Goal Tracking, month #2!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

I'm back from a Vacation

I was scarce on the site last week. I found time to comment and vote a bit, but not much. Not what I like to do on here. This post marks my vacation ending and getting back onto POB daily. What better post to get back into the swing of things than my monthly goal tracking. So... let's see where I am at.

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No, this is not a pic from my vacation... but I did try surfing!

Hive Power

If you are posting on Hive without any Hive Power, you are missing out on the big kahuna of the whole ecosystem. Post on tribes, stack your DEC, let your Hive-Engine wallet expand, but don't forget where it all began and what still makes the rest of these endeavors all possible... Hive Power.

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Let's see how I did last month with respect to my goal!

August 2 Goal: 6050
August 3 Total: 6053 (I just barely made it... but I made it!)

September 1 Goal: 6200
Jan 1 2022 Goal: 6750

POB Power

I have been going long on this tribe since I jumped in early (but not as early as I wish I did). The community is cool, the politics are what you would expect, and never fail to be an entertaining human petri dish, the content is good and the rewards are still well worth the time and effort. That being said, I am trying to keep powering up the POB at a fairly rapid rate. Let's see how I'm doing!

August 2 Goal: 7000
August 3 Total: 7241

September 1 Goal: 8200
Jan 1, 2022 Goal: 11,000

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I made it to my goal and beat it by a decent amount. This has caused me to increase my end of the year goal by 1000 POB. I think that I can make that based on the pace that I am working at (with the inevitable decline of rewards as the platform grows factored in).

LEO Power / LEO bridge stake

I am a very strong believer in the LEO project. I see the development going everywhere it needs to go and I see a solid community that is on board with the project for the long haul. This is a recipe for success. A very similar recipe that I saw with @splinterlands... and look where they are at now!!! I see the same thing happening with LEO and everything LEO Finance. Cheap LEO coins right now are very attractive and I am slowly but surely adding to my stack. I want LEO power to curate on the front-end and I want lots of BLEO and PLEO for the bridge. I haven't decided if I am going to jump onto Ethereum yet for this project... maybe once RUNE is on the table!!! I am pumped up about accumulating LEO... let us not forget that project blank is still coming!

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How am I doing with my goals?

Aug 2 Goal: 1000
Aug 2 Total: 902 Leo Power, 1075 BLEO staked on CUB = 1977

September 1 Goal: 2750
Jan 1, 2022 Goal: hard goal 5000, soft goal, 10,000

I did good. I blew the goal out of the water, but the soft goal is still pretty far away... the hard goal still has a fairly aggressive schedule. In order to get to 10,000 LEO by the end of 2021, I need to be pulling in close to 1500 LEO / month. To reach my soft goal, we are still looking at 750 LEO / month. This goal (along with my BEE goal) are my two biggest pushes. I would love to be a big Lion before the project blank airdrop. I am putting in the work... we will see how I do.


I am pretty pumped about @dunksocial. It is an awesome project and it really shows the future of Hive's blog. There will be a finance section, a sports section (and within that, a basketball section). I am a big fan of basketball and want to be a part of this project and its inevitable growth. Let's see how I am doing!!!

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Aug 2 goal: 7000
Aug 3 total: 8230

September 1 goal: 9600
Jan 1, 2022 goal: 15,000

I blew my goal out of the water! I did much better than I thought I would and have since revised my end of year goal of 10,000 to 15,000!!! I am pretty stoked to see the progress of this tribe and the price today reflects it. It is up to almost 1 cent per dunk, which is pretty good considering how new and small in scope the tribe is.


Bee is one of my hardest goals to reach but also one that I want to get to before the inevitable Hive pump which will wreck all of the pump dumpers. The pump that will take Hive up to $2 - $10. The ability to create a functioning tribe is still within reach for common Hiver's who want to put the work in and stack the 6000 BEE. With BEE tied loosely to Hive, the time to stack BEE is now. I see it coming... don't say that you were not warned. BEE was pumping pretty good for much of last month so I left it alone for the most part so it saddens me to say that I didn't make my goal on this one. But, I can't call it a loss either, because I did add to my pile. Let's see how I did.

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Aug 2 goal: 1000
Aug 3 Total: 705 (last months total was 499)

September 1 goal: 1500
Jan 1 2022 goal: 2750 (half of a functioning tribe)

I have not given up on this goal, but, the stakes just got a lot higher. In order to get to my year end goal on BEE, I need to more than double my holdings in the next month. If I cannot do that, I will need to look at a more realistic year end goal.


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Hopefully next month, my CUB supply will have shrunk significantly as I plan to hit the new Polygon platform hard and burn a bunch of my CUB in the first ever Cub IDO!!! That said, I am still holding onto a boatload of CUB and I feel very happy with my allocation of resources to CUB. Aside from maybe RUNE and LEO itself, CUB likely has the biggest potential of any project that I see right now. I am way more in CUB than Rune because this project feels a lot more like a home base than any other project. CUB is the AMM built by Hive and I like to keep my money close to home. That said, my CUB holdings have increased this month (sorry BEE supply, I just can't let go of these CUBBIES so cheap) and I don't feel bad about that at all. Once the IDO's start happening, I think there is only one way for the price to go not to mention the rewards you get for burning CUB.

As it stands I have somewhere in the neighbourhood of 0.3% of all CUB's and want to maintain 0.1% long terms. I also want to have some serious earning power on the coming Polygon platform so I can expect a shake-up in the coming weeks. So, my goals will be getting closer as my CUB holdings go down as IDO's launch and I can burn some of these CUB's and diversify. Patience...


