Who Didn't Listen?

in LeoFinancelast year

While the WHO has said the Covid Pandemic is over, I think it is still ongoing. Not the disease itself, as that was never much of a threat to the average person, but the effects from the response to the virus. I have maintained my position since the start of 2020 (on-chain and off), that the ramifications of the response are going to be far worse than the impact of the illness and now, there is data to back it up.


I am not crazy after all!

An article came up in the news about a study done on the available research on the adverse effects of the measures taken and well, it was predictable. But, before we look at that, when I sent the article to a friend of mine, who did get vaccinated through social coercion, he sent this interesting clip that is worth the watch:

~~~ embed:1660067082220838916/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1660067082220838916&currentTweetUser=0rf twitter metadata:MHJmfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tLzByZi9zdGF0dXMvMTY2MDA2NzA4MjIyMDgzODkxNi9tZWRpYVZpZXdlcnw= ~~~

Back to the article, which I am not going to get into too deeply, but it has some interesting lines I will take out of it, like:

Previously anticipated negative effects now borne out in the scientific literature

"Previously anticipated" - but not by this News Corp service. They were part of the team pushing for vaccinations, justifying lockdowns and vilifying the unvaccinated, picking private citizens out and publicly shaming them. Oh, and those negative effects include:

a rise in non-Covid excess mortality, mental health deterioration, child abuse and domestic violence, widening global inequality, food insecurity, lost educational opportunities, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, social polarization, soaring debt, democratic backsliding and declining human rights.

I have written about many of those here over the last couple years.

The social ramifications of Covid-19 are huge, and it isn't because people who had already lived longer than the average lifespan in their countries were dying, but because there is a division in the way people were treated. Reality of health and quality of information didn't matter, it became a moral argument.

“Studies on media representations from Canada and the UK found a strong moralization discourse that blamed and shamed specific groups (e.g. Asians, young people, nonconforming individuals) and divided the population into – ‘the virtuous’ rule followers (considered selfless and smart) and the deviants (e.g. Covidiots; immoral, stupid and selfish), who questioned or criticized the NPI rules and/or did not respect the rules,”

Note: I am one of the immoral unvaccinated.

And then, there was the "public discourse" which was decidedly, lopsided in one direction.

“Increases in media use were associated with a decline in mental health. Studies generally show that political sources dominated the crisis reporting, revealing the central influence of the state and biomedical experts in constructing pandemic news, with some indication that critical scrutiny of policy decisions were minimal.”

And how many of us bought in? Invested ourselves into amplifying the message that we were being pushed continuously through every channel, even though many of the measures made no logical sense and offered no practical protection? Many, many. Did you download a tracing app? Did you think bad thoughts about a person you saw at the shops without a mask on? Were you on your moral high horse, like religious fanatic, willing to convert the unvaccinated heathens? Did you believe that unvaccinated people shouldn't get healthcare until vaccinated? Did you feel that you were unsafe around unvaccinated people, that they were risking your life?

“This should support a higher level of healthy skepticism about simplistic narratives and technocratic governance that aim for unrealistic goals presented to the public as urgent moral imperatives.”

Are you a skeptic yet?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana

The evidence is there now and a lot of it was there before, too. And, a lot of it was predictable and was predicted, by people who are far smarter than I, but they were ridiculed, cancelled and had their reputations destroyed, even though they were the preeminent experts on the topics at hand - all because they didn't support the media narrative, one driven by governments and pharmaceutical companies - not data and logic.

The fact is, we didn't do the best we could with the information we had, because there was plenty of information that was available before and came out during that should have changed our course - but it didn't.

We are condemned to repeat it.

Again and again and again.

What is predictable is, human response to fear. I know for me who chose not to get vaccinated, even though there was a lot of pressure to do so and I was being ridiculed by friends and family disapproved. I was still fearful. I still questioned myself as to whether I was right or wrong, but I chose to do my own research and also apply my own logic. I chose to pay the social consequences, by following the data, instead of bowing to peer pressure. I know I could have been wrong, but I was willing to die on the back of my own logic, rather than die on the back of government directives. I put no one at risk, but myself.

I would look at those Covid statistics and death rates near daily, but I wouldn't get hung up on the deaths, I would look at who is dying.

