 4 QUEERH tokens to the best entry. The Second Place winner will receive 2 HIVE, 150 Ecency Points, 7 LEO tokens, and 3 QUEERH tokens each. Third Place Winners will be granted one HIVE, 50 Ecency Points, a split of the remaining LEO tokens, and 2 QUEERH tokens each.

Otorgaremos 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 15 tokens LEO, y 4 tokens QUEERH a la mejor entrada. Hasta tres ganadores del Segundo Lugar recibirán 2 HIVE, 150 Puntos Ecency, 7 tokens LEO, y 3 tokens QUEERH cada uno. Ganadores del tercer lugar recibirán una HIVE, 50 puntos Ecency, una división de los tokens LEO restantes, y 2 tokens QUEERH.

An additonal 100 Ecency Points will also be graciously sent to all the winners by witness and developer @sagarkothari88!

Testigo y desarrollador @sagarkothari88 también enviará amablemente 100 Puntos Ecency adicionales a todos los ganadores!

~ for Blingual posts ~

Please place the text of each language together, either in side-by-side columns ~OR~ in adjacent sections! It is harder for our judges to read when there are two or three paragraphs in Spanish, then two or three in English, then two or three more in Spanish, etc. THANK YOU! 😊

PLEASE place the contest number #144
somewhere in your title!

► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄

Please support other posts in
the community each week!

It's easier & more fun
when we grow together!


Here's a quick glimpse at some of the biggest challenges contributing to inequality for women and girls in 2023. Select one topic below and describe in 300 words, photos can be your own (your garden or something around the home you cherish):

🔸 Intimate partner violence: Intimidation, threats, or verbal abuse. Expand on what you know or how you deal with this matter considering almost one-in-every-four homes appears to suffer silently.

🔸 Economic injustice and the pay gap: Although great strides have been made toward equal opportunity and remuneration, many still feel the burden affected by age, industry, and even race. More often a woman will lose employment quicker than men due to caregiving burdens.

🔸 Women's representation in leadership: Slight improvement is starting to reflect, percentage is still far lower than anticipated. Who is your mentor to follow, achieving leadership within large corporations or government structures? Are they actively sharing their experiences with younger women, ensuring growth?

🔸 Racial injustice: No matter how people tackle this, inequality still happens, women of colour are vulnerable not being given equal opportunity promised.

🔸 LGBTQ+ rights: Has this affected you? If so, how? What obstacles are being moved to make life adaptable within communities? Governments can make laws rightfully or wrongfully — it is within communities as to how individuals assist each other to enjoy a full and contented life, having housing, healthcare, and support groups to rely on locally.

“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.”
Mary Wollstonecraft

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
or in our Discord server with the command:  .time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:

Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:

  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
  • El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
  • Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, July 29, 2023
  • El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 29 de Julio, 2023
  • Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
  • El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
  • Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
  • El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
  • Blog must be original in order to win
  • El blog debe ser original para poder ganar       
  • Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
  • El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)
  • It is no longer required that you must invite another woman to the community, but you may do so if you wish!
  • Ya no es necesario que invites a otra mujer a la comunidad, ¡pero puedes hacerlo si lo deseas!

Good luck, Ladies!

Questions this week by: @joanstewart
Judging will be by: @joanstewart

~ photo at top of this post by Andrea Piacquadio on ~

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens along with Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts.

If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!

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There are 2 pages

These are a deeper topic to discuss or read about. I am looking forward to read what ladies can tell about these.

Good luck ladies.

Will be good to read the views of fellow ladies on these topics. All the best!


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Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Grandes temas para debatir esta semana algunos nos impactan otros parecen más lejanos:

Aquí hay un vistazo rápido a algunos de los mayores desafíos que contribuyen a la desigualdad para las mujeres y las niñas en 2023. Seleccione un tema a continuación y descríbalo en 300 palabras, las fotos pueden ser suyas (su jardín o algo alrededor de la casa que aprecia):

🔸Violencia de pareja íntima
🔸 Injusticia económica y brecha salarial
🔸 Representación de la mujer en el liderazgo
🔸 Injusticia racial:
🔸 Derechos LGBTQ+

Hello ladies. Happy Sunday to everyone. I wish everyone the best of the week. @joanstewart, very good prompts we have there.
The link to my entry 👇

Nice point raised, be strong and encourage young girls within the home or community.

What a variety of topics to be addressed by certain, all very interesting.

Always try to find out what happens behind closed doors, many hide abuse feeling there is no way to solve the problem.

Well done, no matter the abuse it is a situation you walked away from!

I have entered this contest Joan, here is my entry:
Thank you for handling the contest this week.

Good to consider possible answers to this problematic condition of the mind, how to handle moving forward with too much "air time" afforded by media.

I sharpened my pencil and tidied my desk in anticipation of a brand new week of Hive content. Good luck and good writing! ❤️

It's nice to talk about these topics. It somehow spread awareness regarding various issues. Thanks for the opportunity. Here's my entry -->

Enjoy life to the full, more people are good, searching for someone like you to respect, enjoy companionship, before commitment.

