Quick comment concept- Comment and win stuff

in Galenkp's Stuff9 months ago (edited)

Following the successful trial of a commenting initiative I did which, you can find here I thought I'd give it another go and see how you folks respond once again. There were well over two hundred and sixty comments on the last one but it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality, right? I also gave away around 800 Ecency points last time, so let's see how we go with the #QCC this time.

fuck off you (1).JPG

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠

Comment in the comments section of this post with a photo of your favourite clothing item and in no more than fifty (50) words explain yourself. You only have just over twenty four (24) hours to get your comment in and if you use the Peakd front end there is a countdown timer on this post; if you do not use Peakd...give it a try.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕕

Selfies or general images with your clothing item being worn or...images with it off...not photos of you naked though, photos of the clothing I mean. Any clothing items are acceptable be it bathers, shoes, jackets, pants, socks, shirts, hats, scarves and so on...any clothing item you personally wear and feel is a favourite. The image must be your own and your comment has to relate to it and be under the fifty (50) word count.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕘𝕖𝕥

I'll be transferring fifty (50) Ecency points to some of the comments and voting some of them with larger than usual votes than I would typically leave - but your comment has to meet the criteria above. (I may even ask a few of my buddies to throw some votes in too.)

Note: If your comment and image is interesting it is more likely to get my attention for votes and Ecency points. Be creative, put in a little effort and you'll have more chance to get some rewards.

It's not complicated: Your own photo of an item of your own personal clothing and up to fifty (50) words about it or why you've chosen it - Be creative.

I never ask anyone to reblog any of my posts but considering I'm giving away some free stuff you may know someone who could use it, a new user perhaps. So, if you feel like it let them know so they have a chance at free stuff for as little as a photo and a handful of words - It may also provide them some much-needed exposure too.

EDIT: A big thanks for @tarazkp and @meesterboom for voting up some of those that dropped their entry comment.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Any images in this post are my own and are not for your use until hell freezes over and there is no hell so that's a fucken long time.


My beach hoodie! I gutted it and added a zipper (link to post), so it’s not like anything you can buy. Wife thinks i threw it out after great pressure but it’s in my ruck sack and I always wear it in the wild. Nothing could replace this baby!

One must keep such items...and dupe the wife into thinking it's been thrown out. It is known.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

LOL! Indeed, the duping is a long known necessity in matters such as this! Thanks dude, cool challenge!

I had a pair of shorts...my partner kept throwing them out (rips everywhere and really probably quite inappropriate to wear) and I kept fetching them from the bin and wearing them. 😂

She eventually brought them camping one time without me knowing...threw them on the fire. She had the respect enough to do a little ceremony that went something like this, now try and fucken wear them.

I'm still having counselling, making progress though. 😁

You're welcome, happy to help out those who wish to help themselves.

HAHAHA!!! I like her style. Honestly, if it gets my wife to go camping with me, I’d throw that bastard in the flames myself!

I've no complaints really, she's an adventurous girl and needs to be to keep up with me...but that sass when she tossed those short in the fire. 😂

We had a laugh about it later...(I cried when she wasn't looking though.) 😭

HAHAHA!! Sounds like you handled it perfectly lol

Hahah nice that's awesome man! I was hoping to see you on these! Brings back memories of the legendary comment threads from the origination of the weekend community.

I love an old worn thing like that! I’m having some trouble narrowing down exactly what I want to use as an example.. a few good options!

The first comment and it's set the bar high...that hoodie for a start and then...those killer blue-steel looks. 😁

LOL! I saw this thing and was like - holy crap I have just the thing!!! 🤣

Well, at least you can tell your wife that hoddie is dollar-productive...earing its keep.

LOL it’s true. Plus it’s good for holding hot pan-handles out of the fire :)

See? The gals never think of the multipurpose nature of a legit hoodie; thankfully us men are lateral thinkers. Shh, don't tell any girls I said this. 😉

I’ve been noticing an uptick I think, in the whole, “game in the comments” thing…or maybe I’ve just begun noticing them? I don’t know, but I like it. It’s a lot less pressure than trying to do a post with all the right tags and titles and whatever. If I see a comment game, I’m basically in, just for the hell of it. I’ll have to come back to this one, I’m excited to see what you’ll go with!

