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RE: LeoThread 2024-03-07 21:15

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Been poking around the competitive spaces of DeSo, Farcaster, and Lens. First two look just like X and Threads. Lens has those too, but I'm accessing it through a dApp that looks more like Medium.

All interesting, all small like Hive.


They pretty much all fail. But I have to admit I liked fiddling around with Torum . There are a lot of people on there that could migrate to hive/Leo. Probably a solid 5,000 to be swayed.

5,000 is not a small amount.
What chain is it on?

It's Torum and users earn XTM which is trading above normal. I started when there wasn't a token in 2020 and forgot about it. I left a couple of thousand bucks on the table but it is active because people have to post, check in and vote to receive some xtm. You can cash out at 300 xtm. It will take you two weeks to cash about $60 but more importantly you will meet people who would be better served on leo. Thry it out.

There is some nuance there but its mostly crypto and people microblogging about pennies so it is a good food because people could use hive and torum. I started back in the bull run to see if I had left some xtm in my wallet and I needed 5 more to cash out. I picked up about 400 follows this week and if you engage in their silly posts they will follow you, like you and get familiar. They will start coming if 5 or 10 of us are there. Nifty was there a few years ago. I have no problem doing it. It takes me about 6 minutes

Let me know if you have quiestions..

Saw your other thread. So that's the surface. How are they decentralized? How do they handle monetization? I might have more questions. I've seen a lot of clones come and go over the years.

All good Qs.

DeSo is its own chain with simple nodes: / monetization seems to revolve around creator coins for now, but check out to see the next gen ideas of what's being planned.

Another question: While browsing these sites, how often do you come across content talking about the platform itself?

I'd say it makes up a fair bit of the convo. Most of the users seem pretty aware of the underlying tech. DeSo is particularly intense about it.

Talking about the platform nonstop while many huddle around and cheer is a red flag for me. I'd have to see for myself of course. Most clones do that. Overshadows regular folks doing regular things. Not a social network then. A club.

Yeah, it's good to see normal happenings going on—small talk, communities, etc. Farcaster's vibe has more of that in my experience, as they encourage the creation of community channels.

Lens is still a ? for me, but I've found niche dApps.

Add in a figurehead and you've got the makings of a cult. Especially when money is involved. Communities will have leaders of course. Many leaders create a booming populace. In this city, every store has a manager. No DMayor lol.

The Lens stuff is a protocol built on Polygon which is L2 ETH iirc, so that's its path to decentralization. Not sure about monetization there.

Farcaster I know the least about, as I've explored it the least, but it also rolls up to ETH.