Hive Gaming Community - Best Video Game Memories - Pokemon Leaf Green

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

What's up #HiveGC fam?

If you've been following me for a while then you know that I am a Poke-holic.
Pokemon games were some of the first games I played and that dates way back to 2000 trying to clear Pokemon Stadium in N64.

Even though I have great memories from my N64 Pokemon adventures, my best video game memories are from when I was playing Pokemon Leaf Green on my old-but-gold GameBoy Advanced.

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How everything started

I was 12 years old back in 2004 and as I mentioned above I was already playing Pokemon Stadium on my N64.

One rainy day my favourite uncle visited us and gave me one of the best gifts I ever received. A GameBoy Advanced accompanied with the Pokemon LeafGreen game. He knew how much I loved playing Pokemon and since he was the one who gifted me my N64 when I was 7 he decided that it was proper to gift me the newest version of my favourite game.

I still remember that day and it was one of the best moments in my life.
I anxiously unboxed my new GameBoy Advanced, inserted the Pokemon LeafGreen game and boom, my life-long Pokemon addiction begun!

It was the first time I ever played a Role-Playing game. Having my own character scrolling around Kanto region and be able to talk so everyone and enter buildings? I couldn't even imagine that a game like this one existed.


Exploring The "Pokemon" World

I was spending so many hours playing this game every single day. I clearly remember my starter Pokemon and it was Bulbasaur. I thought that the strongest Pokemon in this game should be "Bulbie" since it was in the game's logo lol!

I was trying to catch every single Pokemon, obtain every Gym Badge and talk to every single NPC. You see, kids have a crazy amount of imagination and what hooked me up in the Pokemon world was the open-world gameplay.

I was travelling from one city to another, exploring secret caves and catching ledgendary Pokemon on the way. I felt like I was there! I was a fan of the TV Pokemon Series and I always dreamed of living in a world where Pokemon exist.

After countless hours of gaming I defeated the Elite Four and caught almost every single Pokemon you can find in Pokemon LeafGreen. My adventures were far from over though 😉

I convinced a friend of mine to buy a GameBoy Advanced and get the FireRed Version of the game. FireRed and LeafGreen Pokemon games are similar in terms of gameplay exept the availability of wild Pokemon.

I told my friend which Pokemon I was missing so he can catch them and trade them with me while I was going to give him the Pokemon that weren't available in FireRed! Yeah, you could do that! All you needed was a Game Link Cable and to visit a Pokemon Center.

Some weeks later, I owned almost all Pokemon in the game except of some wild ones and a couple of Legendary which were only available in FireRed Version. My friend was not stupid enough to give them to me 😂

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Still Playing Pokemon

16 years later, I am still playing Pokemon games. Pokemon and not just this specific game has helped me realize that everything in life is achievable as long as we stick to our goal and chase out dreams, just like Ash Ketsum did.

Despite all the trouble he and his nakama faced on their journey, he never gave up on his dream of becoming the best Pokemon trainer and in the end, he did it! Life lessons there boys and girls!
Everything is achievable!

I also run a series playing Pokemon Colosseum on an Nintendo GameCube and a new episode will be dropping soon so all you Poke-Holics out there, stay tuned.


What about you guys? Have you ever played any Pokemon game? What's your favourite Pokemon game and what do you think about my favourite game?
Waiting for your comments bellow so we can have an awesome Poke-chat!

Thank you all for reading. As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

This post is my entry to "Hive Gaming Community" Latest Contest.
Find out more about the contest or how to participate bellow :

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Congratulations! Your awesome post was curated by our team and featured in our Gaming Curation Report. Keep up the great work and game on!

Thank you guys!
Keep up the great work too!

Pokemon was one of my favorite games too!

I'm a little older than you, the first one that I played was Blue Version. LeafGreen Version was like a remaster with color and better graphics.


I remember that some friends that liked video games but never played much RPG games could not understand the game lol. For the time the game was very complete and you could do a lot of things, it would take hours to finish and the catch 'em all.

Blue, Yellow and Fire Versions were epic too! I played them after I tried Leaf Green but LeafGreen will always be #1 for me. Maybe cause it was the first Gameboy Pokemon game I've played!

I've cleared most of Pokemon games except the new generation ones. I kinda don't like the new graphics but everyone says it's epic so I should probably give them a shot (if I find any proper emulators for new consoles lol)

Thanks for stopping by man, glad we were able to connect through this awesome #Hivegc contest


I've also haven't played the newer ones, but I got some friends that are bigger fans of Pokemon than me and they said they are very cool.

And I see that you skate! I tried when I was young but I was never consistent and never improves, my brother and older cousin used to skate. Now my brother is a skydiver and pilot and my cousin a tattoo artist, I'm just "El Chico Hive" lol! I want to invite them to Hive but they haven't taken the time...