Yet, as predicted the ramifications of our behaviors are going to have negative impacts on me and the entire global population, because we are all at the mercy of the masses. The people who are going to suffer the most are those who were already suffering and those who will suffer the least, are the ones who drove the narrative from the beginning - the same group who also benefited the most from the situation - and are still benefiting.

We all make decisions and we must all live with the consequences, even if we aren't the ones making the decisions that affect us the most.

The good that should come out of the Covid pandemic isn't that we shouldn't listen to the media, but the media in its current form is untrustworthy. We need to develop better ways to build trusted information and distribute it effectively, without it being hijacked by governments and corporations to meet their own needs, over our wellbeing. We need to hold the governments accountable for their decisions, not by voting in new politicians, but by overhauling governance completely and ensuring that the level of collusion we are seeing happen that is not in our best interest as a society, is impossible. We need to definitely develop better checks and balances for corporations and improve their accountability and responsibility too, so that the punishment for cheating is greater than the incentive to cheat, and the chance of getting caught is much higher.

We are still going to suffer due to increasingly poor health and economic tragedy for decades to come, but we need to start learning from the past and developing better ways of working, together, and as individuals.

"Nobody is safe"

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


It was a military PsyOp.

I became skeptical as soon as massive censorship campaigns started to rollout and the hard push for this unscientific ill tested solution.

What happened to flu? It disappeared 😂

More of an Idiot Test, and we failed.

As with all things, when the system tried to push me to the left (their classification) I resisted and dug my heels in what I see as middle ground. The narrative being so polarized is utterly ridiculous when you either have to be a science denying flat earther, or a wool covered drone social justice warrior. I will take none of the above please! Watching the extremes throw shit at each other like monkeys went from being a guilty pleasure to becoming troubling in terms of faith in humanity.

From the start, I recognized that, at least in Canada, any lockdowns which were branded as protection for the vulnerable, were just emergency barely proactive measures to hide the deficiencies in the underfunded healthcare system. Blame the virus not the government! I make no bones about proclaiming the government and corporations (big pharma leading the way) line each others pockets in a united effort to fleece the people.

So, I let people peep, got my vaccination (not 5 of them,) did what I could to help in the community and avoided pushing an agenda on others.

There are definite widespread ramifications but the shakeup will have done some good as well. I do appreciate people sticking their heads in the sand and making excuses so that my efforts to progress and succeed are met with less competition!

I resisted and dug my heels in what I see as middle ground.

Exactly - the middle position is harder than either side, because there are extremists on both sides. Which reminds me of a post I have been meaning to write...

Watching the extremes throw shit at each other like monkeys went from being a guilty pleasure to becoming troubling in terms of faith in humanity.

I have a friend who enjoyed it on Twitter, until he ended up quitting. It was just too much stupid.

And then in Canada, the locking of people's accounts, the destruction of their businesses, the violence against what were orderly protests. A whole lot of crazy - from Canada!

(The CAN-FIN game starts in 30 minutes btw)

I do appreciate people sticking their heads in the sand and making excuses so that my efforts to progress and succeed are met with less competition!

It is one of the "wealth" gaps. Money, education, health, creativity... there are so many gaps forming.

Shit! I am missing the junior hockey because professional league playoffs and season starts. Looks like the hosers won. Finland has a strong team in a tough division!

What the hell were we talking about? ;)

Man, thanks. Trying to understand each individuals definition of a direction is like learning a foreign language.

Left means opposite of vaccine, not opposite of right, that makes it easy. No difference here, I'm still on the bottom.

The extreme left is weird. They love their virtue signalling and being preachy and are either 100% for overvaccination (to save the world by protecting everyone) or are complete anti pharma hippies.

I won't even get started on the far right as they seem to be so far from logic and basic in intent I remove myself form that too.

If bottom is middle and out of those narratives, count me in!

The far right is like two dozen people (here in America) . The so called far riggt as deemed by the media is mostly moderate republicans and libertarians. They call anyone they want silenced “ far right” even lefties speaking truth they label this way. It’s a joke. Again I speak as it is here in America. I understand it might mean different things in different areas. But here the far right is mostly Feds and like a couple dozen morons nation wide.