I didn't FOMO in. I just played some market games and somehow ended up as a mega whale. Out of 1.1 million tokens, I have some 65,000. This puts me at #6 on the famed "rich-list". I like the concept of Broadhive. Finance, Investing, Crypto, Technology (pretty much @taskmaster4450's wheelhouse). Anybody posting legit posts on LEO can also be tagging broadhive and claiming those rewards. Lot's of folks on Hive are already talking about these subjects, but not everyone is tagging #BHT to get in of the extra earnings. Currently the BHT token is sitting at 7 hundredths of a cent, so, you can see how becoming a large whale is not a difficult task. The task for me is to raise awareness of Broadhive. There are a lot of people who tag it, get the rewards and dump the pennies onto the market, but nobody has a real reason to stake. So, for me... the goal is to raise awareness of the BHT tribe and to get more people taking it seriously.

Aug 3 Price - $0.00069
Sept 1 Price - $0.001
Jan1 2022 Price - $0.002

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My fiat life is like many others. I work to eat and pay the bills and struggle to climb out of the hole. As it stands, I am doing pretty good in this respect. I am keeping the bills paid and the bellies full and managing to pay down some debts. By no means are we in an dire situation... but the overall fiat economy is not looking too good at the moment. That said, if we can get a decent moon shot happening in the coming months, I will be taking some profits and putting my family into a better situation. I am thinking now is not the best time to pull some cash out of the portfolio... it is on my mind to watch for a good time to do so.

That is it!

So, one month down, I feel pretty good about my progress. Let's see where I am again in September. The goals are written in plain sight and I am no longer able to hide from them... I am accountable to shoot for them. The bar is set pretty high on a few... but that is what I want, so let's get it!

Posted via proofofbrain.io


first let me say welcome back from the vacation.

your idea of setting achievable goal is what i really love. Most people set unrealistic goal that at the end they may end up not achieving it.

let me also add to that which you have done that made me to say that the goal is a realistic goals.

first a goal must be time bound. meaning one give his or herself a specific that in which the goals will be achieved.

secondly a goal must be objective. which means it must be something that one can say that evidently we have achieve our result after the specific duration set

thirdly it must be measurable. just have you have set 7000 pob at the end of August

it must be realizable as well as reliable.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you! Yes, there is no point in setting goals that you cannot reach. "My goal is to have 3000 BTC this time next year." I am making these goals attainable but require effort to get there. This keeps me accountable to the goals and therefore, not slack off.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Congratulations on achieving your goals, surely it does guide the heart and a man's steps.

I'm keeping my eyes out to hit 50k dunk staked, I could say I'm 70% there. It's becoming header getting it cheap lol, seems nobody wants to sell, if business moves well, we could see this shit going places.

There is a market for monetized basketball talk. Who doesn't want to get paid to talk hoops?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Keep blowing those goals out of the water my friend! Hope vacation was fun

It was great! I needed it. Dunk to the moon!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nice accomplishments so far. The fact that you set a goal the previous times and achieved them doesn't make me surprised that you'll still beat the set one ahead. Good luck 😊 and yes welcome back from your vacation 😁.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

thank you! Yes, I will be trying to hit them all this month. It is easy to make one or two, but hitting all of them is the goal.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I know you got this. Have fun hitting them all😊

Woah! That's an amazing progress. Tips please, lol.

Seeing such post is indeed a motivation, I feel we all can do it with some dedication and hard work. You are killing it.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you! I have been pretty consistent for the last half year... and it is really gaining me some traction (but I have been here for over 4 years on and off with mixed results). Staying on it is really the formula.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Same! I am also here for the past 3 years and it's now I have started getting acknowledgement for my work mostly because I am consistent and engage with other people.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I now know some other good tribes to check
I hope you could achieve all your goals

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yes! I also collect "cent". It is an anything goes tribe where all you need to do is tag "cent" at the bottom of your post. Each token is attempting to stay pegged at one cent.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good luck for all your goals but when we watch how you're doing right now you are going to reach all of them !

Never heard of Dunk but that's probably because I don't like basketball, I might still give a look at it !
It looks like you're doing good with CUB too, the IDO will really be interesting and as you said that will for sure change CUB's price ! And I'll do my best to be in with POLYGON ! !PIZZA

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I am stoked to get on Polygon. I dabbled with just a bit of money, but once the LEO brand is there... it is ON!

Posted via proofofbrain.io



@allcapsonezero! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @ykretz.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (3/10)

Yes! It is good to setup targets and try hard to achieve it, in that way it helps the mind focus on reaching a certain goal.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Posted via proofofbrain.io

It seems like way too many tokens to keep track of. Any real reason why you choose BEE as one of your goals?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have been kicking around the idea of launching a token or tribe, and it takes a lot of BEE to do that. I feel that BEE could become out of reach if HIVE pumps like crazy (which it could).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome back..
Kudos to you on your achievements, it takes patience, courage and determination to achieve goals...

Everyone has a set goal and objective but how determined you are matters a lot. Looking at your achievements, I can tell how hard you really worked for it..

I believe you will do better before September..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you! How I do will also be partially determined by how the market does on these coins. If certain ones pump while I am holding them... great! If they pump when I am not holding them... not so great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just like what I said, you are already breaking limits and shattering barriers, so what make you think you won't hold them when it pumps...


Posted via proofofbrain.io

word to that!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the August 1st Hive Power Up Day