Custom clothing for the win!

YAY! Thanks ‘Boom! :)

If you like it, it's fine for you to keep it and this is what a woman tells you. why not do it, it's your taste!

Indeed, and so far I have. I think it just bothers her that I have what she calls “nice clothes,” and still prefer my oldest most worn out stuff 🤣

Everyone has their own preferences, you can use it from time to time. 🤣

Yes I think I will surprise her with it someday when she thinks it’s been gone forever! 🤣


What if your wife get this secret information? 😜

Oh man! If she joins Hive she’s gonna be like - you play a flute while you’re driving? AND YOU STILL HAVE THAT HOODIE!? 🤣🤣🤣

After much deliberation I’m going with these.


These slippers are my absolute favorite! They were a gift from my grandfather who is now passed, and these things are going on 15 years old now. They are comfortable as shit and I don’t care if it’s the middle of summer I’ve been wearing these things most days now that I work from home but I’ve brought these things with me my whole adult life. They are worn out and beat up but I can’t get rid of them and I’m going to figure out how to re stitch them and make them look like new!

Sentimental value counts for a lot and they also look very comfortable!😀

Ya I love those kinds. They are incredibly comfortable!

Yes they are! Enjoy them!

Gifts from Special person matters a lot and if the gift is comfortable then it really become super special 💓

That's for sure! I'm a simple guy and sentimental stuff is great!

I've got a few things like this, items so valued it's difficult to throw them out even though it should have happened long ago. Those slippers will end up in the Smithsonian methinks.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Lol don't know how I missed this one. Ya they will end up in the museum of family junk! Haha

Here's a pair of boots I love. I'd say favorites but all my boots are my favorite boots. I wear these a lot though, with so many different outfits. I love them. There's only one problem, I cannot remove them myself. 🙃

Becca 🌷

becca369852 (3).jpg

You need a boot jack! You can make your own. I have never bought one.


That would be handy for my welly boots in winter! I cant get them off without falling over

They are darned handy with wellys! You can make or buy one, but, they are really easy to make.

Although, you will miss watching people get them off. :)

I think I will make one. I have some spare wood going about!

Do these work? Also do they damage the back of the boot? All good questions I think, for one who wears boots.

Yes, they work and they make them with a rubber back so there it protects the boots. Nonev. of mine get scuffed.

Google bootjack and you can see the different ways to make (or buy) one. I have one with sheepskin on the V , but I mostly use the one that is all wood.

Hi @dswigle, thanks for commenting and this excellent idea. I can see how it works and it looks to be effective but would I prefer to use it or ask my strong-man to help me? I think I'd prefer to ask the man as boot removing sometimes leads in new and enjoyable directions. 😉

Becca 🌷

:) Let's save it for the odd moment where you are alone and want them off.

I think that's a perfect idea, why didn't I think of that?

Becca 🌷

Haha, my missus used to have a similar pair and the hauling and grunting on my part when I had to help her get them off was hilarious. There was usually some comedy falling backwards when they did come off too 🤣

And there was much bumping of heads on walls as the momentum carried you forward once the boots slipped free. That's my experience anyway. Lol. (It's not a bad workout though huh?)

It's a strenuous one but a good one!

Legit boots indeed!

Boots like this can be difficult to take off for sure, it makes me wonder what the scenario was in the shop when you bought them...a shop assistant wrenching away at them to get them off, then flying across the room with the momentum once they came free.

Thanks for getting involved, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Wearing boots can be hazardous, but they look so good it's worth the risk.

Thanks for getting involved, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you.

You're welcome, the thanks goes to you though and how much you support the community with your concepts and other ways, myself included. Thank you for the 50 ecency points...I have returned them plus an extra 50 points for your prize pool as I know you give a lot away.

Becca 🌷

You're too kind and very generous, thank you.

I love the boots, I'm a fan of boots and they look beautiful on you!!!😍

You know I always want to buy long boots but never have tried. I have no answer that why I have never tried even I want....

sunflowers and coffee.jpg

Well, I am splitting hairs here, but, technically... okay, not really technically, but, I feel like I am dressing up my nails here. It is just another part of the body to dress up, right?