I agree to some degree. The right has got more extreme too - however, you are right about the left (media at least) purporting that the right is what is essentially the middle (or anyone that disagrees).

Canada is its own thing but we are fooling ourselves if we think we are very different than Americans in politics. It is like idiots on parade when watching what the media feeds people. I try and invest my attention locally to help where I can and not play stupid games as I don't like stupid prizes.

So many good people doing good things when you look close enough and I try not to let the bum fights distract me too much.

No difference here, I'm still on the bottom.

Ah... I knew it! a Bottomist!

I am also one of the immoral unvaccinated. When the narrative so swiftly switched from science to browbeating moral superiority, and the questions asked by reasonable people were dismissed instead of addressed, every red flag was flying for all to see. Anyone who says, "don't think for yourself, just do as you are told," is no friend of freedom. The press is not the "Fourth Estate," it is the fourth branch of government.

and the questions asked by reasonable people were dismissed instead of addressed, every red flag was flying for all to see.

Yet, most seemed to turn their head away. Maybe it is because they like drama over logic?

I think feeling self-righteous is easier than inqury. That is probably also why right-wingers are so confident all libraries are trying to turn kids gay in the USA.

Hello my friend! 😊

You hit the nail on the head with this post and are 100% right on the consequences we saw coming, that are now becoming more noticeable, and the ones that are coming in the future. They likely won't be good, but God is good and He is in control. He will work things out in the end and those that deserve punishment will get His and they will regret what they've done. I'm just going to keep hanging in there until that happens. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

If God was in control, why would it put us through all this endless ridiculous? If there was a god, it seems to be the pettiest of creatures :)

He is in control and is allowing us to exercise our free will right now. Unfortunately, there are things that we need to learn or that have to happen along the way and some lessons/happenings are more painful than others and take longer to get through. God is a very patient parent, and like most parents, He may not like what we're doing, but He still loves us. He loves us enough to let us do things that He doesn't like and will eventually; again like most parents, get us sorted out. That is what I'm looking forward to. 😊

Would be interesting to see the "nobody is safe" video stemming from the "other side" of the argument as well. Could easily be pieced together in the same way.

It's my view the entire thing was equally fucked. I watched the entire world go insane and chose to not participate to the best of my ability. I tuned out as much of media pouring in as possible, avoided all the predictable conversations with people I know in life, and most certainly did not allow strangers to convince me to either take a drug or not take a drug. I've been to those parties before where they're fighting over whether or not crack should be smoked in the house. That's always my cue to get the fuck outta there. Not stick around to argue or become a crackhead.

And still, to this day, as an extreme example, people in society on both "sides" are eagerly awaiting for millions of people to die or become sick just so they can say, "I told you so," on social media.

What that boils down to is a huge portion of society being stuck in a loop.

Happens quite often to the device addicted information consumers in general.

That can be tough for one to to get out of and recover from, especially when they don't know it's happening to them.

Always best to observe potent news and information rather than consuming then allowing it to become a part of you and your mind.

Would be interesting to see the "nobody is safe" video stemming from the "other side" of the argument as well. Could easily be pieced together in the same way.

Definitely. There is very little "middle" left anymore. I have a theory that in many beliefs now, we have lost nuance and the bell curve has been reversed. The outliers, are actually in the middle.

That's always my cue to get the fuck outta there. Not stick around to argue or become a crackhead.

It wouldn't mix well with the alcohol and ecstasy.

What that boils down to is a huge portion of society being stuck in a loop.

It was drilled into people's identity, so now, letting go of it is to lose oneself. It is like a religion - gotta destroy other religions, just in case temptation lures me into the devil's group.

Always best to observe potent news and information rather than consuming then allowing it to become a part of you and your mind.

Last year of high school, we had a semester on "bias in the media" - probably the most valuable weeks of my entire school life.

I don't even want to be middle. The whole system makes me cringe. I'm one, as myself, navigating my own life experience. Of course that's difficult for some to process. Quite confusing for others.

Far too many restrictions getting caught up in those cults. Cornered into narratives. Predictable behavioral patterns. Sitting ducks.

I try to avoid shooting them.

