Happy New Year Hive!!

in GEMS3 years ago

We Made It!

Well, we've survived one more year folks. Another long year trying to stay positive amid an onslaught of ominous sounding coronavirus designations.

What's a New Year??

It would seem that I have fallen victim to the most diabolical sounding one yet...

photo taken from kjct news website. Looks pretty outrageous!

The Omicron Variant sounds like a weird sci-fi movie, or maybe a spy novel. The thing is, I have taken two at home tests, which both came back negative. However, my symptoms are very weird. Yesterday I slowly got a fever, which rose up to nearly 102F. I had a massive headache all night long, which lasted into today. My temperature has come back down to almost normal. The weird thing is that I didn't have any congestion, sore throat or anything.

Well, I got the normal body aches that usually come with a fever. I still feel like crap now. But I must say, never in my life have I gotten a fever without even the slightest stuffed up nose. I was reading that the omicron virus does this. I do have a scratchy throat, but not really enough to make me start coughing. Also, oddly my 2nd covid test showed up positive, but only after it sat there for about 45 minutes. They say to ignore the results after 30 minutes. Hell if I know.

Unfortunately, @little-ricky has a fever now as well. It is freaking us out a bit because he has never been sick in his short little life. Not even a stopped up nose! We are hoping that the fever goes down by tomorrow. If not, we have the baby Tylenol ready.

Starting 2022 On A Positive Note

Well, maybe I have covid, or maybe not. Either way it seems fitting that I am struck with illness as a final F You from 2021 to me; with love. I am ready to leave it all behind and start 2022 with a much more positive outlook.

The last two years have been maddening, but we always have the opportunity to take each day as a fresh start. I have been reading a lot lately about how important it is to take a positive perspective on things.

I know it seems cliche at this point, but the truth of the matter is that misery starts in our mind. We have the choice to interpret things however we like. My resolution for 2022 is to do my best to be grateful in every situation. Believe me, that is a big ask for me.

See you next year!!


Happy new year to you and family. In all situations. We must be thankful.

I agree! We must be grateful for all things. Happy New Year!

More positivity this New Year ahead. We can beat this. Happy New Year Cheers!

Happy New Year! Looking forward to great times ahead.

Also, oddly my 2nd covid test showed up positive, but only after it sat there for about 45 minutes. They say to ignore the results after 30 minutes. Hell if I know.

This also depends on the type of the test. Somewhere I read that the PCR/antigen test is positive if there was a coronavirus in your throat at the time of sampling. If not, it will not be positive. If there is only a small amount of virus, the very sensitive PCR test may be positive even if the rapid antigen test is negative, because the "trigger threshold" of the antigen test is only reached by larger amounts of virus.

Hopefully you are not infected with the Covid-19, nor with anything else.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

I am finally starting to feel a bit better. Wow, what a miserable week! I am still a little off balance and have a slight uneasy feeling but am on the mend.

I think at the time I took the test the viral load must have been too low. I will need to take another test though after my symptoms are completely gone before I venture back out into public. I don't want to be part of the problem, after all!

Happy New Year!

I've got a cold as well. Don't know if it's corona. It's my second one in a month. It's kind of my fault for going to extremes with thermal baths. Happy New Year!

I think we got sick from our babysitter to be honest. Who knows if it was a cold or covid! Luckily I am feeling mostly better now. I think I still have a little bit to go, though.

Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to you, and let's hope you and @little-ricky get well soon!

It really is true. The misery does really start in the mind. It's called "The law of attraction". It really does work that way.

Wishing you all the best for 2022!

Happy New Year! Not surprisingly little Rick was over it super fast. Meanwhile it took me and @afturner a good 5 days. We are just about feeling better now.

Happy New Year, Hetty!

Thank you, Rick, and glad to hear that you and @afturner are also start to feeling better now! Here's hoping for the best for you this year!

Final F U from 2021?😂😂😂
Well, what kind of relationship did you two have?😅😅

That's a hell of a resolution, man, I keep trying to follow that principle and I'm caught napping sometimes. Would never stop, though. Happy new year to you too👍

Haha 2021 and I didn't get along that well. Things will be different with this one! Happy New Year!

I hope you get well soon regardless of covid or not and also to @little-ricky.

Happy new year might jump on your resolution also.

Turns out it definitely is covid, but almost gone now! Not fun at all! Thank goodness for vaccinations.

Thankfully, you are better. I know covid is pretty bad.

The best for you in 2022!

Happy New Year!

@nuthman happy new year 🎉🎈🎉 to you and your family sir. Compliment of the season. Greetings 🎊. And thanks as well.

The last two years have been maddening, but we always have the opportunity to take each day as a fresh start

Aint that the truth. Enough with the whining already (not you, just in general) and let's try to make the days as happy as possible.

I like your NY resolution - virtuous and achievable.

I am really trying, man! I have always known deep down that our perceptions determine how we navigate this world, but changing them is not always an easy thing to do. It is literally a decision to be OK or not OK in a situation.

Your son so cute and adorable.Also Happy new year Stay bless with your family..

Thank you, and a happy new year to you as well!

Happy new year to you my dear friend @nuthman, sorry for your situation I believe you will get well soon and for the omicron it will not be your portion it will never come to your family 👪 take some medication for your fever and you will be back to your feet,stay safe and stay alive

Thanks! We are already feeling a lot better. Happy New Year!

Happy to hear that @nuthman

This omicron seems to be another shit.

Anyway I wish you happy Life.❤️

Hey buddy, good to see you back! It's been a long time.

Yeah, great to be back. Happy to talk after such a long time.
I hope you are feeling better.
Wish you fast health recovery❤️.

I am no longer testing positive for covid, but I still feel extreme fatigue. Hopefully I will get some energy back soon.

Oh oh. So sorry about that. Thank God for that..... That's a good news. My regards to your family

Good and sound health will be your portion Man. Be strong, Hale and hearty. I wish you happy new year to you @nuthman and your adorable son @little-ricky.🤭🤭🤭

Hello Rick - checking in after a few days again.
Don't sweat it - you will be fine. If you did catch Covid, then it would possibly be Omicron, based on your description. Your immune system took care of it by now, I am sure. Your temp is about in the neighborhood of a bad cold (that is all Omicron is for people your age). The bonus would be that now you got immunity the natural way.
I am passing on this video by Dr. John Campbell, a guy whom I trust to lay out the facts without the usual fearmongering (his latest, I believe):

a day earlier, he explained Omicron symptoms in detail:

We are all feeling a lot better now. Not 100% yet, but not as miserable. I do believe it is omicron.

Thanks for the clips! I have watched this guy's videos before. I like him!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from day 3
Happy New Year - Feedback from the first Hive Power Up Day of 2022

Hey dear Rick,
It's been a while I saw your posts, so I decide to come check up on you only to realize that you and yours were going through it but I can see from your comments that you are getting better - I am glad to hear.

Hang in there, take it easy.
Sending you tons of love, hugs, and positive vibes.
Wishing you a Happy Prosperous 2022 with sound health, and peace of mind and heart.

PS: I figured since your son is @little-ricky 😊, you got to be Rick.

Happy New Year

Happy new Year! I hope you are feeling better now!