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RE: Quick comment concept- Comment and win stuff

in Galenkp's Stuff • 10 months ago

I laughed when I took this photo. This is my favorite garment at this time. 😂 Since I have worked at home for about 3 years, I wear colorful loungers while I am working. I like pretty ones, the brighter the better ! They are so comfortable, that I don't feel the need to change out of them after work, unless I am going to work in the yard (if I am just going on the porch or just to walk around and look at the flowers, I will not change)... or if I leave the house.

What else would you think an old girl would love to wear?? I have to do my part to keep up the stereo type. LOL !!

fav clothes 1.jpg

 10 months ago (edited) 

Is this the brightest dress known to man? Wow, you'd light up the night if you wore that in a place or maybe get mistaken for one of those reflective roadworks cone markers!

Ok, it's not all that bright at all, but it certainly stands out.

We all have clothing we feel comfortable in an there's nothing wrong with that, we're all different after all. What we wear behind closed doors is a personaly choice and doesn't impact others so there's no harm done. I guess the same when we go out too, although I'm the guy who dresses appropriately for the occassion.

Is this the brightest dress known to man? Wow, you'd light up the night if you wore that in a place or maybe get mistaken for one of those reflective roadworks cone markers!

Ok, it's not all that bright at all, but it certainly stands out.

We all have clothing we feel comfortable in an there's nothing wrong with that, we're all different after all. What we wear behind closed doors is a personaly choice and doesn't impact others so there's no harm done. I guess the same when we go out too, although I'm the guy who dresses appropriately for the occassion.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

I do try to look neat when I go out anywhere, although I will admit I don't care as much about everything being perfect a I used too. I will put on lipstick for the illusion that I at least did something, but no other makeup and I used to think my hair needed to be just right too, now making sure it is brushed through is enough. It's a bit "freeing" not to care so much about it and I sure can get out the door faster. Still, I don't want my picture on the net like those "Walmart People" post, so I still try to dress decently. ;)

I understand, the freeing comment, for sure.

I worse suits to work all day every day for a long time, I've also had to wear uniforms and such, so when at home or on my weekends/time off I rarely cared too much about what I wore (generally), although have always been the sort of person to dress appropriately for the occasion, I was raised that way.

Walmart people huh? Yeah, I know what you mean, have seen them here, even though we don't have Walmart.

Not that you'll want to see, but if you goog Walmart people or people of Walmart, you will see photos of folks hideously dressed in the store. People take photos and submit them and someone puts them out somewhere.

I DO care more than THAT ! ha ha

I've seen it in the past, (unfortunately). I don't know how people can go out like that. No self-respect I guess.

On some I thought there might be costume parties and if you knew the truth, it wasn't just general attire. Others may be poor or homeless or even drug addicts that are past being aware of their overall appearance. I might be fooled about that. Some just make think they are being sexy. ha

Lol, being sexy. I guess people have some odd ways to think. So you reckon it could ever be a dare?