And yes it is odd a high school education is really all it takes to be able to know how to avoid getting sucked into those thought traps. Even more peculiar when one shackled to their media consumption habits presents themselves as an intellectual when they feel the need to become an echo.

Covid residual effects will carry on for quite a few years. The sickness has evolved into something entirely different now.

We are all a minority of one, at the end of the day. As they say, we all die alone.

Covid residual effects will carry on for quite a few years. The sickness has evolved into something entirely different now.

We are in this weird world at the moment and on some kind of edge where we are going to move to better or go full tard. And you know what they say about going full tard.

People quickly become products of their environment and won't even notice. Perfectly safe, reacting to the world around them from the palm of their hand, and becoming scared as fuck. Instead of watching the news stories, watch them. That's how you'll know if things are getting better or worse.

💯 agree! The government authoritarian themes are still going strong! It’s 1984 out here!

We are an insane species. Does any other actively work to destroy itself?

I have followed in detail the statistics related to COVID-19, as well as the statistics on deaths at the hands of crime. It turns out that, if we take a time span of one year —May 2020 to May 2021—, and compare these statistics, we conclude that the anti-socials are more effective and lethal than the COVID-19.

For example, in a certain Latin American country, in two years COVID-19 has claimed the lives of 7,000 people and in the same cardinal point, crime has claimed 52,000 lives —not including deaths due to traffic accidents, accidents at work…—.

I am one of those vaccinated by coercion, because without inoculation, I was not allowed to travel; and that is an activity I do frequently.

I support the thesis of media manipulation —they have to live off something—, but I think one of the main reasons why the virus literally did not spread and did not do as much damage as its predecessor — the Black Death (1347-1351): 75-200 million deaths— was because of the speed with which information travelled. Even so, globalisation, I conclude, has been the ideal route of contamination.

It is amazing how people don't care about how much violence impacts the world these days. It is like we have been desensitized to the horrific, but hyper sensitive to the minor.

There are so many theories about Covid 19 some says it's totally spread artificially there is not any natural disaster, other say it's overhyped by media, other think governments miss used this information for political purpose. Anyway I thought humans are not treated equally during Covid 19 that's totally true

People are so scared to die, they will kill others.

Very nutritious post, Sir!

Learning from the past: This is business and will always be business; only the issues are always made differently.

Businessmen and government collusion will always destroy society; a government that is in the hands of businessmen will never side with society.

Then those who oppose and object to the legalization of the wishes of these entrepreneurs will be destroyed massively through state tools, as you have said.

"Learning from the past" is a must. You are absolutely right that establishing reliable information and distributing it effectively is one lesson. Another is the logic of individuals to protect themselves; if it is also massive, it will form a social awareness to fight the interests of evil businessmen who take refuge behind state power. I don't know which country.

Do you think there will ever come a time where governance is not driven by business?

Yes, I agree with the distinction and for my decision of not getting jabbed I stopped playing my favourite sport that was Wheelchair basketball. In the last year, all the guys that kept playing got the Jabs (three or four doses here in IT) and many of them suffered from heart problems. Some of them even died by "sudden illness" that in Italian is "malore improvviso" that got mainstream in the last year.

And I totally agree that communication was 100% directed towards the war between vax and no-vax people. Like the tale of the black ants and red ants into the same jar, shuffled from someone external, that they do not notice but they start fighting because both parties thought that the other one was responsible.

Glad of my choice. Glad I made to save some people from such mislead

*edit: the link is not available anymore (or at least I cannot see it)

and many of them suffered from heart problems.

Bloody sad, isn't it? So common - but no one is allowed to blame vaccination.

*edit: the link is not available anymore (or at least I cannot see it)

The twitter link? It seems depend on device, app or settings. I have had issues on my pc, not my phone.

I chose to get vaccinated. My parents did as well. My dad got it and it wasn't pretty at all. I can't imagine what might of happened if he hadn't gotten vaccinated. I know several people on Hive who lost parents to it was well. That being said, you are right, the response was horrible. I definitely agree we are going to be feeling the impacts for many years to come.

With a mortality rate for those under 60 years of age at less than 0.5% .... why would any healthy person want to expose themselves to an untested new jab? Serious, not arguing just asking.
