
All night?

Please, I hope you do...

I wish we can get to 8 who can be fully active, then we can go in the offensive

I hope I can too. Sleep shouldn't come for me

Let's try to make it engaging and have fun as well.

How was your day today?

I hope it wasn't stressful.

Well wasn't too stressful just that I spent too much time in making that SEO post

That SEO is really a pain in the ass, honestly. I've actually been really busy for a while, and I only got to finish the first part of my writing quest.

I just read the SEO part and I got weak. lol

Man its not easy oo. I took 3 hours to write edit and post it. It took me away from threads

That's really much. Also with the fact that it is 1,500 words and above.

I wish I had more time, but it is almost over.

Llet's make it hot, we can do it. We are not learning to thread again. Can we take the 12 xp #whitelions?

Am sure we can if we start early. We are lacking behind