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My downvoting if you remember started with me posting memes on gov't lies and death shots. Also for making comments on your posts, which I was not sorry for. After posting my normal shit posts on cats and nature the down votes went away. Now I see the bot spaminator that has no power will harass me from time to time. This last post a bot had more juice to remove the itty bitty reward from my cute one picture post..
/////Just went through your back and forth marathon with Nonamesleftouse He had some good points but was clearly fence siting on a humanity ending issue.
Got some good quotes out of it /// "LOOKS like you have been sucking whale dick:" Got my attention ha ha // Nonamesleftouse seems like a nice enough guy, haven't read his post but seems very articulate. But like you say his rewards are way high.
I see
Lighteye Posts on the vax BS but is not getting reward nullifying no-votes.

leave you with this meme



I suspect he really doesn't want me to call out the insider accounts on his post! - and I won't, but the accounts upvoting him are quite a good list of the key insiders. It is missing my favourie one (@a#2) but all the others are there.

I said this on my post but not his - he seems oblivious to the fact that all the key insiders were pushing the vax agenda, and presumably still are.

The account names start with @m @s and @t - I'm not going to name them because I can't be arsed starting WW3 again. All three of them pushed the death jabs in the same month and saw their already large post rewards grow even larger. To me that is pretty compelling evidence that they were promoting the covid narrative for their own gains.

Hi. I'll speak for me. You can cut the shit. Thank you very much.

Feel free to speak then, that is just my interpretation...

You have no idea where I stand on anything. And you prove it every time you open your mouth.

LOL - If I say where you stand and you say I'm wrong without saying where you do stand, your position has not advanced.

My position in this context doesn't need to advance. If we were playing chess, do I tell you what my next move is before making it?

Do you want me to reply or butt out? I am confused...

Go tell an artist selling out a stadium, "That's too much. I'm going to have to ask these folks to leave."

Record it. Show me the video. Then we'll talk.

You have an impressive following and get great rewards. You do some of the best posts on Hive. No dispute about that from me.

What I'm saying is that there is an insiders club who get the big rewards, and people who are not part of that club get about 10% of the reward payouts for equally good content (if they are lucky) and one of the big factors in that club is whether or not they stand up against deep state psyops like the covidhoax or meekly look the other way.

I have years of evidence to back those claims up, so when you go into denial I find it hard to put a sock it. But I'll tell you what - I will keep the rewards turned off and post whatever I like. If you want to have a bitch slapping session I may be up for it or I may just let it go, I'm not freaking out and it's nothing personal. My next post is about trannies and I have no idea what the insider position is on those...


Was I talking to you?

No. Not in this thread.

Here's the thing, Frot.

You're not trying to save the world. You're not trying to solve an issue. You're not trying to make things better. You're not trying to help anyone.

If I'm wrong. Don't tell me. Just go prove it.

And up there in your other response. That's called spin with elements of passive aggressiveness. Now, just know I'm not "offended" because there's no reason for me to be.

Allow your friend to speak for themselves as well. Butt out. You don't know where I was going with that or where I'm coming from. Don't even pretend you do. You're not a mind reader either. You used it as an opportunity to knock me down, in a roundabout way. And again. Not offended. There's no reason for me to be.

It's more like a thought experiment. Of course I don't expect him to actually do that.

I don't want to sit around arguing with you. Just leave me alone. Continue to live your life however you want. Leave me out of it. Don't worry about me. Don't even think about me.

Remember when I stopped by you blog to say hello?

You asked me if we had a problem, in so many words. I said it's your call. You said we didn't. Stay true to your words.


P.S. There's absolutely nothing stopping a content creator from bringing in their own consumer/support base, independently. This is a decentralized platform. People just need to act instead of sitting on their hands waiting for people to come sprinkle votes on them. Problem solved.

Hello nonames I am not on the same level of intelligence as you or frot. I am a man of few words who looks for beauty & truth in the world. If you are looking for proof of genocide? Easy to find. Starting with censorship ..

