in LeoFinance2 years ago

6k LP.png

Another milestone achieved successfully! Took me a year to hit 5K LEO Power. Took me a month to go from 5K to 6K LEO Power. This is the magic of daily posting. While everyone is going GAGA about the PolyCUB airdrop which they should, I am stacking LEOs all day, every day. I am pretty sure once the airdrop finishes, paper hands will dump their PolyCUB for instant profit. At that moment, I will buy a huge chunk depending upon the price. But for now, stack as much LEO as I can because once it hits $1, it will be hard to acquire from the market.

This year I am on a mission to hit 15k LEO Power in total. This means that I have to acquire 9k LEO Power in the next 10 months. On average, I have to earn or buy 900 LEO per month, 30 LEO per day. If I post every day and do a few comments here and there then that should be the piece of cake. Don't forget the curation rewards and the buy orders I place every now and then! In fact, I should be hitting 20K with that kind of effort. Considering various other factors, it is safe to say that 15k is achievable in one year.

My Biggest Mistake On Hive

During my first year of Hive, I have used my earnings to invest in different opportunities inside and outside of HIVE. I had gone too thin on several different projects due to which I couldn't make any substantial investment in one or two projects I like the most. I have bought Hive and Leo with my own money and the rest of the tokens were either acquired by publishing content or by using my author rewards to directly buy.

That was probably one of the biggest mistakes I did. I should have invested and compounded only a select few like LEO & HIVE to set a strong base for year 2. I should have acquired 15k LEO Power in the first year itself but that's okay since I am not a PRO at this. Like a noob, I was getting distracted by every new shiny thing I could get my hands on. Not anymore! Year 2 will see a bigger and better me. :')

Power of Compounding

Hive is a compounding machine! You can invest your money, time, and efforts and all of these will be reflected in your pot over time. Exponential growth is a reality on Hive. As you can see it took me 1 year to acquire 5k LEO and I went to 6K within a month by publishing daily and staking all of my rewards. Earlier, I used to get pennies for my curation and now I can easily earn 0.2 to 0.3 LEO per upvote, sometimes more. At 15k LP, my vote's value will be around 1 LEO which would give me around 0.5 LEO per upvote. I have already delegated my HP to @leo.voter to get around 3 LEOs per day and the delegation will grow as my Hive stake grows. I need to find some balance between delegating HP and keeping some for curation so that my HIVE rewards would grow and compound as well.

Hive & Leo Goals

Recently I did my goal settings for the year 2022 and soon I will start publishing the monthly or weekly report to show you guys about my progress. Reaching high numbers is one of the goals but the endgame is to make my life better and inspire/teach others how to make it in crypto. My current Hive/Leo portfolio looks solid and it gave me a great headstart. Another major goal this year would be to develop long-lasting relationships with my fellow Hive/Leo community members. It is a place to collaborate rather than to compete. Helping and supporting others and providing value to their Hive journey would return the value back to your journey. It's true in real life as well! #WAGMI

What are your Hive/LEO Goals? What is your strategy to dominate on Hive & Leo? Please comment below!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you ! It looks like I'm following a similar strategy, but on a much smaller scale and much earlier on the track (I've only been on Hive for about two and a half months). I don't have a huge amount of my own money to invest right now, and the posts I'm doing don't earn too much (I need to try to get to grips with why... maybe it's just a time thing), so I am mostly relying on curation income. Hopefully I can find time to get the posting rate up.

Do you think it is better to post on just a couple of communities (including LeoFinance even if most of the posts seem to earn a cent or two at most !) or better to spread the posts across a spectrum of communities ?

The great thing about HIVE is that if you dont have a ton of money to invest, you can still make a great earning by instead investing TIME and WISDOM. The more integrated you become with the community, and the more helpful you are (aka the more value that you provide in the form of information), the faster things begin to snowball.

