Splinterlands | Up To Eleven Challenge

in Splinterlands8 months ago (edited)

This week I would say is one of the more difficult game rules in the Share Your Battle Challenge which now also is called 'Battle Mage Secrets" in Splinterlands. This is the Up To Eleven Game Rule where all monsters get the amplify ability.

First off, out of all the battle challenges that include game rule, this is the only one where I don't really get the name and how it relates to the rule. 'Up To Eleven' somehow needs to have a link to monsters doing double the damage on getting hit with a certain attack type.

Anyway, this is one of those game rules where I never really know what to do and I guess some of the no-attack monsters with at least 2 abilities that are buffed by Amplify are most useful. The one that comes to mind instantly is the good old Lord Arianthus which used to be a Legendary Reward Card.

Looking at it now and seeing a Level 3 being valued at around 60$ despite the fact that only 2000 copies are available really makes me sad and highly disappointed that everything was put in place to devalue cards like crazy. The swap from collection power to Staked SPS I never liked and helped to kill card values and the rental market and there doesn't seem to be much in place to make powerful rare cards like this more useful. They Just are getting replaced and deflated by similar type newer cards which makes it impossible for me to keep investing in the game. I still hope this changes and a draft mode game rule where those who delegate their cards and get part of the entry fees based on how many are delegated and how often cards are picked and played would be a solution but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Back to the challenge, the the up to Eleven game rule pops up I tend to knind of ignore it most of the time especially in a match with 3 game rules. Magic was not allowed and only Even Mana monsters could be played.

Whenever the Magic is not allowed, I tend to lean toward the life summoner which gives armor to all monsters and the Shieldbearer as a tank. I followed that up with a Runi since that has the Reflection shield ability. The Armorsmith helps to repair Armor and can't attack so it doesn't get affected by the Amplify ability. The Venari Crystalsmith helps to heal my tank and it also removes all positive abilities on the monster it hits. in the back I played my 2 0-mana monsters with the Furious Chicken & the Soul Fiend.

The Runi managed to kill off all the supporting monsters of the opponent 1 by 1 while my Shieldbearer managed to easily stay alive which won me this match.

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