I'm not quite home yet, and it was the closest I could get. :)

Nails work, I was going to do a comment with my Oakleys because they're worn and nail polish is too right?

Legit nails Denise, but I'd expect no less from a classy broad like yourself. 😁

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

(Ok, didn't transfer it yet, but I'm on the way to do it right now.)

Edit: Now it's done...and now it's time for a cup of French Earl Grey.

Thank you! I'm late, but who could resist?

Late...or maybe perfectly on time to your own schedule. 😀

We love your nails Denise! :OD


This is my favorite dress, some days when I want to feel the whole “corporate vibe” I go for it and the fact that it’s simple and fits me perfectly makes it my go-to dress when I have an important meeting, funny how I also wore it yesterday as well.

It's nice to have a few go-to items in the closet and if they make us feel good when wearing them that's even better. Thanks for getting involved.

It's nice to have a few go-to items

It sure is😊

Very swish! You feel good when you look good as they say!

They say, you are what you eat too, I'd be vanilla yoghurt with cashews in it today...been smashing it. Lol.

I would be omelette mostly with some breaded chicken!! 😀

Strangely enough, I had you pegged for omelette...The breaded chicken, not so much. 😊

I like to keep some secrets up my sleeve! :OD

Absolutely dear friend! you got that right!

You are looking good in this outfit

Thank you🥰


This is my favorite pair of socks, it was gifted to me by my favorite uncle.
I have several pairs cause my feet get cold easily, but I love this one the most cause it is thick and makes me feel warm. It also reminds me of my uncle since he is no more. I could wear it, wash it and wear it again. I tend to forget I have others😁

Isn't it good how a simple pair of socks gifted by a favoured uncle can have so much meaning? I hope they never wear out and every time you wear them you think of that uncle.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Thank you so much☺️☺️

I hope they never wear out too, cause I will be so Moody.

Awesome socks. I love a vibrant pair!

Thank you so much☺️☺️

through our clothing we can give an idea of who we are, personally I have gone through many changes in behavior since I was a child, adolescent and now in this stage of adulthood, as a child perhaps I could not choose how to dress because my mother always selected the outfit for me. Attire, as a teenager, was something like sporty but as I got older I changed my dress habits, I love these shoes and I can combine them with almost all the casual clothes I own, I love that through them I can show the mature and elegant people I am one of those who thinks that how you dress you act, what do you think of that dear friend?

Every man should have a good pair of black shoes I think, they can be dressed up or down and if well-maintained can make a statement, sort of like you say, how you dress is how you act. I believe we must dress according to the situation at hand, or that we will enter, and that to dress well (and appropriately) shows respect to others and oneself.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Thanks to you dear friend for bringing us innovative and fun proposals to this platform 🤗

You're welcome, I'm happy to provide some motivation to those who may not be able to find their own.

The mind is like a parachute it only works if it opens, Albert Einstein.

thank you for opening our minds and finding ways

Hey, Galenkp, these are two of my favorites; my husband's shirts. I love how comfortable it is when worn, airy and does not stick to the skin. And when I sweat, armpit sweats wont stain the shirt.

Lol...yep, my partner does that too...wears my shirts. I don't know why. I put a t-short on and there's two mysterious stretched pars on the chest...I know at that point she's worn it.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

LOL, she must have huge boobs`

It's like wearing our man's brand too. glad you let her wore your shirts

I get it, I think it makes her feel closer to me. She says she used to do it a lot when I'd go away for periods of time as she felt it brought me back, even just in her mind. I don't know...all I know is that I have shirts that she looks way better in than me!

That's how I think too. Men's smell remains on the shirt and the fabric felt like its our men hugging us. Makes them. Feel their men is close by, and Gives us comfort especially when sleeping. Women easily gets used to sleep next to their men and it feels lonely when they are not there.

Yeah, women look sexy wearing their men' s shirt, especially when its the only thing they are wearing. Lols

Yeah, women look sexy wearing their men' s shirt, especially when its the only thing they are wearing.

