Coffee and bread for dinner [ENG-ESP]

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

Greetings Hive friends, I hope you have a happy weekend. On this occasion I want to share with you a delicious dinner, I imagine that many like it, I am particularly fascinated by it, I love it and it is something that if I could have dinner every day, since it is very rich, nutritious, and above all all very fast, which is a delicious coffee with bread.

Saludos amigos de Hive, espero que tengan un feliz fin de semana. En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes una deliciosa una cena, me imagino que a muchos les gusta, a mí en particular me fascinas, me encanta y es algo que si pudiera cenar todos los días, ya que es muy rica, nutritiva, y sobre todo muy rápida, la cual es un delicioso cafecito con pan.

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Dinner is something so essential that you can never miss it, whether it is something simple or a small portion, it is not recommended to go to sleep without eating something. So in my house bread can never be missing, because sometimes it does not provoke eating it and it is ideal for dinner and you can eat it with cheese or just butter, as was the case last night and today I am writing this post to tell you about this experience.

La cena es algo tan esencial que nunca puede faltar, así sea algo sencillo o una ración pequeña, no es recomendable acostarse a dormir sin comer algo. Así que en mi casa nunca puede faltar el pan, porque a veces no provoca comerlo y es ideal para cenar y te lo puedes comer con queso o solamente mantequilla, como fue la ocasión de anoche y hoy escribo este post para contarle esta experiencia. 3.png

Yesterday afternoon we went to buy our breads, each one prepared their own, since we always used to do it that way, while my mother prepared a black coffee that was somewhat clear and not so pure, because it was for dinner and we did not need as much caffeine.

Ayer en la tarde fuimos comprar nuestros panes, cada quien se preparó el suyo, ya que siempre acostumbramos hacerlo de esa manera, mientras que mi mamá preparaba un café negro algo claro y no tan puro, porque era para la cena y no necesitábamos tanta cafeína.

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When everything was ready, we all sat down at the table to enjoy that delicious combination of dipping bread with butter in coffee. Truly, this dinner is priceless and if you haven't tried it yet, I recommend it, since it's very rich and you will love it.

Cuando estuvo todo listo nos sentamos todos en la mesa a disfrutar de esa combinación tan rica como es mojar el pan con mantequilla en el café, de verdad que esta cena no tiene precio y si aún no lo has probado te la recomiendo, ya que es muy rica y te va a encantar.

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Once we finished dinner, everyone got up from the table and washed their cup and plate where we had dinner, and we agreed to repeat this delicious dinner, because it is very economical and all the members of the house like it.

Una vez que terminamos de cenar, cada quien se paró de la mesa y lavo su taza y plato donde ceno, y llegamos al acuerdo de repetir esta rica cena, porque es muy economía y a todos los miembros de la casa nos gusta.

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It was a very nice, different and pleasant night. I hope you liked this little story that I lived yesterday and remember that dinner is something fundamental that you should never forget. Greetings.

Fue una noche muy bonita, distinta y agradable. Espero que les haya gustado esta pequeña historia que viví el día ayer y recuerden que la cena es algo fundamental que nunca deben olvidar. Saludos.

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All photos are my property taken with an Iphone 7. // Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con un Iphone 7. 3.png


 3 years ago  

Hello @davidpena21, it's interesting to hear you speak with so much passion about having bread with coffee before going to bed, and it does make sense that your mum makes a lighter brew to reduce the caffeine.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend:)

hello friend, it's something that I like that's why I write in this community, it was also very rich and delicious, greetings and happy weekend.

🤗☕ clásico mojar el pan con mantequilla en el café 😉👍🏻...lo he hecho siempre. Gracias por compartir!☺️

gracias amiga, esta es una combinación que no tiene precio, saludos

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