As for what is the best strategy, I would say post in the communities that you most ENJOY and have the expertise to provide valuable advice in. That way people will see your contribution and it will not feel like work...get paid to do something you enjoy, which only a very small % of human beings on earth will achieve in their lifetime.

best of luck to you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

^ BEST HIVE ADVICE EVER! Love it mate. @alonicus, you must follow what @anarchistpreneur has mentioned here. Having fun is the most important thing. Rewards will come!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, that is very kind of you to say, and I am glad that you found it helpful! I went ahead and gave both you and @alonicus a follow too!

Same here mate! Thanks for the follow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't have a huge amount of my own money to invest right now, and the posts I'm doing don't earn too much

The solution to this problem is engagement. They way you engaged with me and compelled me to check your profile, you can do something similar by commenting on other people's posts. This is social media, in order to grow your following, you need to start following some peeps (from your target audience) you like and try to create a relationship with them. Over time, you will find many of them supporting your content.

Do you think it is better to post on just a couple of communities (including LeoFinance even if most of the posts seem to earn a cent or two at most !) or better to spread the posts across a spectrum of communities ?

When you are interacting with communities via comments then go wide. That's ok! Try different communities if you want. But when you are publishing blogs on your profile then you must focus on 1 or 2 communities at max. The reason is simple: If you are publishing only two or three blogs in a week for community 1 then community 2 will have to wait for a few days to get what they want from you. That's not sustainable even if you create content alternatively for them unless you are posting everyday two times focusing on each one. It's better to focus on only 1. That's why I chose to post on Leo Finance from the day one. I wanted to learn how to make money with crypto and I also wanted to make money while doing that. Leo Finance is just perfect for what I wanted.

Also, don't be afraid to experiment once in a while, you never know what clicks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you ! That's really helpful - I can see I should increase the breadth of comments (which is something I always find easier than writing posts anyway), and focus in on actual posts in just a couple of communities. I hadn't thought of it from the timing point of view.

Something else I'm doing is creating a document that can be easily accessed from each of my PC's where I can note down ideas for posts, or even snippets of text. That way, even if I don't have time to post right then (as in... I really ought to be working...), it reduces the number of times when I feel like writing something but stare at a blank screen wondering what to write about.

Also, thank you for the follow !

Keep stacking that LEO man. There will be some serious upward pressure soon with the insane APR offered in the pLEO/wMATIC farm.

Congrats on your milestone!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a ton lord for your valuable support. 💖

APRs are crazy right now in almost all the farms and kingdoms. 🤑🤑 I am so confused.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You deserve it all mate! Farm like there's no tomorrow XD

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not that familiar with the LEO side of things yet. I prefer to power up my LEO since I post almost daily, in order to compound my voting power, but if there are some good DeFi platforms to utilize LEO in some pools or other yield farming opportunities, perhaps I will keep 10% of my earned LEO liquid for other opportunities.

Any suggestions?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The pLEO/wMATIC farm on PolyCUB is what you need:

Make sure to check the docs first:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didnt realize that this was part of the Binance chain. Well, I know the rewards there are very good, but I am spread across too many chains right now for DeFi, so I think I will stay on the native HIVE chain for now. I am looking to join a LP on BeeSwap once I earn some more LEO.

Thanks for the suggestion though just the same man.

I am growing my LEO stake slowly but I am moving some LEO over to CUB because I think it will pay off in the long run. However, I am a little bullish on Hive so I don't really delegate out my HP right now because I don't think I have enough for myself yet.

I am do think Defi is better at generating more LEO for myself and it should work for me without much activity. So it's a bit more passive and when things are big enough, I can go back and convert CUB back in LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah same, I would rather utilize my HP myself. I am not that familiar with delegating HP yet though, so perhaps there are some factors that I am not considering. What site do people usually use to delegate HP? perhaps I will delegate just a small amount like 5% or something.

Also, can you delegate powered up LEO too? I post on multiple front ends, so I usually have a lot of LEO voting power left.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are a lot of projects where you can delegate HP. One of them is @leo.voter if you want LEO rewards. It kind of depends on whether or not you want to support that curator or what type of rewards you want.