Indeed, that's what I was getting at so I'm glad you understood. I don't think it works the other way around, men wearing the girls stuff. 😉

Haha, yeah, it won't work.most clothes won't fit haha.

These are looking cozy shirts. 💓

Is there even a point to sharing a photo of a solid-color t-shirt? I like to keep things simple, but that might be too simple for your initiative!

Gray T.jpg

Is this a T-Shirt or a sock for someone with a very square foot?

Remarkably squarish, misshapen, and large indeed.

I dare say I can fold a shirt reasonably well when I bother to put forth some effort.

Well, it's your comment so if you want to leave it then please do; there's nothing wrong with simple.

Very well. I am folding laundry late at night and shall add a photo above.

People overcomplicate matters sometimes and there's a lot to be said for finding more simplicity in one's life...even with the t-shirts one wears. Folding laundry...a job I hater to be honest. Lol.


Ok, I wish I were Batman. Nope, Just a @krazzytrukker. My superpower is this hat. I wear it when fighting crime, or a cold head. I have many hats. This is my fave. Are you a hat person?

Always something on my head, and a cat shirt also. 🐈

That's a cool hat and you can be Batman with it! 😀

I would be more of a dark night than a superman that is for sure. 😉

That really made me laugh, long live Batman!😀

The bat hat huh?

That shirt in the last photo man. 😁

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

I was trying to blow my face up and lok like the cat on the shirt. I botched it. I should have grabbed my dark sunglasses and my Burger King paper crown.

Lol...I remember those Burger King crowns (it's called Hungry Jacks here but is the same exact thing...unless you're in an airport where it's called Burger King). Do they still have those crowns?

Oh yea, same crown same burger, different bypass surgery... LoL

I think you have immense love for cats because your shirts have prints of them.
Oh the main thing your hat which is looking good over you.


This is a dress I love so much. I love it because it makes me look elegant and stand out in a crowd.

The color of the dress looks very cool and mature. It's my go-to dress and it's very flexible thereby enabling me to rock it to any occasion.

It looks colourful for sure, is it one you've made yourself or did you buy it somewhere in a shop?

I made it myself.

This dress is bringing smile on your face and you are looking beautiful in this outfit. 👍

Wow. Thank you so much

Welcome 🙂


This the hat of my favorite basketball team. It reminds me the times when I went to watch basketball with my dad.

Excellent, I like items like this that come with strong memories. Do you still wear it?

sometimes. But after the death of my dad I only went to watch basketball a few times. So I wear it very rarely.

Ah ok, I understand. Maybe in the future you'll resume going to games and wear the hat in remberance of times spent there with your dad.

In Pakistan, sometimes it's hard for men to wear the color pink because it's considered to belong only to women.

"Colors and themes are not owned by any age or gender."


You can check out my oldie goldy post about pink colour for more reference:

Fairytale Theme Collage with A Deep Message!

I sent you 1000 ecency points.

Yeah, pink isn't a sexual persuasion or gender. Just a colour.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC


This particular pair of jeans is my favorite item; it's not as skinny and tight as other jeans I have, and it's comfy and stylish. It's always handy that most people think that's the only one I've ever gotten. I love it for its versatility and the comfort it gives.


My flat Gladiator shoes are one of my favourite pairs of shoes, even if it have been broken for a while. I can remember wearing it for a good number of years. Just knowing that it covers my legs, even though they are still visible, makes me feel better. Now I find it hard to find this kind of style (the exact pattern as in the picture), whether in stores or online.


I like those Roman-style shoes...now, do you have the sword and shield to go with your Gladiator shoes? Lol.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Maybe I would have been caught and imprisoned if I had been wearing these shoes and a sword and shield like to those from the Roman era in my country. I'm joking. 😂😂


I'm old-fashioned and enjoy vintage items, I guess my sense of style is a little odd.

Thanks for the ecency point. I'm glad that I joined in. Thanks to @amiegeoffrey for suggesting.

Why does Snoop Dogg carry around an umbrella.
Fo Drizzle.

Credit: reddit
@galenkp, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of mell79


Yes, there's not much cause to be a Gladiator these days I'm afraid, I'd give it a go though.

