Ruling the World Part 2 (Story Freewrite)

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Ruling the World Part 1: Ruling The World (Story Freewrite)

“It is not very often, when a second part of a story is better than the original,” said the cafe shop owner.

“That is true,” I replied. “However, what if the first part of the story is just a setting for a bigger story?”

“Do you have one in mind?”

“No, but I am thinking about that book.”

The book I am referring to, was a blue hardback exercise book, with the words ‘emperor,’ embossed on the front. It was just the brand name for the notebook. However, the book was owned by a gentleman who was making it his life’s work to take over the world.

“But, surely, that was just a crazy man,” said the cafe owner.

“You would have thought so,” I said.

“What is it?”

I explained;

“He showed me the front page. It wasn’t that exciting. That’s all he would show me.”

“Something happened, didn’t it?”

“According to the book, his first part was to run for office. The next morning, I picked up a newspaper. That’s exactly what he did. He seems to be doing quite nicely.”

“So, he’s a politician then. When he said he was going to take over the world, it meant that he was just going to work his way up the political ladder.”

“Maybe,” I replied. “But, I got the idea that he was really serious about taking over the world. I thought he was a crackpot, but I’m starting to wonder.”

“Who is this guy?” asked the cafe owner.

“I think I’d like to find out more.”

The strangest thing happened. The man himself walked through the door.

“Good morning, gentleman. It is nice to see you again.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You know who I am. We met here last week.”

“No. Who are you?”

“I am the man trying to take over the world. I am still wanting you to join me.”

“It is not my thing,” I replied.

“So you said, last week. What exactly is your thing? You need to have a goal in life.”

“Like you?” I asked.

“Yes, like me. Today, my goal is to get as many people to vote for me as possible. Tomorrow, it is to take over the world.”

“Does telling me this get you votes?” I asked politely.

“Of course not. You are the only person I have told of my true intentions. I am still hoping to use your skills.”

“I don’t really have the skills to take over the world,” I replied.

“We shall see about that. Do you want my blue book?”

“No,” I replied.

“In that case, please let me know when you are ready. It is just a matter of time. I bid you a good day.”

With that, the gentleman, who was planning to take over the world, left the coffee shop, again.


To be continued: Ruling the World (3rd and Final Part) Freewrite Story

Freewrite task; prompts by @mariannewest