Bachelor of Commerce - Novel based on my College Life

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)


Hello Hive Community, hope you all are doing well.
After a pretty long break and a lot of thoughts, I'm here to present my first Novel. This is my own life story but with a pinch of fiction in it. Let me be honest, a huge chunk of fiction. But many of the experiences are my own. So I can technically say it's based on real life story.
I always thought of pursuing writing, but always lacked the confidence, finally I feel ready and I now present to you all..

It's not just about Numbers, my friend


"So brother, how was your debut at the degree college? " With a funny tone. "Ok I guess" I went on to explain.
Your first day is supposed to be have a grand entry you see, like some new sensation has arrived. Seniors watching you walk in, your fellow mates looking with a wide smile on their faces, that New bag flashing it's symbol and what not. Expectations eh? But reality was much different in my case. With a thought of a "Kukkad kamaal" Entry in my brain at the time of my admission to entering with a blue plaster on my hand, my Kismat thought otherwise.


I had met with an accident luckily a minor one and had no sling to support my injured arm as it wasn’t required anymore. I entered the college premises wearing a Green Full sleeve formal shirt and a black formal pant, fear of being thrown out for wearing jeans had got the best of me. Walking through the strong iron gate which had a a small entrance, the first thing a fresher apparently does is hunt for his friends. And indeed, I found three of my friends, prominent of them being, man with the best wit, Ananth. Remember the name, I say because he is one amazingly fun guy. Manoj, another friend of my greets me, he doesn't realise that I have hidden my injury though he knew about it, He says we are allotted the same class, and with a smile on a face I ask " which section" , He says "Bcom 'B' ". Absolutely NOT SURPRISING. Because never have I been in a section other then B throughout.

Moving on, we walk to our class while being looked on by our seniors, some familiar faces to whom I smile. I and Manoj enter our class, to see two more familiar faces including that of Ananth, our Pu classmate Samarth and Shreyas. We all settle down together. I casually share my excitement about all of us getting the same class while glancing to the girl’s corner. I observed few of my pu classmates there too, Swarna was the prominent. Topper of the class, amazing communication skills, she was a smart ass. The bell rings, and we stand up for the prayer and we see a professor standing outside the class. We figured she was going to teach us management by looking at the book she held which had the title "Principles of Management".
She introduced herself as Preethi, quite young she looked, we first saw her at the orientation explaining about the College club she was heading.

Then began the The Intro.
I was seated in the fourth bench. We boys had discussed few hobbies, I had a hobby of collecting coins and stamps so had planned to blabber that. Ananth was quite firm with his evergreen WATCHING TV hobby. Never understood who considered it a hobby in the first place. Many went with drawing, some with Dancing and all. I was quite nervous, but I introduced myself as "I am Abishek, staying at Mangalore, my hobbies were Philately and Numismatics" I was quite sure at least one part of the class wasn't sure what it meant yet, little show off you see with some classy English words, though I was so bad at the British Language. Turn after turn, we all had to introduce ourselves to various lecturers, throughout the day. I think it was one way to KNOW YOUR CLASSMATES kind of culture.


However, with all this, my first day was OK I GUESS.


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