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RE: Shōgun 2024 Impressions after episode 1 / Shōgun Wrażenia po 1 odcinku.

in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago

I´m very happy to read this post, for a moment I though I was almost alone here admiring this novel. I have read the book and I strongly recomend it. Yes XVII century Japanese culture was very different from western culture at the time. I wouldn´t say worse or better but definetely very different.
It is a very complex and well developed novel, I´m yet to see the new series (hope to do so tonight) but I expect a very good product and your post has convinced me that it will be, thanks for that.
The lady you have met in the show it most probably be Toda Mariko Sama, and It will indeen play a very relevant role in the show. Althoung, its not the only strong women in the novel. I´m personally very fond of Fuyiko as well, although it plays a much smaller role in the novel. But it is also an outstanding character.
Hope you like the show very much and give the book a chance, I think you won´t regret it.


Thank you for this nice comment! I read it with a smile on my face. Now I have little time, so I will only refer to one issue. When I talked about Japanese culture, I didn't want to criticize it. Like you say, it's different + it's complex, so it's a mistake to simplify it. While I can understand some things, I can't understand others (e.g. patriarchy, which is only gradually changing today. During World War II, the Japanese sent their daughters to the front with a smile on their faces. Not to mention their kamikaze sons), this was my criticism.

I´m very happy If I make your day better, even if it was just for a momment. I´m Also sorry If somehow I make you feel like I was trying to say you were criticizing the japanese culture, I was not trying to. I was just stating my thoughts about how different our culture were and still are. There are of course things that I don´t share either. But since we came from a very different cultural background and time its almost impossible for us to understand the moral structure and why they did things that way. For instance their relationship with dead and honor its far different than ours. And that change everything with regard to the samurai-daimio relationship and also regarding to the kamikaze. But if we look closer the differences in this are more about form than content. Cuz we westerns also send our sons to war knowing that many of them won´t return. Western generals ofthen have to sacrifice soldiers in battle for the sake of the strategy. The examples are severals.
Nice to chat about these topics. Thanks.

No, everything is alright. I'm just direct and I like to use too strong language, so I thought I was exaggerating (which often happens :P).

No worries, I also tend to used strong languages too, and since english its not my first language (as I think its your case also), I ofthen can´t explain myself very well.

Yep its not xD.

👍 so You can understandme better when I say people ofthen don´t understand me😅.

Okay, Im here. Sorry it's after a few days, but work, rest etc.

I will definitely read the book. I've heard a lot of good things about her throughout my life. My knowledge of Japan is not exactly ranked, but I know quite a lot. I think it's above average, so I can see without much difficulty what's real, what's not, and what might be real. I see that the author of the book has earned his nickname "Best-seller" or something like that, it refers to the fact that each of his publications is a hit. This can also be seen in the female characters, who had fewer opportunities to act than men, but they move very well in this world.

Hey, no worries, real life can be complicated. I really know litle about Japan, but their culture has always facinated me. I can tell you that the author was a prisioner of war in Japan during WWII and aftherwards he move to Japan for quite some time. So I imagine he knew well the culture and the people.

Mate, I know a little about Japan (also not much, but I'm less modest, I guess :P) and you can see that it fascinated you. You see the nuances too well and that cultural differences are not that simple. Yep, it's true - you learn quickly in such places. I have heard many stories about American soldiers captured by the Japanese. I don't envy it, it's terrible.

😂😂, I would really like to get to know Japan first hand one day. I´m fascinated not just about japan but about the diversity both cultural and natural we live in. I´ve also reacently move out of my country, I guess that have made me more sensitive to cultural differences. Every war history is terrible on any side, war its a dreadfull thing. Not that makes any real difference but James Clavel (the author) was Australian. Nice to chat!

I just re-read my answer and it looks like a shoping list 😅😅sorry about that!!!. Have to work on my english!