Okay. That's not even close.

Those rewards on my posts. I'm not in control of that. So if you don't want to see them there, you'd have to go tell all those people to stop. Or, simply allow people to enjoy what they like. Or you could downvote it.

And keep in mind half goes to the people who enjoy it. Wouldn't that be cool if you went to see a show, paid for your ticket, and the artist/entertainer gave half the show's earnings back to the people at the end? I'd say that would be a generous offering. Beautiful even.

I Understand. In the beginning of steemit I saw a potential to get rich when the price got to 7 dollars briefly. But I am only here to have fun and pass What I think is important info along. If you have followers that leave you big tips, the more power to you. It takes a long time to build up loyal followers.

Frot pulls no punches, tells it like he sees it. You showed patience but he wasn't satisfy with your answers. The scumbags in power are pulling the rug out from us all, up votes are the least of our worries. Peace / love

So here's how folks like us can intermingle. Artist/entertainer can't have politics under their posts. Much like how it would be absurd if I came to a serious post about something in the world, and started joking around.

People in my field always draw in the crowds, generally speaking. There's thing called spillover. I can hold an audience but then eventually they gotta go somewhere else, right. And they might smack dab into your territory.

We all work together, indirectly. Doesn't mix well. Frot made a fool of himself in front of my market, generally speaking. And I'm not saying this to be insulting. You saw our conversation. I straight up gave him pointers when it comes to reach, and a few other things.

If you folks want to sound believable, you gotta know your space. It's fun to be loud and proud but it's a major setback in the wrong setting.

I take flak for saying, "Shhh." But it's for a good cause. But I can't sit there and explain it in the wrong setting either. I'll just add a @frot tag. @por500bolos as well.

I take flak for saying, "Shhh." But it's for a good cause. But I can't sit there and explain it in the wrong setting either. I'll just add a @frot tag. @por500bolos as well.

I tried. See you in a few months. Can't even even establish your own platform. Gotta hijack mine.

lol it's so funny. Fucking hopeless

I'm not going to try and set this slapping contest off again but you do realise if you tag me I will have an overwhelming urge to reply?

I just clicked on a link to an old Steemit post from years back (not one of mine) that got 26 cents and most of that was from some dodgy account called @sift666 (yes, me!)

The history of good payouts going only to approved content dates back more than seven years. We all have to choose - post only approved content and get rewarded, or post anything we want and get black listed.

That's how things are on the entire internet, not just Hive, and I'm not moaning about it, just restating that this is a very clear and obvious fact.

Anyway, if you say "Frot made a fool of himself in front of my market", and tag me, you are begging me to say something like this:

"Your Market" includes all the key insiders who already have me black listed anyway. I don't know if they think I'm a fool or not and don't care. What little remains of my market here on Hive mostly has minimal money invested in this platform because they have withdrawn it.

This platform is never going to work for me as in getting paid to post, but I have found to my surprise that it still has appeal for other reasons, (non financial), although I have done pretty well in the past out of both Steemit and Hive. (but not from post payouts)


Took it personally hey. So much for progress.

Your narrative has you cornered and pinned down. Can't even step out to reason with people.

Lost cause.

This is pretty cool - but then they sacked the lead singer for being too dominant and the gimpy guy started singing instead and they disappeared into obscurity. There is more to it than that I'm sure, but my point is that ego gets in the way of cool stuff pretty regularly!

Lighteye posts some great stuff and they fling $ at him - LOL


Yeah. I like his stuff on bastyon

COMMENT FOR MIKE... Appologies for continuing this fruitloops conversation on your post, if you want me to shut up just say so!

We are here to speak FREELY, by all means comment away. Only way we are going to learn anything. Seems your friend needs to hang out more on alternative media like bitchute to siphon out some truth.

I voted for the post as much as I could to hopefully make up for being a pain.

I'll be out of here in a second.

Learn what this means: Speak on the problems, not the people. Drag my name through the mud, expect to see me.