But I don't mind wearing one if I get the chance. Maybe I can only wear it out when it's Halloween, dressing up as a gladiator.

Come to think of it, that's a great idea for Halloween this year. Usually, every Halloween, I end up being a witch. 😂😂😂

I think you just came up with part of your Halloween costume for sure! Ditch the witch and be a Gladiator!

I guess Wonder Woman is the female version of Gladiator. Yay! The sword, the shield, and the strappy Gladiator shoes. 😂



This is a kaftan dress, and it can also be called a Bubu gown. It's one of my favorite dresses, gifted to me by my old roommate in school. She sewed it herself and sent it to me. Prior to that, I never liked big gowns like this; I used to think that they were meant for pregnant women only, but it's funny how they later became my favorite wear. The comfort it gives me is simply unique. I find myself wearing it more often. It's easy to wear, makes me look elegant, and provides comfort to my body.

A home sewn garment is always good, a more personal touch than buying it from the shop.

One of my favourite garments is this blouse, with an open shoulder, it is very elegant, delicate and fresh for these hot days. It goes with anything else as it is in neutral colours. I usually wear it with white knee-length shorts and black sandals. I love the fabric!


That looks summery, I guess with your recent hot weather that's exactly what you need too.

Thanks for getting involved, I hope you'll also comment on some of the others who did as well.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

It's very hot here... When it's winter, it will be another outfit haha.

I told myself with which of my favourite blouses to take a picture: the best one! Thank you!

Of course, I'd love to! I look forward to such fun challenges!

Thank you Galen!


I personally like making custom t-shirts and use them as a sort of canvas. These two, particularly the Cahiers Du Cinema (that's a French magazine that launched the French new wave cinema movement) one is my most favorite.

Great work!

Do you make them to sell or just for yourself?

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Just for myself actually. I did make one Tarantino t-shirt limited edition a few years ago for a film-related facebook group I used to run, but that's about it. That one was my design (mostly, didn't create the Tarantino cartoon myself).


That's really cool, a great hobby that you carry around with you when you go out, if you're wearing the shirt. ✅

Thanks! They are quite great for informal settings. Often leads to interesting discussions too. 😅

I bet they do. I think that's one of the cool things with self-made stuff no matter what it is...it can open discussion and then relationships between people. A really cool hobby mate.

I didn't have to think much, these are my two favorite clothes, after spending all day working, either at the university or in other alternative jobs, when I get home after a good shower with cold water, I put on my sleeping clothes, even if I'm not going to sleep, those are my favorite clothes.

That moment one gets into those comfortable clothes at home and begins to relax after a working day is so great! It's such a simple thing but such an excellent part of the day.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

Yes, it's definitely the best to get home and be very comfortable, although sometimes I just put on a pair of boxers, but I stay in the room reading for a while.

Thank you for the 50 points Ecency

(Edit: @galenkp I can quote you in a post I just wrote, it talks about this post, Quick comment concept)

No worries mate, you can tag and quote me in your post. Thanks for checking. ✅

This Green Shirt and Dress pent is my favourite one. Favorite dress always gives you confidence and you can present yourself well infront of others. Same is the power of this outfit that whenever i wear this dress i feel that energy. Last time i wore this dress on the last day of 4th semester---- Not so long.
Actually i always keep this separate to wear on special occasion so that i can feel that energetic vibes.

Dressing well, or in a way we feel comfortable can give a lot of confidence, especially in business and social environments. It can be energising as you say.

Yes it's true whenever I go to university with this dress I always feel good.


This shoe right here has a lot of memories attached to it, it was a gift from my, well not an intended gift at first, because she bought it for herself and it didn't fit, so I happened to visit that day and she asked me to try it on, and it fit, that was how I got a new pair. I've been wearing for over 2 years now, I love how it's comfortable and at the same time makes me look elegant.

They look in good shape for a two year old pair of shoes so it seems they're a gift that keeps on giving. I think it's nice that the shoes fitted you and your friend was kind enough to give them you. May they last for a long time.

