POBphotocontest New Round: ORANGE

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)


Welcome to a another round of the Proofofbrain Photocontest.

As a tribute to my fellow countryman Max Verstappen who won his first Formule 1 Championship today I choose our national colour; ORANGE as the subject for this round.
It might be a difficult one since it's not a colour you frequently see. At least...I don't.

So good luck everyone #POBphotocontest


How to join and rules

  • You create a post containing a photo of the subject for this round

It's important that the photographs you submit are made by you. It can be a new photo or one from your archive.
Add a few words describing your photo; what you photographed, why you photographed it and maybe what settings you used, so others can learn from it.

  1. You create a post with your photo, a (short) description of your photo and add the #pobphotocontest tag to that post.
    You can add more photos to that post, but only the first one in your post will be your submission for the contest.
  2. You place a link to the post you created in step 1 in the comment on this post.
    This is important, so I will not have to search for your submission.
    You can add your image to the comment too.

The contest ends next Sunday December 19th 8:00 PM CEST.
I will personally judge the photos and select a top 3.


All the POB tokens this post gets will be distributed among the winners.
The 1st place gets 50%, the 2nd 30% and the 3rd place will get 20% of the POB payouts of the contest post.

So for example; if this post receives 50 POB votes, the pay-out will be 25 POB.
#1 will get 12,5 POB (50%), #2 will get 7.5 POB (30%) and #3 will get 5 POB (20%).

If you’re interested in sponsoring this contest you can contact me on Discord (friendlymoose#5717)



Since this is a new initiative it would be helpful if you could help draw some attention to this contest by reblogging or mentioning photographers.


Do you want to get a mention when a new round of the #pobphotocontest starts, just let me know in the comments.

Followers (23)
@hetty-rowan @repayme4568 @bendany @insight.pob @xaviduran @pthker2010 @mrenglish @papilloncharity @eolianpariah @amberkashif @shadflyfilms @edipascal @samsmith1971 @whiteangey @elemarg25 @actioncats @funshee @nasri11 @robertdouglass @brittandjosie @deraaa @tommyl33 @ninahaskin @stader




Photographing is my passion. Although I like photography in general, nature photography is one of my favourite subjects. I often go out with my camera for a hike to capture the beauty of nature.

I would love to read what you think of my photos in the comments. You could also contact me if you have any other remarks or questions in the comments of via Discord (friendlymoose#5717)

More FriendlyMoose

I'm sharing my photo's on Hive and Noise.Cash.
Noise.Cash is an alternative to Twitter where you can earn Bitcoin Cash.
If you also want to earn money by sharing photos (or other content) you can become my referral.

Read my blog: https://peakd.com/hive-119845/@friendlymoose/earn-money-with-photography-on-noisecash
Sign up: https://noise.cash/u/FriendlyMoose

Check out my weekly overview of the different photography contests:

Check out my daily stats of the ProofOfBrain community:

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hello there, this my entry for this fun and colorful orange.😀😀


With a theme of ORANGE this should have a bunch of colorful entries! Good luck to all of the participants.

Here is my entry photo and link to my post:

A Black Tie Event


Bellísimo!!! 😍

Espectacular color. Muchísimas gracias por la invitación. Un abrazote navideño mi @lisfabian

Hi @friendlymoose, here is my contribution to the contest 'Orange'

Link to the original post 'rare corridor in orange'

Centro Medico St.Antoni 032.jpg

Una hermosa obra artística con un color espectacular. Un abrazote navideño @miriannalis muchísimas gracias por la invitación.

Could you tag me next time please, I am also Broxi from noise:)

Cool! I recognize your avatar.
I've added you to the list 👍

I am getting in here at the last minute again. Here is my submission for orange.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 85 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @friendlymoose, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

We should be allowed to cross-post an orange original post to enter the contest?

Do you mean if you could cross-post a blog you created earlier?

👍 Cool submission! I only rate the first photo in the blog as the submission for the contest.
If you use the #POBphotocontest tag on the post it's easier for me to judge the submissions.

Thank you and I have used the #POBphotocontest tag in the post. Actually forgot, but edited the tag into the post now. Thanks for the reminder.

The first photo is orange, as it is a young bird and they only turn red when they become adults.

I saw the update! Lovely birds!

Still feeling in a celebratory mood? Here's my bottle of orange champagne:

Also, pls tag me for these coz I find them a lot of fun 👍

My Entry:

Greetings Hivers lovers of photography. Visiting some posts on Hive with Chri... https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@graciadegenios/pobphotocontest-orange-naranja


Hi @friendlymoose
I am really glad because of Verstappen, he did deserve this title 🙂

My entry for this week is one orange sunset from Austria:


Full post is here: https://peakd.com/pobphotocontest/@dejan.vuckovic/orange-pob-photocontest

Thank you for this fun photo contests and all the best 😃