As for tribe tokens, you can try the oneup cartel for delegating and getting passive rewards. You can read up more about it here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the info! So all I need to do is click the "delegate" button on the Wallet screen and delegate to @Leo.voter my LEO (LP) and it will just send me passive rewards eevry day? If I delegate HP to them will it also send me some passive HP curation rewards each day too? You can do it for both?

@leo.voter is for HP delegation for LEO rewards. Please don't delegate LP over to it because you won't get any rewards.

You can choose to delegate Leo Power (LP) to @leo-curator, @meowcurator, or @hodlcommunity to get daily LEO rewards. Those are the three choices you have if you want to delegate your LEO stake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the info, could have made a big mistake there potentially! I think I will start delegating ~15% or so of my HP and LP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm delegating my LP to @leo-curator and I'm happy with the return.
I haven't used @meowcurator yet so I don't have any comment
I delegated LP to @hodlcommunity from very beginning when it launched LP delegation project. But I did not get any payment, and no explanation from this team. So I must withdraw my delegation and switched to @leo-curator

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's cool J. I think I will start moving a bit of my LEO rewards to CUB during this 60 days airdrop and then back to stacking LEO until I hit 15k. It will give a good base to build on it and invest in other opportunities including DeFi.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really liked the fact you admitted the mistake. I think many people get really excited about every new thing they see (me included) and it is sometimes hard not to start investing a bit into everything.. And diversification might be good once you have funds, but if you want to build something up.. Focus is where it's at!

Good luck on your journey! I am definitely more into HIVE, but I do exchange most layer 2 tokens into LEO to slowly get more and more of it. I also get a lot of 1UP all the time, but have yet to figure out a good strategy on what to do with that - most likely liquidity pools!


Thank you so much for the wishes and the love @mezume. Cheers! ❤️‍🔥🚀🚀

Focus is where it's at!

100%. Build one thing first and once you are on top of it, then you can try your hands on several other things because then you have the leverage.

I am definitely more into HIVE, but I do exchange most layer 2 tokens into LEO to slowly get more and more of it. I also get a lot of 1UP all the time, but have yet to figure out a good strategy on what to do with that - most likely liquidity pools!

Great plan mate. I love LEO and recently started stacking 1UP as well. Both the communities have much in common, it's just that 1UP is more niche specific - NFTs & Blockchain Gaming. I think it has a great future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.


You have received a 1UP from @mezume!

The following @oneup-cartel family members will soon upvote your post:
@leo-curator, @ctp-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.

Thanks 1UP Cartel ❤️‍🔥

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now this is sweet! Love your optimism, I am losing out on the CUB Airdrop as I sold all I had last year due to financial difficulties, frankly am disappointed to be missing out but on the bright side the sale of CUB, LEO, SPS, HIVE and other tokens back then helped me a lot.

Now the focus is on accumulating those LEOs!

Congrats and keep ticking off those goals!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am losing out on the CUB Airdrop as I sold all I had last year due to financial difficulties, frankly am disappointed to be missing out but on the bright side the sale of CUB, LEO, SPS, HIVE and other tokens back then helped me a lot.

No problem mate. Rewards may come and go. You can always go back to building if you have done it once before. Keep accumulating as much as you can. Once LEO hits $1, we all will be in for a huge treat. :') Thanks a ton for the wishes. Much love. 💖

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations to you, I think you have a good plan by saying you'll buy when the dump probably happens, I think its the best time to buy even if the APR for farming would have reduced. I guess its a smart way to do business. Congratulations on 6k, wow

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a ton mate. Next stop 7K. I know it happens all the time. Anyway, I am getting PolyCUB Airdrop so it's not like I don't have anything. And after 60 days, once the price drops which is imminent, I will take my position. :'))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a compounding machine! You can invest your money, time, and efforts and all of these will be reflected in your pot over time. Exponential growth is a reality on Hive. As you can see it took me 1 year to acquire 5k LEO and I went to 6K within a month by publishing daily and staking all of my rewards.