It was kind of her and I hope last for a ling time too

I laughed when I took this photo. This is my favorite garment at this time. 😂 Since I have worked at home for about 3 years, I wear colorful loungers while I am working. I like pretty ones, the brighter the better ! They are so comfortable, that I don't feel the need to change out of them after work, unless I am going to work in the yard (if I am just going on the porch or just to walk around and look at the flowers, I will not change)... or if I leave the house.

What else would you think an old girl would love to wear?? I have to do my part to keep up the stereo type. LOL !!

fav clothes 1.jpg

Is this the brightest dress known to man? Wow, you'd light up the night if you wore that in a place or maybe get mistaken for one of those reflective roadworks cone markers!

Ok, it's not all that bright at all, but it certainly stands out.

We all have clothing we feel comfortable in an there's nothing wrong with that, we're all different after all. What we wear behind closed doors is a personaly choice and doesn't impact others so there's no harm done. I guess the same when we go out too, although I'm the guy who dresses appropriately for the occassion.

Is this the brightest dress known to man? Wow, you'd light up the night if you wore that in a place or maybe get mistaken for one of those reflective roadworks cone markers!

Ok, it's not all that bright at all, but it certainly stands out.

We all have clothing we feel comfortable in an there's nothing wrong with that, we're all different after all. What we wear behind closed doors is a personaly choice and doesn't impact others so there's no harm done. I guess the same when we go out too, although I'm the guy who dresses appropriately for the occassion.

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

I do try to look neat when I go out anywhere, although I will admit I don't care as much about everything being perfect a I used too. I will put on lipstick for the illusion that I at least did something, but no other makeup and I used to think my hair needed to be just right too, now making sure it is brushed through is enough. It's a bit "freeing" not to care so much about it and I sure can get out the door faster. Still, I don't want my picture on the net like those "Walmart People" post, so I still try to dress decently. ;)

I understand, the freeing comment, for sure.

I worse suits to work all day every day for a long time, I've also had to wear uniforms and such, so when at home or on my weekends/time off I rarely cared too much about what I wore (generally), although have always been the sort of person to dress appropriately for the occasion, I was raised that way.

Walmart people huh? Yeah, I know what you mean, have seen them here, even though we don't have Walmart.

Not that you'll want to see, but if you goog Walmart people or people of Walmart, you will see photos of folks hideously dressed in the store. People take photos and submit them and someone puts them out somewhere.

I DO care more than THAT ! ha ha

I've seen it in the past, (unfortunately). I don't know how people can go out like that. No self-respect I guess.

On some I thought there might be costume parties and if you knew the truth, it wasn't just general attire. Others may be poor or homeless or even drug addicts that are past being aware of their overall appearance. I might be fooled about that. Some just make think they are being sexy. ha

Hello there
I have something to show.
I remember that when I was in 11 grade(now I am a university student), I had to go to attend a birthday event of one of my good friend and I bought a shirt from my own collection of money.

My parents told me to wear something from your cupboard clothes. But I wanted to wear something new so i went to market and bought a new shirt. It costed around 3800Rs which makes about $14.

Quite expensive! But i was looking good in that one.

Sometimes one must buy a new shirt, it feels good to pull on a brand new thing, especially if the occasion is something special. I'm also sure you got some use out of it for some time to come.

I still have that shirt with me😁

$14 shirt!!
Isn't it costly in accordance to our country?

Don't you know about inflation in this country 🥺


This trouser holds a memory that is worth keeping. It was a gift from my younger sister when she received her very first salary from her very first job. I wear it very often because of how free and comfortable it is. It's easy to wear and I love the floral on black background.

It was nice of her to buy you a gift with her first salary I think, and that would give the item some special meaning too.

Thanks for being involved.

Thank you!

WhatsApp Image 2023-05-20 at 10.52.38.jpeg

What can I say: I love the sun, the beach, the flowers and this dress represents all of that! I love it because it's comfortable. I can wear tennis shoes and go to the beach, sandals and go to the mall, or heels and go dancing at night.

Thanks for being involved. That's a lovely dress you have on, and a happy face too!

Thank you my friend for your appreciation and always a pleasure to show something nice for the community. Although 50 words were too few ha,ha,ha,ha.... Cheers.

