Lion OG 🦁: My Art Entry

in OnChainArt β€’ last year

It's my second to the last entry in the art section, and this drawing was one of my most comprehensive and that was because of the instruction which was to Draw/Design/Create an image of an Old, Wise, Strong and Proud Lion. The theme and the instructions were comprehensive enough. First of all, to interpret the instructions of "old", means one must draw a matured lion.


The end result

A full-grown lion enters full maturity at age 8 and the only way to truly see how grown they are is the darkening of their mane. From 3 to 6 years, they develop full manes, then from 7 to age 9, their mane darkens, showing that they're in their prime and that nothing can beat them.

So the lion I drew here is 8 years and 6 months, I depicted this by showing its fully grown body, enormous head, and darkened mane. As for the interpretation of "wise", I used the age of the lion to also interpret its wisdom. In literal translation, lions become wise as they age, because of all the danger they had to encounter as they grow and climb up the ladder in the pride and jungle rank.

Hunting is something they also get better at because of wisdom. Connotatively, every Leo holder who has spent years holding and believing in the token is also wise.

The "strength" is the next theme the muscular and gigantic appearance of the lion is its strength. In reality, lions are very territorial. The only way to defend the territory is to have the strength and might to do so. In other words, having staked Leo is what we call strength.

This is because the staked Leo is what true power is. As a lion, having a stake is the only way to flex might.

When it comes to the theme of "pride", having all the other attributes is what eventually makes a lion proud. As you can see in the drawing, the lion is in its strides, matching forward, roaring, and parading the jungle. I drew a roaring lion because, roaring is an act of pride, to announce to the jungle that a king is coming through.










This is the drawing process. As always, I did a sketch and this is my most detailed piece. I had to use a lot of these details to bring the art to life.

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Wow this art and article made me to remember one best wild movie I've watched "the lion king" that movie is something else and it shows that nothing really owns jungle except Lion 🦁 always roaring and moving boldly.
I still long to watch that movie again πŸ˜‚

Nice art work you did there πŸ‘ keep it up

Thank you, it's always amazing to draw lions, the story of the lion is something I've always been keen for.. I'm glad you like it..

The way we see it in these pictures and you said you put a lot of effort into it, but the way we see it in full, it looks so much more beautiful. Your entry is best hopefully you will win this contest. Thanks for sharing.

Hahaha it's not really a contest, everyone gets to put in their design and everyone gets to win different as well. Thanks it took a lot of time too.

Ok. Most welcome.

Awwwnnnn, Jose still flexing his artist abilities. You are doing well boss πŸ™Œ

Thank you, it's marvelous in our eyes ☺️

Haha.... Definitely 😁

You're so talented
Drawing everyday will help you to be more creative
Keep it up!

Yes, exactly. Practising by the day keeps you going. It's the best way to learn

Impressive sketch again Jose and it is interesting to read about the stages of maturity of a lion. Lions are my favorite wild animal because of their strength and dominance over other animals but I never took the chance to read on their level of maturity.

I watch a lot of documentaries on lions and what makes them unique and spectacular as well. Their stories are thrilling, so I decided to unleash a story behind the concept I created.

Very impressive work, will you add any color too it? Adding color to my sketches is my favorite part.

Adding color to sketches takes away the details, unless one knows how to professionally do it. I prefer it a lot this way

This is true, and it does look great like this.

This lion really looks and feels proud, strong and fierce. And your interpretive explanations made the drawing come alive even more, so this wise lion feels very real. Thank you and looking forward to the reveal for next one.

Thank you. Yeah, the lion has a very rich history. It's difficult not to tap into that history whenever one's drawing or making an art. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate

Another Nice one!

In the fourth image It looks like lion with human body but you turned it out completely different...

Is that the last one or still left to beat final boss?

I still have to beat the final boss, that one will probably be unlocked today when this one gets approved.

Drawing and me have no connection, I think that is the one thing I cannot do in this life and I really admire people who can draw.

Good job, your drawing is nice.

Thank you. It comes easy and better with a lot of practice... anyone can do it, provided they're patient and have an eye for detail

Omo you should draw more mhn πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’―

It's very stressful and takes time as well, na why I dey run..

This one na hungry lion oo πŸ˜„, nice work bro

Haha thanks man,

I’ve watched so many wild life documentaries, serengeti and all, but I never really understood why they all always mention that black-maned lions are dangerous or why the always talk about other lions being scared of them until now.

The connotative meanings make a lot of sense as well. I’m sure you already know the sketch is amazing, so I don’t have to say that part.

For me, dark manned lions are a unique breed and I don't know if it's true that they're dangerous. However the dark mane is also significant of their age. Thank you. I think the lion has a very rich history as well. So it was easy to create a concept with a connotative meaning.

Wow! You're so good in drawing. I only knew to draw sticks hehehe

Thank you, it takes practice.

You've gotten a lot better since the last ones. This is really lovely dear. The attention to detail is quite eye-catching. I'm guessing the more you progress, the more detailed the background will be. Well-done.

Pretty fun to watch the process, keep going. πŸ€œπŸ»πŸ€›πŸ»

Nice drawing. I definitely like the idea of the lion roaring to show its strength. I just can't get around to drawing because I know mine will be stick figures.

Love the drawing progression again! I've just begun my LEO journey so I'm still a Newborn Cub but I'm also on an HP journey to help curate more awesome content around Hive. How do you balance the two (if you do at all)?

I bought some Leo when I started my Leo journey, I bought about 2000 of it, so it really did help me a lot on my journey to accumulate even more Leo. You'd definitely get a hang of it, give it time.

I was trying to build everything organically through content creation and curation but I think buying some to get started will help the compounding ball to get rolling. Thanks!