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RE: A peak into my garden

So sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort and strength are heading your way.

Thank you, that is very kind of you <3

Yeah, I'm quite happy with my herb rack! It's looks good and it's very easy to have the herbs right next to the back door. Bonus: I haven't found any slugs or snails in them yet ;-)

Oh and about those weeds, it’s time for me to get out here and take care of ours. Weeds grow like weeds!

Haha, yeah, they do seem to do that! Good luck on the weed pulling. It is a nice way to relax the brain!


You’re welcome ~

Oh yes that is a bonus. I think I’m going to look into getting one :)

Lol thanks!! I read that putting boiling water on them also helps rid them. I tried this on the ones that are not close to our plants. We’ll see how well it works.

I read that putting boiling water on them also helps rid them.

Well, the plants I hit with boiling water while drowning ants didn't fare so well, so that might actually help indeed!

I tried it out and it seemed to wilt them a little and it tarnished their color but I still had to pick them. It helped better in some areas but it seems just picking them would be my best option.

Could they maybe become easier to pick, with roots getting destroyed? Or haven't you noticed much difference?

Oh yes that’s right! I was going to mention this when I posted about it and I’m so glad you reminded me.

I did notice it was WAY easier picking them from the roots. The boiling water did weaken them for sure!

Oh that's awesome! So I guess even after picking and missing some roots, we could throw boiling water on them to destroy the roots. Would be great if they wouldn't return so quickly :D

Yes exactly! They came right up it was quite amazing!

So true. They come back way too fast. Although I was reading with the boiling method maybe not as often.