The concept ended well over twelve hours ago anyway I guess, but I voted your comment nonetheless. I'll do something similar again in the future though, and maybe you'll get in within the deadline.

😲🙈Always late for your initiatives... But don't worry, I read you and I like your proposals 👏👏👏👏.

Lol...yeah I noticed...it's ok though, you're showing up and that's what counts. I'll have some of the #weekend-engagement topics released in about six or seven hours and you'll have all weekend end to get involved so please do so if you'd like.

Insurance. Thank you for your understanding. Good night, at least on this side of the planet...

Galen, that pink dress is very cute, I rarely use that color in my clothes, except in underwear, beautiful photograph, and that dress is a very seductive dress "full injection"...

pink dress

It's not a dress, instead, a red see-through lingerie item that leaves very little to the imagination, which my girl would not wear out of course; she wears it though, and I haven't complained once...nor would I.

Oh, Galen! Is a "baby doll lingerie" How beautiful, I use them a lot, currently because of the temperature I use them, but in cotton fabric, lol J.R. doesn't like that plus to go to bed either lol... Thank you for giving me energy in my imagination for this day that I have ahead... woo-hoo...!

Yep, that's what it is...I didn't know what to call it but you've filled in the blanks. All I know for sure, is that it looks good on...or off and thrown across the room.

hahahaha that's the best part when it's on the side in the room because there's a lot of activity in the "ring bed"... you have made my day Galen, now I go energized and motivated for my work hahahaha.🙌😂🙋🌺

This one is interesting.... would love to see yours too...obviously the one in post pic is only reference 😉

Lol, yeah the one in the main image isn't an item of clothing I'd wear, it's my partners. I may do a comment entry, I have a few items I could use.

Let me tag my friends here while I go look for my favorite clothing to pose with. Hehe

@lydiapauline @wongi @ibbtammy @jjmusa2004 @nkemakonam89 @balikis95 @rukkie @julti1985 @jhymi @mell79 @glorydee @monica-ene come to check this out.

I appreciate the tag.

You're welcome.

Cool. Thanks for the tagged @amiegeoffrey . Appreciate it.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the tag @amiegeoffrey

You're welcome.

Thanks for the tag my yummy partner 😇

You're welcome😍

No worries.

Thank you so much Amie for the tag.

It's my pleasure baybee😍

Is it worth a post? 😁

You can post about it, but this is a commenting/engagement concept and is designed to be quick and easy, hence the guidelines and the rewards that may come if those guidelines are followed.

It is true. Rules are rules as I mentioned somewhere in La Mancha... (Did you read Don Quixote?) But well, this is about clothes, and there's really nothing I prefer. But if I have to take something with me in case of a quick and unexpected departure (this is a serious thing) I would take these socks. For two reasons. No, three. 😂

1 - they have a nice colour

2 - they are warm

3 - they have these grips that I like to count, 😂. There are 28 little balls in each sock. (It's one of my OCDs)


PS. I wrote the comment with my socks on.

Sox with little grip-spots on the bottom? What will they think of next!

They look pretty warm and snuggly...and I'm going to give you a bonus tick for writing the comment whilst wearing the socks at the same time. ✅

Thanks for participating, I just transferred 50 Ecency points to you. #QCC

😂😂😂 gracias 🙏🏼 My feet got sweaty because it's hot as hell in here.

Lol...They need to come up with sock with a built in fan or air conditioner. Maybe, ice pack socks?

🤣 I didn't think of the 🧊 bag while I was writing the comment, but now I remembered I have an air conditioner and just turned it on. I'm very forgetful lately. Nanixxx has to 💤 because it should be dawn early tomorrow.....

My god but you have 3pm there. I was saying: this man doesn't sleep.....


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Wow, what an engaging initiative! I just snapped a picture of my favorite leather jacket. It's been with me through thick and thin, literally adapting to my life's changes. Its rugged look symbolizes my journey, and I feel a strong connection to it. Thank you for this creative opportunity!

Oh no, this commenting initiative ended an hour ago so I'm not handing out Eceny points anymore. I'll still vote on any comments that come in meting the criteria I've set out though.