The mRNA technology had been under investigation by scientists for years without successful outcomes... so why would it suddenly be 'successful' in months?
That did not make sense to me.... and also the lack of guidance on early treatment... what the hell was that about? How can the entire healthcare community not come up with some guidelines how to treat a loved one early on in the illness? The list goes on and on...

I blame the administration for that second part. Everyone was looking for a unified piece of guidance and all our admin did at the time was argue, bluster, and ridicule. The blame is solely on him. If you didn't get it that is cool for you. Totally your choice.

As is it perfectly fine that you got it .... as I said in another reply.. my wife and her one son got both jabs... her oldest son and I decided not to. I have zero problem with choice.
The fact that nobody in 'authority' would entertain any investigation into existing medication as a therapy was massive alarm bells. Made absolutely no sense at all.

ESP now given the proof and evidence the jab caused major health issues with many.

You know, I could tell you so many stories about this saga .... but I am sure you and many others here will have the same anecdotes and varied experiences.

To this day though I am mystified beyond imagination at how gullible people were and still are. They WILL NOT admit that there was a censorship of non-narrative opinions.... I explained to my children... if you hear talking heads or TV talking heads using emotive sentences.... it is narrative, not fact. It is really as simple as that.
'You are a threat to your loved one' .... 'Do you want to kill your grandparents?' .... that kind of poppycock. {thinks}...'I need a drink!!'

The mRNA technology had been under investigation by scientists for years without successful outcomes... so why would it suddenly be 'successful' in months?

Robert Malone was vilified... he has patents on mRNA :D

There was a lot of weirdness and inconsistency in core areas of healthcare. And weirdness and consistency in narrative.

There was a lot of weirdness and inconsistency in core areas of healthcare. And weirdness and consistency in narrative.

Well said.... I should have a tshirt made with this on it !! ...LOL

The people who got it the worst that I know, were all vaccinated. Those who weren't vaccinated, only had a flu. However, most people in Finland did get vaccinated. Since then, a study from Australia recently showed there is a protein (or something like that) in the lungs that dictated who got sick or not - had nothing to do with the vaccination supposedly.

I guess I had a different experience.

Excellent post .... and you are one of the vindicated pure bloods.

Did you download a tracing app? Did you think bad thoughts about a person you saw at the shops without a mask on? Were you on your moral high horse, like religious fanatic, willing to convert the unvaccinated heathens? Did you believe that unvaccinated people shouldn't get healthcare until vaccinated? Did you feel that you were unsafe around unvaccinated people, that they were risking your life?

I did none of these. We were preparing to emigrate to Europe and my wife (who took the toxic jab) was panicking that they would not let me fly or into our new country. I was adamant that I would not take that shot as EVERYTHING I was hearing was patently bullshit ... I was gobsmacked by how many people were absolutely hood winked and willing to go along with the narrative. I was seriously maligned and cold shouldered by family and friends but stuck to my guns. Fortunately I got covid three weeks before we were scheduled to depart and proof of recovery was acceptable (but still took 3 hours of back and forwards at check in between me, the doctor and our destination consulate before they would let us on the flight)... Covid for me was a mild temperature and slight sore throat.... treated with Vit D, quercetin, Elemental Zinc and of course that famous horse paste treatment but in tablet form.

Fortunately I got covid three weeks before we were scheduled to depart and proof of recovery was acceptable

I got it too, before I had to travel. Though by the time I travelled to Norway, they had lifted the restrictions there. Coming back was the issue - but they never chased me.

Covid for me was a mild temperature and slight sore throat....

I have had it three times I think, the first I had it officially tested to get a certificate. Just a flu for a few days - I took one of them off work, the rest I worked from home. :D

The way Covid escalated. I am pretty sure this is yet another situation of the population control and making rich people rich through panic buying. And that means you can see that people made money off death and the panic in the society. It's not a good thing if you ask me.

It was interesting to see how they completely changed definitions of vaccination, as well as what constitutes a recession. So much money was made and is still being made from the markets....

I never wanted to get vaccinated but the world was locked to me now. If I needed to travel, I needed to vaccinate or otherwise my travel days are possibly over, so I did.