Thanks... likewise. <3

Marriage is equal partnership, one fails both fail, when one dominates the other, leave.

Any form of abuse it is safest to walk away, too many suffer the ultimate cost staying to see if things will work out.

Never hang onto knowledge gained, always share to youth arriving enable them to grow.

Interesantes temas para pensar y desarrollar.

Life would be great working on a merit system, position within companies keep showing them what you capable of accomplishing, you never know.

Stats and interesting facts raised, professionals are normally recognized on merit thankfully.

Great advice for young love to consider before committing to marriage.

Children are our responsibility from the day they are born, thanks for new phrase to remember "Triple Load" I am sure this relates to many!

Yes friend, even since they are in our womb, I remember that in pregnancy I was very careful to be born healthy and at birth the responsibility continues 😊.

Since I heard of this word, it has not been erased from my memory, the phrase makes noise and that gives food for thought.
Greetings 💕

All this topics are amazing, I welcome myself back to #Loh after a long holiday

Annoying when lines are drawn in the sand like this, hopefully a system will arrive fair for all.

Interesting woman to listen to and read her works, experiencing life on two continents. Thanks for sharing.

Changes happening constantly, perhaps people will become more accepting.

Finding the happiness you deserve, it's worth walking away, always.

Staggering how many woman are affected, thanks for sharing.

Thank you for your support

Standing up for your rights is always a great decision.

Thanks for sharing, a problem that needs to be addressed properly.

Problem that needs attention, not the kind the media spin tales around, but actual concerted effort by all.

Thanks for sharing information many may find useful in your region.

It's my pleasure to do so, thanks @joanstewart

Have a wonderful day 😊

This is the link to my contest entry

Agree no one should treat another without respect.

Teaching within the home about cultures, food, places when young leads them to appreciate who they are. Thanks for sharing.

Walking away before it's too late, best attitude to adapt.

Totally, it's all about valuing life. Those violent people very little those who decide to change.

Frustration is leading to the worst coming out in many, the larger portion of people are good I believe.

Good standing in a community through education is not a license to abuse those close to anyone.

Discrimination in any form is very unfair, thanks for sharing.

I loved the topics of the week.

But as the empowered woman that I am, I couldn't resist, so here I share my entry.

Taking action hopefully brings about change, thanks for joining in.

Fabulous pondering/writing points, @joanstewart! If I don't get around to answering any of them this week, let me just say Thank You !LADY 🙏 I look forward to reading other people's posts on these important topics.

Thanks for visiting and look forward to future content, thanks for token 😉

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@consciouscat, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ladiesofhive and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/2 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

It is a privilege to make my entry, writing on this topic this week, Ladies, @joanstewart

Have the best Friday possible.💜

Valid points raised, many thanks for joining in.

Thank you so much, Madam

Have a wonderful weekend.

Saludos mi entrada al concurso de esta semana.🥰

Help always goes a long way when done discretely.

Aquí les dejo mi participación de la semana 🌼

Obtaining guidance from social services or within communities sometimes help.

Hello my beautiful people, here I leave you my participation:

Brilliant idea having professional arrive to discuss/offer help within a company where people are employed.

Mental anguish sometimes way exceeds physical abuse, time to talk or move along in life 😉

Happy weekend to all the Ladies, this week we have addressed such a sensitive issue as discrimination against women. After centuries of struggle for our emancipation, it is incredible that in the midst of the XXI century it still exists, even now with more subtle forms, such as verbal discrimination, not with direct offenses, but using words that underestimate our abilities and strength, even when we opt for jobs and choose men even though we are more qualified.
That is why it is important to address the issue in all grandstands. Congratulations Lady of the Hive👏 👏 👏.

My entry/ Mi entrada

Feliz fin de semana a todas las Ladies, esta semana hemos abordado un tema tan sensible como lo es la discriminación de la mujer. Después de siglos de lucha por nuestra emancipación resulta increíble que en pleno si g lo XXI subsiste aún, incluso ahora con formas más sutiles, como lo son la discriminación verbal no con ofensas directas, sino esgrimiendo palabras que subvaloran nuestras capacidades y fortaleza, también cuando optamos por empleos y escogen a los hombres aunque nosotras estemos más capacitadas.
Por eso es importante abordar el tema en todas las tribunas. Felicitaciones Señora de la Colmena👏 👏 👏.

Fair systems need to be implemented hopefully soon...

!LUV have a great day.

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Very grateful for your support and comments..Nice day for you too🤗❤

Woman outnumber men in most countries, time of change is happening, slowly!

We are an unstoppable force, the hope of the world is in the hands of women, blessings!

Thanks for concise 3 step suggestions, appreciated.

You're welcome ♥️
Have a lovely weekend

Too many experiencing a life where some bad experiences may be avoided.

There are 2 pages