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RE: Nail repair & design training

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

You're welcome. I wanted to ask about an item I noticed in your above post. Was there any reason you decided to tag a few specific individuals? My experience has been that some don't particularly like to be tagged in others' posts, unless they've already given you approval to do so. In any event, it's up to you if you feel comfortable. Some contests and challenges require you to tag others to join in or join a community if they are not a member.

In my case, I don't mind because I have over 400 Followers, and some weeks it's not possible for me to visit everyone. I wish I had the time. So I welcome you to tag me to join in contests or challenges if you know they are the type that I might be interested in. Also, if you are writing about a new venture you are attempting or just anytime, that's great. I like to keep track of new members' journeys who Follow me so that I can encourage their progress.

I tag others when informing them of worthy news in my post they may have missed or to join in with me on a challenge.

I just want you to be careful about tagging Hive members in posts. Communities of interest for your content, and specific tags that may belong to other communities that are applicable to your post, may be included. For example, I utilize these tags for general purpose posts if I'm not publishing in a particular community: #gems #neoxian #lifestyle #life #careers #finances #cryptocurrency #travel #health #training and any other tags related to your specific content.

I suggest that you go to the specific Discord servers that allow post promotion. There, you can engage with other members and drop your link to your posts. You may receive exposure that way.

Thanks for your time in reading my thoughts.

Take care.


Hello dear @justclickindiva , I hope you are well
How happy I am to receive a message from you!
Yes, the reason for the labeling was that because those people had good support for Page, I wanted to inform them and I did not know at all that I had to get permission and it might upset them!
I did not take part in the competition or challenge, but I would be happy to tell you what topics you are interested in, in which I will tag your name.
Unfortunately, I do not write, but most of my posts are about dance videos
I have fully understood and will follow the general labels
But to get more exposure, how can I find specific Discord servers that can upgrade posts?
Finally, thank you very much for taking the time to write this very useful article for me

Are you on Discord? If so, give me your discord username and #. I will locate you. You can locate me at:


Unfortunately I'm not at Discord
How do I become a member?
And which member?
Do you have a link to send me?

I found it
It's :