
I know of at least one other that I saw and read that isn't here either and it had the tag. Maybe the search function was glitchy @scholaris? I have been having some trouble lately finding WOTW articles to curate. When we tag our articles are we supposed to enter the tag as pob-wotw or #pob-wotw and does it bring it up differently depending on whether you post in proofofbrainio or @funshee because I have been struggling to pick up all entries myself to curate, I always drop @scholaris a tag when I submit mine to make sure he has it noted. I thought it was just me but maybe it is an issue. Hopefully, whichever issues are around, will disappear with 2.0🙏If there are legitimate entries that were not picked up, I am happy to return my tokens for 2nd place pending a final review @scholaris🙏I do appreciate them but if there were genuine entries that got missed because of a system issue, then I am more than happy for you to review those too and change the winners list if need be. I can't speak for anyone else though.

I'll respond to your concerns about issues disappearing with 2.0. The new output is offered through Aggroed and his development team. It will serve to tie POB more closely to the Hive ecosystem by providing us with a site more integral to the network. Either his team is creating it for us or they have a trusted contractor doing it for us.

I'm not sure which is which. Proofofbrainio and trostparadox has better info than I do. However, they won't buy off on a buggy system. I can't predict that we won't have problems, but I predict it will be handled quickly.

Sounds good :-)

That's damn odd. Your post has the tag, there are no edits on your article, and your article didn't come up on the data feeds. I have no idea how I missed your article. Your article doesn't even appear on the POB-WOTW tagged articles. Did you add the pob-wotw tag later? I did curate your article though after you brought this up. I apologize for this inconvenience.

There was this one too The Legend of the boy. It had a tag pob-wotw without the #

Ok. Well, thankfully, things will be calmer for me over the next week. Also, I have an additional person helping out with curating and grading. These are my first two errors of this contest. I can't afford any.

I don't think they are 'your' errors per se. The tags need to be correct to be picked up. I think it is just unfortunate that the entries were overlooked as a result. Can you confirm exactly how the tagging should be made? I know your post mentions..."don't forget the hashtag" but just to be clear, by that do you mean the actual # before the words pob-wotw like #pob-wotw, or do you refer generically to 'pob-wotw' as 'the hashtag' ?

I think @jaxsonmurph makes a great point about the differences in tagging between the different versions of the POB frontends. perhaps we can get some clarification of what tagging format is needed when posting from the different frontends, to ensure that you are able to pick up all posts. I found that doing a search in vs gave me different results🤔

@scholaris these were not your errors Pal, I have been made aware that my posts haven't been showing in the proofofbrainio front end feeds when posted via the or .blog front ends.

It might be a difference of algorythms or coding between the front ends and the use of #tags is different in each.

In the blue brain if you use the # before your tag it appears as two ## before the tag and isn't showing up in feeds in proofofbrainio and vice versa

Thanks for bringing that up @samsmith1971, I have been running into issues with tags when posting from the if I use the # on tags it appears as two ## in #proofofbranio and doesn't appear in the new feed and if I don't use the # it appears without the # on the tag in and I am unsure if it appears in the new feed or not.

I was noticing the same whenever I used the front end to post in #cinetv over the past seven to ten days.

I only became aware of this when @alekst7 notified me my post for this weeks word of the week wasn't visible.

I did try to edit it, but I am not sure it made much of a difference.

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Hopefully, @scholaris can clear this issue up. Maybe we need some input from @leprechaun too. Definitely a need for a bit more guidance I think as this tagging thing is a bit frustrating.

Yep @leprechaun might know whats happening.

Hopefully its just a minor issue that can be easily rectified.

Congradultions on your win though Pal

Thank you my friend. I was very happy with 2nd place this week. The caliber of the entries has been climbing week in week out so to be placed is a blessing amongst this wonderful group of authors. This contest pushes boundaries and really does require proof of brain just to take part 🙂

You are so welcome Pal, I agree the word of the week has always brought out the best of those authors that participate.

The high quality of work entered and attention to creative writing detail has long be a standard and helps to improve the authors work.

Its great to see so many of my favourite authors in one place Ha ha, I might not get to drop by or read each article every week, but I do appreciate the extensive work that most put in to their work for such contests.

I do enjoy taking part when time permits because you learn so much about your own writing critique an thus by getting out of your comfort zone improve upon your work.

It is a sign of good quality work just being placed and second is no easy feat. Well done

@scholaris, Just seen @funshee tagged it pobwotw without the hyphen. That's probably the issue.

Ah. That's why it never showed up.

So, to answer your question, I missed your article and it didn't appear in the pob-wotw feeds. You used the tag "pobwotw" instead of "pob-wotw". Please tag me in this article with your article link if you're participating this week. I'll make sure to get it entered. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Am so sorry about the miss up of the tag, and thank you for going back to check my Article. I will do better with the tagging next time.

Am sorry for the late reply as well, I traveled to a village in my sate and I could not access electricity.

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