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Thanks for the !PIZZA and !LOLZ with !LUV! πŸ˜€

Anyway, I noticed that you have only 0.1 staked and 0.3 liquid !ALIVE tokens. πŸ˜…

@ahmadmanga(1/4) gave you LUV. | wallet | market | tools | connect | <><

Yup, this ^ @savvyplayer

It looks like @hivegifbot this time has an accurate GIF representing you about 20 years ago! πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Take note that since I tagged @hivegifbot, it will use the next word (which on this comment is this) as a search term. πŸ€“πŸ˜

Have a !PIZZA!

Actually more than that... I was 7 when I played with my mother's MSX computer, I'm 29 years old now: 22 Years!!

Since you are 29 years old now, that means you are about 5 years older than @mehmetfix who told his age on this comment as well as here. 😏

Take note that @mehmetfix likes to ask the ages (as well as the names) of other people, as evidenced by his Hive comments here, here, and here. πŸ€“

Oh, if you didn't put the second line, I would say that this was unnecessary... Well, I put my age online a lot, but I dislike asking about real life ages online.

@mehmetfix said on this comment that asking people their age is a common activity where he lives (Turkey). 😏

One funny thing is that @mehmetfix suddenly asked @shinyobjects about what their age is, when @shinyobjects just posted about chill/relaxation music. πŸ˜…


It is where I live as well, I'm strange compared to the average Libyan person. I give answers like "My age is 29.3 or something..." Because I only calculate it when asked about it.

Hahahahah sometimes people give such strange answers here too. πŸ˜€πŸ˜…

Posted via D.Buzz

I don't know why you say .3 after 29, especially since I never encountered one in the Philippines who tells ages like that. πŸ˜…

I never encountered anyone who does it like me too... Adding the fraction is a joke.

Do people usually ask each other their age in the Philippines? Maybe there are some very curious people out there like me. πŸ˜…

Posted via D.Buzz

Definitely something different culturally. Asking someones age is not common in my area. Different cultures = different norms.

Let's not forget that @mehmetfix is a very curious person as he said here and here. πŸ˜…

Have a !PIZZA on behalf of @savvyplayer! 😁

While anyone can ask somebody else personal questions, I really don't think that it is a good idea to answer such questions here on Hive. πŸ˜…

Have a !PIZZA! 😁

Yes @savvyplayer
@ahmadmanga 5 years older than me. I thought he was the same age as me.

Posted via D.Buzz

I thought you just look 30 years old, but you also think that you are also as old as @ahmadmanga (@ahmadmangazap) who is halfway towards 30 years of age! πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Have a !PIZZA and !LOLZ to help you avoid thinking that you are already too old! 😁

Amateurs... I've been playing since at least 1983 and got my first game system in Christmas of 1983 :).

I still have a few PS1 memory cards around though I know longer have my PS1 (I have a PS2 though which will play PS1 games). One of them is a Laura Croft memory card. Not sure what data is on them if any.