Following you on Instagram too!

Cheers bro! Greetings from Mexico!

 4 years ago (edited) 

I'm just "El Chico Hive

hahahaha! Thanks man, gonna follow you on IG too once I log in!

We also have a skateboarding community on Hive called SkateHive and we are growing fast and steady! Skaters love monetizing their content and getting paid for it ;)
You can check out more bellow :

Greetings from Greece brother and #SKATEFOHIVE

Cool! I'll be showing this community to some friends that are skaters, thank you for sharing!

Perfect man! If you have any problems signing them up or any of your friends wants to learn moer about Skatehive you can text me on IG!

Our curation account has more than 55k HP so they are gonna be getting some pretty fat upvotes for their skate content ;)

I can play any Pokémon-based game. ;)

Me too man! One that comes to my mind right now is the Pokemon Snap game on N64 console. I spent many hours in this one too but my favourite ones are and will be the role-playing ones like LeafGreen

A great game not only because of the theme and the modality but also because of the different challenges it offers. Even today leaf green and fire red game hacks are still being made.

A game that marked the childhood of many people and gave way to great adventures following the red protagonist and his great blue rival


Pokemon games are the best! I am playing Pokemon Colosseum on GameCube these days. It's cool but it's nowhere near the old-school ones like Yello, Blue, Red, LeafGreen etc.

I´m not a big Pokemon fan but I´ve played Ruby, Shappire and some others from the Nintendo Gamecube and I found them enjoyable.

Ruby is also one of favourite Pokemon games. I've spent many hours one this one. Such amazing graphics and story.

I am playing Pokemon Colosseum on Gamecube at the moment and it's cool. Not in the top of my list but quite enjoyable

I have played very few Pokémon titles, but I have watched the series from beginning to end. my favorite character will always be little Squirtle (his latest evolution in Blastoise is amazing, buddy) :'D

Have you been watching the new generation series? I kinda don't like how the story unfolded and stopped watching!

You should try some of the Gameboy Pokemon titles. It's very easy these days. Just download an emulator and you are good to go ;)

Hehe I thought you was more an FPS guy but it seems you are a Pikachu guy.}
Grampa Marios posted his memories. Since you are my teacher here give me feedback :D

Well, Pokemon is Pokemon haha! I just love every Pokemon game, so many good memories!

I've played a ton of Counter-Strike 1.6 and I used to play a lot of MOBA games too but not these days!

Gotta work hard @mariosfame, if you know what I mean ;)

Yea I hear you, brother !
Anyway, it's a big day today :) Get ready !

I never had a gameboy, no idea why, but I remember I had an N64 and we bought a Pokemon Stadion that had an adapter for the control and connect a pokemon card. I bought Pokémon Blue and I could play it from Pokémon stadion and I loved to take my pokémon out to fight with other people. I think it's time to play this version, thanks.

I have a n64 too but I never had an adapter for gb games! Sounds awesome!
It's so easy to play every game on you computer these days and I really recommend you start with Pokemon LeafGreen if you want to give a shot to Pokemon GB games.

Let me know how it went if you decide to play!

At that time it was great to play pokemon on a TV thanks to pokemon stadium. I've played many pokemon games but this one you're talking about, I haven't played it. I will emulate them in the smartphone

Sounds like a plan man! You'll have tons of fun with it!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the great conversation! Cheers yo!

I dont think i have ever played this game but Pokemon games have always been amazing according to people who have played quite a number of pokemon games. Super Sonic was one of the few game cartridges i owned back in the days and was actually one of the best games i ever played back then on sega mega drive 2 console.

Super Sonic was sick too! So much adrenaline in tis game!

I higlhy recommend to download an emulator and try out a Pokemon game, especially the older ones like LeafGreen or Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

I love the Pokemon series! I myself started with Sapphire, but by I think that by now I've played almost every single one of the handheld games (GBA/DS).

My favorite game has to be Pokemon Black, but the old games have something about them that always make me want to play them again and again.

Yeah man, old but gold! I've played Black too and its pretty decent! I was going to give Pokemon Moon a try, is it worth it?

I personally enjoyed Sun & Moon but some people don't really like them... I guess it really depends on the person.

They're far more easier than a lot of the other Pokemon games but that's not necessarily a bad thing... Again, it depends on the person. I did really like the Z-Move mechanics they added, mostly because the dances look silly.

Leaf green pokemon was the first game that I had in a portable console, seriously it was a before and after my life, everything was very beautiful to be able to play it in any moment.

I know what you mean @jeduardoz. Playing everywhere was a dream coming true for us youngsters back then. It was almost unbelievable!
Good times man, good times