Cover by @rosmerby

Once again it is a pleasure for me to participate in the contest of this community that as always brings us excellent questions, all my answers are oriented to edify the rest of the ladies who can read me and also that they can have some positive transformation in their lives through these stories. In this community I am pleased to invite @zirochka to join this great adventure. Kudos to @joanstewart for her contribution to the issues promoted here.
Nuevamente es un gusto para mí participar en el concurso de esta comunidad que como siempre nos trae excelentes interrogantes, todas mis respuestas están orientadas a edificar al resto de las damas que puedan leerme e igualmente que ellas puedan tener alguna transformación positiva en su vida a través de estas historias. En esta comunidad me complace invitar a unirse a esta gran aventura a @zirochka. Felicidades a @joanstewart por su aporte en las cuestiones aquí promocionadas.
Challenges to Innovation.
★★ ★
Desafíos al Innovar.
★★ ★
Desafíos al Innovar.

For this week's #LadiesOfHive wants to know:
1️⃣ What challenges do you find difficult in innovation or propelling yourself forward? How do you plan overcoming them, through emotional ("what drives you"), instrumental (good advice, talent), informational (consulting, marketing, teaching), or accountability (listening to the market, acting upon suggestions) support?
Para esta semana #LadiesOfHive quiere saber:
1️⃣ ¿Qué desafíos encuentras difíciles para innovar o impulsarte hacia adelante? ¿Cómo planea superarlos, a través del apoyo emocional ("lo que lo impulsa"), instrumental (buenos consejos, talento), informativo (consultoría, marketing, enseñanza) o de responsabilidad (escuchar al mercado, actuar según las sugerencias)?

Throughout my life, I have seen many women succeed, in fact, I have taken some of them as an example to follow to get ahead. Personally I consider myself a strong and enterprising woman, in several opportunities I started some projects that I could not execute mainly due to lack of resources, so I could say that this has been one of my biggest challenges. The economy in my country has been hit hard and as a result I have had to face many challenges.
A lo largo de mi vida, he visto a muchas mujeres triunfar, de hecho, he tomado algunas de ellas como ejemplo a seguir para salir adelante. Personalmente me considero una mujer fuerte y emprendedora, en varias oportunidades inicié algunos proyectos que luego no pude ejecutar principalmente por falta de recursos, por lo tanto se podría decir que ese ha sido uno de mis más grandes desafíos. La economía en mi país se ha visto bastante golpeada y producto de eso me ha tocado enfrentar muchos retos.

Heading to the office / Rumbo a la oficina / Photo by @rosmerby
I should mention that I am a professional in the area of law. However, I have not been able to develop my career extensively because of the same economic problems. I get along very well with marketing and technological tools, I can promote my work through applications and social networks, I really like to design brochures and advertisements; I am also quite sociable, I have many contacts and friends, so this is not a problem for me, but people who require the services of a private lawyer are not always willing to pay the fees, many resort to public institutions even if it involves the long wait and the tedious process, but it is a cost reduction that they must necessarily accept.
Debo mencionarles que soy profesional en el área de Derecho. Sin embargo, mi carrera no he podido desarrollarla ampliamente debido a que por los mismos problemas de economía. Yo me llevo muy bien con el marketing y las herramientas tecnológicas, puedo realizar la promoción de mi trabajo a través de las aplicaciones y redes sociales, me gusta mucho diseñar folletos y propagandas publicitarias; también soy bastante sociable, tengo muchos contactos y amigos, así que esto no es un problema para mí, pero la gente que requiere los servicios de un abogado privado no está siempre dispuesta a cancelar los honorarios, muchos recurren a las instituciones públicas aunque ello implique la larga espera y lo tedioso del proceso, pero es una reducción de costos que obligatoriamente deben aceptar.

In my job / En mi trabajo / Photo by @rosmerby
My biggest boost to overcome challenges is my family, I have always received from them the support I need to move forward, maybe they are my weakness but I think they are really my life engine, especially in difficult times. Well, I can mention in this space that the story of the famous Carolina Herrera together with her motivational messages, have meant an encouragement for all entrepreneurial women in the world, leaving aside the prejudices around our proposals. To better explain why I mention her, let's go to the second question of the contest.
Mi mayor impulso para superar los desafíos es mi familia, siempre he recibido de ellos el apoyo que requiero para seguir adelante, quizás son mi debilidad pero creo que realmente son mi motor de vida, sobre todo en los momentos difíciles. Bueno, puedo mencionar en este espacio que la historia de la famosa Carolina Herrera aunado a sus mensajes de motivación, han significado un estímulo para todas las mujeres emprendedoras en el mundo, dejando de lado los prejuicios alrededor de nuestras propuestas. Para explicarles mejor por qué la menciono a ella, vamos a la segunda pregunta del concurso.

Family dinner / Cena familiar / Photo by @rosmerby

Second question:
2️⃣ Not all have natural leadership abilities, but many have great ideas. Turning dreams into reality means we lean on, or learn from, each other. This is an opportunity to put your idea forward, ask for assistance, and lean on each other through comments. Where are you struggling in becoming an entrepreneur?
Segunda interrogante:
2️⃣ No todos tienen habilidades de liderazgo naturales, pero muchos tienen grandes ideas. Convertir los sueños en realidad significa que nos apoyamos o aprendemos unos de otros. Esta es una oportunidad para presentar su idea, pedir ayuda y apoyarse unos a otros a través de los comentarios. ¿Dónde estás luchando para convertirte en un empresario?

