Financial Resolutions: The Underlying Reasons Why You Might Fail.

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)


One of the reasons why I do not set financial resolutions is because of the prospect of negative uncertainty. It's easier for a person to say "I want to quit drinking" however, drinking is not the urge to consume, it's about being financially disciplined enough to have the money to afford as much drink as you want but choose to channel the money somewhere else.

A lot of people fail to understand that their habits are directly funded by how financially buoyant they are. Sometimes, people go ahead to stop drinking because they cannot afford to drink and not because they achieved the discipline to stop drinking.

The Negative Freedom Money Brings

The only way for a person to understand if they've achieved their resolution is if they have the money to fund the things they actually aim to stop doing. Some of the times, our money subconsciously controls us, but we do not know it because we feel we're the ones making the choices, we fail to understand that the people we truly are, are the version that has money to buy anything they truly desire.

Most of the things we always aim to achieve financial freedom, without making resolutions to cut off the things that leak us. For example, family. A lot of people could have attained the height of financial accomplishments, but they didn't.

Now the reason wasn't that they weren't hardworking enough

It goes deeper

.....the reason was that they fail to curtail or check the things that would take this money immediately after they achieve it. Sometimes, the intent is good, the plan is top-notch. A person might work really hard and still fail at the end of the day because of external factors they couldn't control.

Having an external emergency is one of them, a person might aim to get to some certain figure, but along the line, their mother gets ill and requires surgery to get them up and doing. Now planning for surgery wasn't there, sometimes even if a person was smart enough to own an emergency fund to tackle issues like this.

Emergency funds Might Not be enough

It's very likely to underestimate our financial commitments

It's still possible to have problems that would eat up one's emergency funds and these issues aren't even solved yet. So many people fail to acknowledge that it isn't them, it's about the things they didn't plan for. It's vice versa.

People who make resolutions, for example, to stop eating junk, forget to understand that they need to first find a way to tame their cash flow, direct it to somewhere more impactful, or work on finding the ultimate way to control their money instead of the other way round. Now, the problem isn't the action. The problem is the ability to fund the addiction, when one's can control the ability to fund their addiction, it's relatively easier for them to say they can make a workable resolution.

Failing On Unforeseen Circumstances

Another thing is, people do not look at the underlying reasons for making a resolution, they might set a realizable, reasonable and achievable financial benchmark for themselves, but they go on to fail because of the underlying conditions surrounding them. That said, a lot of people fail to hit it and this brings a feeling or mentality of failure when they cumulatively succeeded.

However, no one wants to calculate an achievement they cannot see or place their finger on, we do not want to acknowledge the fact that we made efforts because we cannot visibly arrive at some particular statistics, and it becomes difficult to achieve some mental closure.

Most of the time, I tell people to aim to be better than they used to be

Growth is equivocal to success even if it's not calculable

Because in life, some of the things we work hard for do not yield instantaneous dividends, they take time to yield and if we place yearly assessments on our endeavors, it becomes difficult to get the exact amount of effort we've put in. In reality, I try to just do better than I've always done, and try to check the results in 3 to 5 years.

Our lives are like a compounding machine. While I agree that some people can get lucky, I use to tell people that luck doesn't spawn when the efforts are below minimal. Everyone needs an element of luck to hit it, but when we have done the underlying homework that comes with it, it's wrong to say we're unlucky. The right word to use is, "unfortunate".

The Real Definition Of Luck

Being unlucky is because we've made the right preparations and put in the work and it didn't go our way. Being unfortunate is not making plans or taking risks, or even working towards a goal and expecting to be lucky after all. This is sheer stupidity. A lot of people set resolutions without the adequate machinery set in place, they wouldn't just fail, they'll waste time and not even learn any lessons at all.

Sometimes, we should focus on the amount of effort and not the results. It's easier to calculate results but not easy to calculate the level of effort because these things are determined by so many factors. In reality, there's no need to build an imaginary mansion when you don't have the tools. Faith or hope without the necessary work takes you nowhere. There's no crime in admitting what we are, it helps us build realism. But in finance, we reckon with the past and present in other to mold the future.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A lot of great things said here. Wish I could respond toall directly. But then..

when one's can control the ability to fund their addiction, it's relatively easier for them to say they can make a workable resolution.

This is the fact and you emphasized it in many ways. When say and decide to stop a lot of things. Sometimes we succeed when there is no way to financially sustain that habit. But turn it around - give the person the money and present the opportunity again, and you see them failing over.

One thing I want to work on this 2023 (though not included in my resolution) is to watch my spending. I messed up a lot in 2022 to the tune of NGN 1m - its unbelievable!

