Video Wednesday: adorable sloth strolling around Costa Rican jungle

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Obviously, hosting this series regularly will be more challenging than I thought. I just realized I skipped it in the past two weeks again and I am sorry about that. Very busy times here on Hive lately and too many other, more topical things to post about. But today, I am here with another contribution to my Video Wednesday series and I think you will love it ;)

It was actually @sofathana and her recent post about sloths in Caracas what inspired me to come up with this sloth footage for my today´s episode of the Video Wednesday series. My one and only (so far) encounter with these fascinating creatures happened in Costa Rica a few years ago but it was so powerful and emotional that I completely fell in love with these curious furry fellas right there :) I have already published a few posts about the sloths, shared some photos of them with you and also wrote about how important it is to drive slowly and carefully in places where sloths live because their extreme slowness make them very prone to car accidents. Honestly, I am not sure if I also showed you this footage that I captured in the Costa Rican jungle but if I did, it´s definitely not available anymore because I must have uploaded it on one of the old Steem video platforms that don´t exist anymore. So today, I uploaded it on my Youtube channel where it should stay for some time so hopefully, the link below will work in future too ;)

Let me first put some photos in here. You might have already seen the first two but the third one is a kind of bonus - yeah, that´s me posing with my new furry friend :D It was in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Sweet memories from an incredibly beautiful country that we got to explore a bit during the relaxed, light-hearted pre-covid times...




I hope you enjoyed the photos and especially the video :) As you can see, the little guy was actually very courageous and curious about me as he was moving right towards me. Sloths are such amazing creatures. I hope you will get a chance to see some in their natural environment too. Truly priceless experience.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Oh how cool! I loved the video, how the sloth is heading your way! Thanks for mentioning me :) By the way, yesterday I edited my post and added the photo that I was missing of the mother with the baby on the ground and that I hadn't been able to find in my files until yesterday, I must order my photos so that this doesn't happen to me again...

I just checked that post of yours again, the photo is amazing but it´s heartbreaking to know the mother didn´t survive the fall :( I wonder what happened up there on the tree. Maybe they were attacked by a bird or something, I don´t think they would just fall because of clumsiness or something...

Thanks for your feedback Sofia, I am glad you liked the video :)

It's true, it's very sad that she didn't survive, the urban wildlife people who came to rescue her said that she probably tried to go from one branch to another and slipped, didn't hold on well, who knows... and even though she fell into the grass, it was a serious trauma, we didn't see how she fell, we saw her already on the ground :(

I hope you upload more videos, maybe I will also share some, I will see if I have something interesting hehe

these fascinating creatures

Wow - they look cute, but do they hurt ?

The internet says they actually can hurt with their claws when threatened but I just cannot see how, considering how slow their moves are :D

When they are going to attack then you might have much time to cut their nails with the nail cutter before they touch you :D

Hahaha right! :D

You will have to try out 😀

Didn't see it live but it seems a lovely creature.

But you have seen Zootopia, right? :D The sloth scene is just epic... They are lovely indeed. Such cute furballs :)

Hmm I think not.
But I have seen that sloth scene while someone putting a dubbing over it. It was funny :D

Man, this is my daughter's dream right here. Sloths are her favorite.

Yeah, I remember you said that under one of my older sloth posts :) I hope she will get to see them in the wild too. They are actually pretty common in many Latin American countries...

I have this little obsession with sloths! They are so adorable like I could cradle one right now! I'm so jealous of you for seeing one!

Haha thanks man, I think sloths are actually many people´s favorite animals :) They are just so special and cute. I hope you will get to see some too one day.

I hope so too. I would probably freak out if I see one!

Wow the animal looks lovely but scary to me. !LOLZ

Knock knock...
ERROR: Joke failed.

@emeka4, You need more $LOLZ to use this command. The minimum requirement is 8.0 LOLZ.
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Really? :D What can be scary about them?

The looks lol

 3 years ago  

Kdybych kdysi neviděl lenochoda na obrázku, nevěděl bych, kdo je kdo (třetí foto) :-D
za použití #aroundtheworld

Zootropolis :)
Lenochod nemá chybu.

To teda :) Opravdu svérázná stvoření :D

I love these sloths I have till this day still not not one in real life looking forward to meeting one some day 😊

I hope you will have a chance to meet these guys one day, they are really special :) Thanks for checking out the video man.

I really do hope so @phortun the one day will come 👍

Joo tenhle tvor je jinej buddha :D

Podobně jako @jjprac jsem si hned vzpomněl na tohle :D

Jo jo, legendární scénka :)

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