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RE: Punday Monday 250

in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago (edited)

My neighbor was visibly bent out of shape.

"What's wrong man?" I asked.
"I just can't believe the power hookers have over our lives. Can you believe I have to pay a $500 fine because some organization of whiny prostitutes don't like how I painted my house!"

"An organization of whiny prostitutes? That doesn't sound right," I said
"Yeah it's right here. I got this letter fining me $500 from something called the the Ho Moaners Association."

You see he got a letter, which was clearly from the Home Owners Association but he's illiterate (you are just finding this out now). He had his wife or someone read it to him and he heard Ho (slang for whore which is a vulgar name for a prostitute) Moaners (people who gripe, or whine) and Association (literally means association). Ho Moaners Association.