So once we are able to cut down on financing a lot of unnecessary (even some necessary) things, it helps to achieve our goals quickly

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I think being conscious enough about watching your spending is the best way. Im hardly a financial guru. I made some crazy mistakes with money which has put me in this position as well. But I think we learn everyday. I learnt last year that if I could fund the things I could likely be addicted to, but choose not to, then it's a very good thing iny life.
One million naira is a lot of money I must say. I'm actually thinking of how long it took to Incur that loss overtime. Hopefully, 2023 will be a better year.

Sure, watching what I spend is the best approach. Just as I mentioned in my latest post, my noon meals seem to be the biggest daily spending. So this 2023, I will make 50% or more of my lunch at home and take it while going to work.

One million naira is a lot of money I must say. I'm actually thinking of how long it took to Incur that loss overtime.

Between mid February and September 2022.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is all there is, infact you nailed it pretty hard on the head....

It's one thing to take a profound decision yet it's more difficult to implement it especially when one is still around the influence of former life..

Financial Discipline is a very tough decision to make especially in our own sphere, when I see some persons spend money frivolously I doubt the earning process...

In the other hand they believed that because they worked so hard for it they should as well enjoy it to the fullest ...this is because they have very little knowledge of investment and return on earnings cause that money spent could be channelled to earn multiple returns.

Talking about luck I believe very little on it, the fact remains: do what you have to do, there by creating positive energy around you that attracts the right kind of opportunities to you..

Great one Boss

Financial Discipline is a very tough decision to make especially in our own sphere, when I see some persons spend money frivolously I doubt the earning process...

I find it didn't to even spend frivolously and that's because I already know the consequences and how it'll generally affect me. I think everyone in life feels knowledgeable at one point until they begin to make mistakes. I think the earning process is important like you've pointed out.
As per luck. I believe it exists, especially when it's the only element, needed to crown one's effort.

Most times, people just don't stop addictions or habits they just no longer have the means to fund that addiction. The real growth happens when you have the means but choose to stick to your resolution and values.

A lot of people set resolutions without the adequate machinery set in place, they wouldn't just fail, they'll waste time and not even learn any lessons at all.

A teacher of mine used to say when preparation meets opportunity, luck is inevitable. Luck here can lead to success. But luck wouldn't just come when there is no ground work for it to meet. Luck and opportunity comes to those who have done the work and positioned themselves to be seen by it.

This was such a good read.

Most times, people just don't stop addictions or habits they just no longer have the means to fund that addiction. The real growth happens when you have the means but choose to stick to your resolution and values.

This is absolutely true. The money dies with the addiction and seem to resurrect with it. People live their addiction until they can no longer afford it, then it ceases for a while.

A teacher of mine used to say when preparation meets opportunity, luck is inevitable.

This is true, nevertheless a lot of people seem to underestimate the rudiments of luck and how it seem to work. I think people also fail to see how deep their actions affect how they do well or not. Like you've said, anyone can be lucky, but the odds are in the favour of those who preps for it..

Thanks for coming through.

People fail to understand that achieving any set resolution requires adequate planning and willingness to pay for that success.

luck doesn't spawn when the efforts are below minimal

I agree. I have seen people who didn't really work for something and become lucky with it, misuse it and eventually end up losing it. Luck and commitment work hand in hand, nothing ever sprang up and stays stable without commitment and dedication.

Faith or hope without the necessary work takes you nowhere.

Even James said the same thing in the Bible " Faith without works is dead" so faith with works equals success.

Happy new year 🎊. I wish you good health and more success

Generally I ask people to even stay away from resolutions, aim to be better than they were by all means, and of course count their blessings at the end of the year. I won't blame anyone for not putting in work. So many things might be responsible for that, however, we need to give ourselves some break in the journey of achieving what we set out.

Thanks for the comment. It's been a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This strategy is good, it takes away the pressure of ensuring that one achieve the goals and shift the focus to the process to put in place.

Life has been so busy, am happy to be back

The Bible itself tells us that "faith without works is dead." And your words here align well with that statement.

One cannot put hopes on reaping when they haven't even sown in the first place. And to think that the universe is not on your side when "luck" doesn't shine sn sheer gullibility when, to begin with, you weren't on the universe's side.

Building financial stability is the dream of many, but not the reality of that lot of people. There's a big gap between the former and the latter that requires intentionality, discipline, and consistency, among others, to make that leap of success.

Being "successful" is not by mouth.

Thanks, you're absolutely correct. In reality, we might dream aa humans, but not everyone will realize these dreams, it's quite tough to reckon that everything requires too much work and sincerely, since we cannot tell or predict the future, people seem to doubt if the process will be worth it. I think in so many ways we cannot just make it when the work wasn't put in, it's just the way things generally are. Thanks for the comment man and sorry for the late reply.

