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RE: Leo Talk 4/09/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

How is the situation with Covid in your countries of origin colleagues?

Here in Venezuela I just read a news that there are already 1700 dead and 170,000 infected :(. And the worst thing is I see a lot of people in the street without the security measures. Truly people in Venezuela are very ignorant.

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It started increasing in March 2020 , reached its peak in September 2020 and started decreasing from there on till last month , now second wave has started and people aren't taking it seriously .

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Exactly, people think everything is a joke. Many take it seriously is when they get sick themselves or see a sick family member.

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I agree , same mentality over here and when I try to tell someone to take it seriously they tend to make fun of it , I yell at them lol .

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The same thing happens to me here, people don't take it seriously, and if you complain to them they get upset.

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The reason this is happening is because the government and the media have been blatantly lying to us for at least the last 20 years. They have a clear bias and an agenda. When is the last time you heard a "news" organization give both sides to a story? Because of this, they can't be trusted. Right or wrong. They've cried wolf a thousand times and people are fed up.

This is an experimental vaccine. EXPERIMENTAL!!!! FACT!!!! It has not been approved for anything. Period. It has been "Authorized for Emergency Use". That's it. Pfizer has been fined billions of dollars in the last 20 years for falsifying study results. Fact. Vaccine-related deaths have skyrocketed in the last 6 months. Fact. There are no long-term studies on this vaccine. Fact.

I'm not an anti-vaxer. I am anti THIS "vaccine". Mark my words, in 10 years history will look back at this period and the "cure" that the left has perpetrated on the world will be far, FAR worse than covid itself ever was.

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We are doing well. No lockdowns here and business operated as usual for the most part.

A few areas they are living in fear but many are just doing their thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad you are well my friend.

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Most of the cases here are in the immigrant community who live closely packed together and the older population who don't wish to wear a mask. I've heard of people who've died, but not anyone I know personally. Someone started coughing in the terminal and people scattered as if she were Typhoid Mary. As a kid, I thought she was a fictional character, until I realised she was very real.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, I didn't know about this case, it looks like something out of a movie.

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It was a movie, but based on the real events. "Typhoid Mary" was an actual person who was locked up for many years, due to fear she would spread Typhoid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand, the things you learn in Leofinance hahaha. I've been here for two weeks and I've learned a little bit of everything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

we keep hearing but not seeing and that is an issue with this virus. it is not real enough for many people. i am no the fence. there was a time when I was every curious--still am in a way. but these days it means nothing is happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you are well

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks buddy. I don't really leave the house. I spend all day in Leofinance hahaha.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the right thing to do for now if the people are ignorant to be honest . If people took care of themselves then it would have been fine to go outside the house once in a while .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very bad. We are breaking record after record for most people killed by COVID. It's really sad.

I lost my grandpa to it and I have many friends who also lost dear people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

California is still in partial lockdowns and we have incompetent politicians. However the infection rate and deaths have died down a bit or at least stabilize since I don't see tons of articles on it anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You don't see articles because now that Biden is in office, the narrative has to change to how it's being solved by the left. When Trump was in office it was all about how he's killing people with his incompetence. Meanwhile, they changed the test so it doesn't show as many positives. I mean, this isn't conspiracy theory. These are just facts. Look it up. The media won't tell you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True. I should spend some time over the weekend to see the actual numbers.

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The change of dying under 70 are remote, especially if you dont have other conditions.

Of course, in Florida there was the guy killed on I95 in a motorcycle accident. He was decapitated.

Cause of death: COVID since he tested positive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the numbers are complete bullshit. What they aren't telling us, of course, is the meteoric rise in vaccine-related deaths. I am not an anti-vaxer. I am anti THIS vaccine. It is NOT an approved vaccine. Period. It is "authorized for emergency use". They have done very little testing and obviously have ZERO long-term testing data. In three to five years when the data can actually be "studied", maybe I'll get one. But in the meantime, I'll get my Vitamin D, stay hydrated, and have some Ivermectin on hand in case; the things they SHOULD have been prescribing at the outset.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you. I dont trust this at all. They did no testing, just rushed it out.

It is funny to watch the left suddenly embrace Big Pharma. Hell even Kennedy came out and said this was all builcrap and not to trust it. Not sure why he left the plantation, maybe because they are not in the inner circle anymore.

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here in Nigeria it as if the virus doesn't exist. everyone goes about their daily life. there is not much talk about covid. the hype and fear have died down.

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