I can say that I have had many followers, during my professional studies I developed several projects that involved helping in different sectors of the economy, this due to the execution of my thesis where I had the experience of forming socio-productive enterprises in the community chosen by the university, my social relations grew enormously, I met many people in institutional positions on par with all the communities that we were touching. But even knowing so many people, I prefer to be in small spaces, with tranquility and without so much anxiety. Among my extra activities to undertake is sewing. With my own hands I made some backpacks at home using recycled material, but I think that if I can get financing it would be the opportunity to buy my own machine, as well as the necessary tools and materials with which I would be able to have a small business of bags in various forms accessible to the public.
Puedo decir que he tenido muchos seguidores, durante mis estudios profesionales desarrollé varios proyectos que implicaron la ayuda en los diferentes sectores de la economía, esto debido a la ejecución de mi tesis de grado donde tuve la experiencia de formar empresas socio productivas en la comunidad elegida por la universidad, mis relaciones sociales crecieron sobremanera, conocí muchas personas en cargos institucionales a la par de todas las comunidades que íbamos tocando. Pero aún conociendo a tanta gente, yo prefiero estar en espacios reducidos, con tranquilidad y sin tanto afán. Entre mis actividades extras a emprender está la costura. Con mis manos elaboré algunos morrales en casa utilizando material de reciclaje, pero creo que si logro conseguir un financiamiento sería la oportunidad para comprar mi propia máquina, así como los instrumentos y materiales necesarios con los cuales lograría tener una pequeña empresa de bolsos de diversas formas accesibles al público.

Handmade bag / Bolso elaborado a mano /Photo by @rosmerby
Finally, it seems that any project that is undertaken brings with it a challenge to follow, so the important thing is to get the right support to develop it. If I could give one piece of advice to the women of the world, I would tell them to be strong, not to be paralyzed by obstacles, but rather to see them as a stimulus for success. We women have shown that we have talent and can achieve great transformations in the world, so try at all times to make a difference and leave footprints that contribute to the development and evolution of humanity. Remember that if everything were easy, anyone would do it.
Finalmente, parece que cualquier proyecto que se emprenda trae consigo un reto a seguir, así que lo importante es lograr el apoyo oportuno para desarrollarlo. Si pudiera darle un consejo a las mujeres del mundo, les diría que sean fuertes, que no se dejen paralizar por los obstáculos sino que más bien los vean como un estímulo para el éxito. Las mujeres hemos demostrado que tenemos talento y podemos lograr grandes transformaciones en el mundo, así que pretendan en todo momento marcar la diferencia y dejar huellas que contribuyan al desarrollo y evolución de la humanidad. Recuerden que si todo fuese fácil, cualquiera lo haría.

Logo by @rosmerby
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The photographs published here are my property.
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Las fotografías aquí publicadas son de mi propiedad.Traducción:
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Thanks for your entry, being a lawyer is definitely an avenue you may be able to pursue through a home office if you have contacts, lowering rates slightly to come in line with economical conditions in the country.
Home industry making bags another interesting sideline business you would be able to start, good luck in the ventures you have a plan and fall back plan in place, now let us hope your country starts to become more financially viable to small businesses.
Gracias. He iniciado las promociones de mi trabajo a través de redes sociales, ha funcionado un poco. Por ahora la economía aquí no es rentable, así ganes mucho, en dos días se acaba, el dinero no vale nada.. así que gracias por tus buenos deseos.. espero también que sea así como dices, que todo cambie.. un abrazo..
Finding a way may take time being profitable, keep trying different routes eventually you will land up on the right path. Sharing in Hive will add value to who you are and what you do.
You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!
We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.
Hello my beautiful friend, its been awhile I visited your blog.
This blog is lovely and heart warming. I love the confidence and faith you exude.
The ending part caps it all up beautifully. I hope all your dreams, financially and career wise comes true, may all your desires be meant and exceeded.
Much love🤗💜
Hola amiga, muchas gracias por seguir mis publicaciones, las realizo con amor. Tengo mi fe en que todos podemos salir adelante juntos cumpliendo nuestras metas y propósitos.. espero en Dios que así sea. Un gran abrazo para ti. Mis mejores deseos 🤗
Me encantan sus oraciones y Dios siempre responde a una petición tan amable y atenta. Te quiero Sis, sigue brillando hermosa🤗💜
Amén hermana, gracias por tus bellos deseos..😘🤗
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Law and Lawyer work has always been a mystery to me and not suited to everyone except those gifted or have a passion for it. It can be competitive too with those most successful would get most of the choice cases, tougher still with the Economic situation in your country.
I certainly hope you find success some day @rosmerby , no matter what you do.
Amen. You are right because in the world there are many lawyers but not all of them practice with vocation. I am passionate about the world of law, I fell in love with my career because I consider that it is a field from which you can improve the contaminated society that exists, however, today the work of the lawyer is not being valued, because of the economic problems of the country is speculating a lot, for everything you have to pay, then when you collect your fees is a blow to the client ... I am expanding my knowledge in other areas that I do not yet handle in order to make a living, and it is not easy at all. Practicing law is not only about writing documents, it goes far beyond that, you also have to be a psychologist, sociologist, historian and all those professions for which you are not prepared but you have to develop their skills and even become Harry Potter from time to time to solve conflicts defending your client in the middle of dark environments, especially me who works with children and complicated parents... it is quite complex my friend, I know you can understand it... and thank you very much for your good wishes...
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