Yeah, man. The difference between a dream and a reality is the work put in.

I hope you are doing fine.
Happy New Year! And cheers to a great year ahead.

So you say the reason I am addicted to Pepsi is because I can afford it 😁

Basically, I wouldn't say no. When one can fund their addiction and they still maintain the discipline not to. This is true control.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right. This year, I am hoping I'll have the discipline to stop drinking Pepsi. 🥺😩

Well at least, let the health repercussions of it's excessiveness be a motivating factor beyond the ability to afford it.

I'll always remember this. Thank you.

Happy new year to you. 💞

Sometimes our goal or resolution set itself when we have burning desires to do something great

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, you're right bro. We can just plan to be progressive alone and things successfully falls in place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But what of addictions that have less to do with money? Addictions that do not necessarily need funding. Would you say those can not be checked because even a lack of funding is not enough to keep them under ropes?

I like your new design btw. The one at the bottom. Hivimalist? Lol cool invention!

Well yes, it's true I didn't mention such addictions, but the truth there must be something non-monetary that's also funding that addiction, maybe it's time, maybe it's something else, that's doing so. There must be something when you look well.

I like your new design btw. The one at the bottom. Hivimalist? Lol cool invention!

Hahaha I like the fact that you noticed I must say. Many people don't, it's part of those things I changed because I got better with designing.

There must be something when you look well.

Yeah I think in those cases, it might just be the fact that the addiction has elevated into a solid habit and habits are difficult to change. Or something else from a long list of factors to consider. Lol.

Hahaha I like the fact that you noticed I must say. Many people don't, it's part of those things I changed because I got better with designing.

You’ve been good at this since I’ve known you lol what do you mean you got better?

Of course, I've been at this for a long while, so I have improved overtime. This is currently showing in the way this looks better than the last one I've been using for over one year now.

Great improvement, man. I’m trying to improve my Canva craft myself. Been playing around with it more recently in hopes to improve my Canva designs this year.

It takes time and creativity. It's mostly creativity and coming up with the right the concept.

Great point about luck. If you have been studying all year for an exam, putting I the hours, learning the material, you are more likely to have luck on your side.

Exactly, but people think luck is just bought with no price whatsoever

People always say that, most people behave the way they do because they are either poor or rich and I think that's true to a fault because of course we have people that still remain who they are with or without money.

The best way to change from something is to accept that what you are doing is wrong and then you can start working on yourself.

Thank you for sharing this piece, happy new year 🥰.

Yeah, I think affordability or the opposite has a way of influencing what people truly are. It may or may not be true but people are more likely to hide or reveal their true selves because there is money or because there isn't. However, there are ways to still know nontheless.

That's right, I have a similar thought, hehe

Sometimes things just don't work out but that is life. I think the idea of doing better than what they were in the past is a good way to look at things. It's something under your own control and it's your own effort that allows you to be a better person. I just hope things will go according to plan because those unfortunate things can mess up plans.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, the truth is that we cannot even determine where it'll go wrong because we do not have any idea at all. Sometimes the aim is to hope these discrepancies do not disrupt our aim and plans to do better for ourselves in a calendar year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Always on point. I am happy to read from you.

Of course

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I love your advice, about money, keep up advice us, you know, if someone does not give you advice I can mess up, thank you alot

Thanks for dropping by

good stuff

Faith without action is useless and it's stupidity when one is looking for luck when you haven't done anything but staying idle and expecting luck to show. It isn't done!

I love the definition you gave for unlucky and unfortunate. That is the truth if we must agree.
We must try to put in our efforts to make our goals achievable and this is why we should think thoroughly before making any resolution because saying or writing down is easy but putting them into practice and action takes full determination.

I haven't wished you this year..... Happy new year, Josediccus 🥳🥳🥳
Thanks for making year 2022 interesting on Hive and looking forward to moving with you on the Blockchain 😎😊😊🤭🤭

Thanks for dropping by as always you know and reaching out. Sincerely, I drafted out that definition of being lucky and being unfortunate because I know that in life a lot of people do not understand that luck also entails true sacrifice if you ask me.
Thanks for 2022 as well, hopefully, this year will be a better year for the both of us and thanks for wishing me too.

Eku enjoyment

because I know that in life a lot of people do not understand that luck also entails true sacrifice if you ask me.

I truly agree because if we have to come down to Hive, we put in extra efforts to make our post quality and unique while waiting for luck through big whales here. So, being lucky entails sacrifice indeed.

Amen 🙏
You are welcome too 😊