The day that you realize this is a good day for anybody.
I learned it form the guys that came before me and hopefully there are more like yourself that have seen the effect on other people accounts.

Earn, stack, compound and over time it starts to work by itself. You just need to keep putting in the work everyday and it will happen over time.

Great result and 1k LEO in a month is a huge result. You will def hit 15k if you keep it up at this rate.

Yup, not only are blue chip cryptos more lucrative than legacy investments, but the compounding opportunities with staking, DeFi, and yield farming are absolutely out of this world! 12% HBD annual interest, and if you power up earned HIVE to HP you get the 2.8% or so interest, plus posting every day and can share helpful information that folks value, you earn more HP and powering up each day equates to DAILY compound interest. Plus you earn LEO at the same time, and can do the same by powering up LEO too.

That is INCREDIBLE combined value...all earned for simply enjoying good conversation, what a time to be alive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are absolutely right @niallon11. The folks on Leo Finance have made me realize this early on my journey and I feel so lucky that I ended up here.

I will keep on compounding LEO stake until I reach my goal of this year. Let's see how it goes. Thanks a ton for the wishes. Cheers!!! 🚀🚀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations man. Such a big milestone on leofinance. Love your determination and plan for the new year. It's also a great one to admit or identify error committed in the previous year if one must do better going forward. Best wishes

Thanks a ton man for the wishes. Accepting mistakes and correcting them will only take me forward. 🔥🔥 Let's have a great 2022.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

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Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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What is this exactly? Is this an L2?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Click on the link and you will find out. It is quite helpful for newbies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

During my first year of Hive, I have used my earnings to invest in different opportunities inside and outside of HIVE. I had gone too thin on several different projects due to which I couldn't make any substantial investment in one or two projects I like the most. That was probably one of the biggest mistakes I did. I should have invested and compounded only a select few like LEO & HIVE to set a strong base

I am so glad that you mentioned this. HIVE and LEO are by far the best investments in the HIVE ecosystem because HIVE is the reserve currency for the entire ecosystem, and LEO is the base currency for the financial sector/community of HIVE (not sure if LEO is its own L2 or just a token with an alternate front end? If you know, feel free to share) and a trusted brand. Too many people investing in random food tokens thinking they will get rich, when those tokens provide no value and have no community (or liquidity!).

It is the same reason why BTC and ETH are such safe investments. BTC is the reserve currency for the entire crypto market, and ETH is the reserve currency for the biggest smart contract platform on earth + it is needed as "gas" to do anything on their network.

So yes, focus on HIVE and LEO, and work that compounding magic on the blue chips that we know are not going anywhere, 99% of altcoins will fail in the long term, and I dont like those odds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO is its own L2 or just a token with an alternate front end?

LEO is a token built on a side-chain which you can buy Hive Engine.

You are absolutely right mate. Leo and Hive have huge potential with multiple utilities. So they are bound to go up. They are as good as BTC & ETH. ;)

Hopefully, they make us rich someday! 😁😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ohh, its a sidechain, I was thinking that it was similar to Cosmos where the different projects were their own totally separate blockchain but were just able to interact with each other easily due to all being based on the Cosmos SDK. But ok that clarifies things for me regarding these other HIVE ecosystem projects like LEO. Leo Finance is really popular among traders, and the community is very active.

Hopefully, they make us rich someday!

I hope it too.
However, HIVE/LEO brings the joy everyday.
Since the day I know HIVE/LEO, I don't use FB any more :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Feedback from the March 1st Hive Power Up Day
Our Hive Power Delegations to the February PUM Winners
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nice post as always @finguru 😍. How can I go about investing and curating in leofinance comm if I already do so with 1up. I was thinking of opening a new acct for this , but not sure if it's necessary. Most posts I curate with my acct are 1up and Gaming exclusive. Tnx