Fortunately was able to avoid booster doses, thats good at least 😀

I chose not to travel instead. My wife was annoyed. :D

You'er right, i also belief that groups of people benefit from global tragic situations such as Covid... Maintream media is a hoax that cannot be trusted. Sometimes we should make decisions for ourselves according to what we think is best for us, not what the government or compromised agencies suggest. When you feel comfortable an safe in you decision, stick to it. The only person trustworthy is you.

We can always make decisions that go against the government - there are consequences though. For this, I was willing to pay them.

We need to develop better ways to build trusted information and distribute it effectively, without it being hijacked by governments and corporations to meet their own needs, over our wellbeing.

We have to, but how? Even now, this is a topic with 1,000 opinions. There will always be people who will tell us it's a conspiracy...

This whole paragraph is very cool and accurate. But how to apply it when people's minds have long been hijacked, as you write in almost every post you make.

I haven't been vaccinated and I've been lucky. I mean, I didn't need to fly anywhere and no one could make me. I had to put up with the masks and stupid statements, but I think I'm the only one in my circle who didn't get sick and vaccinated against covids. I'm just lucky with my genes, I've known that since I was a kid...

But the fear was all the same)


We have to, but how?

It is possible - we have scalable ledger tech, cross-chain and side-chain capabilities, and AI that can scrape and organize data.

But how to apply it when people's minds have long been hijacked, as you write in almost every post you make.

There is a "one at a time" approach until there is enough who have awoken to drive the processes. The masses will do what is convenient for them, so we just have to make it convenient enough.

I wore masks when I was forced for my daughter's daycare, or at the hospital with her due to social pressure. I didn't want her to be judged and treated poorly because of my behavior.

We have a long road ahead of us. But it seems important to keep going, or else there will be fewer and fewer awakened, or we will not reach critical mass...

Thank you, I need to think about it some more).

I remember that year. The one they kicked us all the way across the ocean. After returning, my wife's colleagues often side-eyed us like we're the antichrist because, according to their sources, she and I were the cause of everyone dying because we didn't get it.

FF to now. They're still there. We're still here. I don't think they like humble pie.

I don't think they like humble pie.

After treating people like crap for years only to be wrong, many were calling for an "amnesty" to forget what was said. Well, one side was calling for an amnesty, to forget what they said. Whitewash the past.

I think many people got vaccinated by force, such as not taking them into work and public places. Those who dared to take test every week resisted against this implementation and now I think they are winners.

Yep, I think many were forced. I don't blame people for getting vaccinated - fear and peer pressure does a lot to influence behavior. But, looking back in hindsight and pretending there weren't other options, is folly.

You're right it's still here, i also try to maintain all the things but 2020 has a great impact on us too, it was pandemic and it takes some year's

It'll take decades to pay it off.

This is why I tell people that Covid is not gone when they say that it is gone. The effects of the diseases are still present here which means that it is still here.

Some people have even developed some other ailments ever since they recovered from Covid. Many things like that...including recession.

And still many governments have made the best treatments illegal! It’s insanity! The government here made it worse by banning ivermectin.

That's true sir....

What is?

Despite WHO declaring the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing effects of the response to the virus, including mental health deterioration, social polarization, economic inequality, and loss of human rights, might have more severe consequences than the illness itself. Another proof for weak management from governments and simply lowering the trust in central authorities.

We are definitely at the mercy of the media and global social media networks. In COVID and in many other matters.
This weekend there are city elections in Spain and I heard most of the parties are having issues trying to get enough representatives for their lists. One of the concerns from being publicly lynched whenever they show their support in one direction or another. Even now with all the AI possibilities, you could experience a social media public lynching from a fake source.
We are too much at the mercy of governments, centralized media companies, and the global use (or misuse) of social media.

The consequences were there and I believed that was the case when they started silencing the other side. It doesn't make sense to me if you were on the winning side of the argument because the facts would help you win. The media is untrustworthy and even the social media to an extent are helping to push a narrative.

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We need to develop better ways to build trusted information and distribute it effectively, without it being hijacked by governments and corporations to meet their own needs, over our wellbeing.

Wow, you only touched on the vaccine and it's public disinformation campaign... you didn't even get started on the ill-intentioned money printing and subsequent inflation that has cheapened our money supply.