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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Crypto Market Cap Back At $2T (08/12/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

How we can improve fair distribution of Leo tokens rewards? because it feel there are many post only have few words almost 100 words nothing special inside have got lot off rewards, on the other hand many posts are have vey nice useful and original content but still not noticed and get any upvote or reward

I mean some posts are overvalued some are undervalued how we can create a balance I love to know about that?


We do our best but there's so much content for one person it's near impossible really though you could join CUB and make your income there and convert it into LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dear do you mean I should stop posting on @LeoFinance and starts investing in cub while all others doing both at the same time

I don't know much about cub finance and also do not have extra capital to invest in it, creating content and doing other activities on hive blockchain is my area of interest and I love to do it, I really enjoy it

Well, this is a first step. Becoming active in this room (for lack of a better word). If you start participating on a daily basis, your name will get known and people will start to follow you and watch for your posts.

There is no "quick" way to do it. This is not a get rich quick platform. This is long form blogging. It takes time and effort to build up a following and reputation and there really are no shortcuts. If you stay consistent and vote, comment, and engage with the community, you will grow your account. Some of your earliest writings will most likely not get as much attention as you think they deserve, but as you continue to put out quality comments and quality content, you will get noticed and rewarded for your efforts.

Many of the people you see getting "big" rewards have been here for years. It's just the way it is. Longevity and engagement are rewarded.

That said, you should actually view this as a positive not a negative. One thing I can guarantee you is that if you put in the effort, you WILL be rewarded. Period. If you work at it consistently for a year, your account will grow exponentially. It's that simple. It's actually nice knowing that if you put in the effort, the results are certain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree.

But I have actually started to put less time into searching the new posts section because 95% of what I find is plagiarised or cross-posted on other networks.

Honestly, I just can't be bothered most of the time.

However, if new users put the time into commenting, getting involved and proving that they're consistently here to build value to LeoFinance, then I do notice and start rewarding.

As you can see, being successful here takes more than just writing 'quality' content.

You have to market yourself and get involved in the community.

Consistency and being social is the key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think when a new user join hive blockchain and starts using it, it will take some time to understand what is considered as plagiarism on hive and what are the basics to post content on hive, mostly user come from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram background they try to treat hive blockchain in the same way, but after getting some experience and information there content becoming better and useful, thats why if you see any content which you think is a copy pasted or consider as plagiarism, please guide the user and check its profile history before reporting and taking any action, if you do not have time just pass it and don't upvote it but it's does not mean if there is a low standard content, then we should starts avoiding useful original content, we should give upvote to original content because if someone put there time and effort to create a good content he should be able to get incurgment and support from hive blockchain community along with rewards

it will take some time to understand what is considered as plagiarism on hive


People know it's wrong, but want to take shortcuts because they see what they think is free money here.

It's not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone is not same there are some bad actors I understand but nobody get punished hard because of a single mistake because if he a new user he may leave hive blockchain forever, my point is that we should check user posting history on hive blockchain before taking any action

You know some user downvote others content just because of some personal reasons, many users who get some success on hive they try there best nobody can achieve their level of success its totally selfish approach I think we should educate, support and encourage new users to use hive blockchain constantly and properly

True... I believe many think they can get away with it but I doubt they don't think that what they are doing is wrong

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, I made my comment before I read yours but yea, I agree 100% lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But I have actually started to put less time into searching the new posts section because 95% of what I find is plagiarised or cross-posted on other networks.

That's why I always promote my articles so it shows in the promoted category, but looks it's not enough sometimes.

Also, I know upvoting myself will rank my post higher but I try to avoid it because it doesn't add any value to the community but myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol I'm sorry man.

But to be fair, you copy/paste your content to Publish0x.

We've had this chat before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I stopped doing that :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with that, I think there is a lot of spam content that obviously does not receive any attention and that affects those who are starting, what they should do is to silence in leofinance those who only publish plagiarized content, and so you can notice more those who make quality content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone who posts wants readers to upvote their posts--who doesn't want that? However, posts need to be worth the upvote. Person A may like my post, but Persons B & C may hate my post; am I supposed to force B & C to give me an upvote?

Also, upvoting is an unpredictable thing. I've written posts which I thought would get lots of upvotes because similar posts got lots of upvotes, but for some reason or other that specific post got minimal upvotes or none. We can't predict these things, so the best we can do is write the best post we can as best as we can and leave it up to the readers. If it looks like we didn't make an effort to write our content, why should people take time to read it and give it an upvote?

When we write our posts, we have to give readers a reason to read them. Usually it's giving the readers something new, something they hadn't seen elsewhere. If readers know you for giving them something they like, you have to give them what they like. What's our "claim to fame" tha gives people a reason to read out posts and then upvote them? This is different for each of us, and each of us has to discover that answer.

Usually people who upvote an author know enough about the author to feel good about giving the upvote. It's not enough for people to learn about us based on the posts we write. We need to comment on other people's posts. Engagement goes both ways, and the comments we leave other people help them decide if they want to engage with us in the future.

Post size (or even comment size) is no guarantee of content being read (never mind upvoted). Some 8,000-word posts are crap, and some 80-word posts are useful to many people and get upvoted as a result. It goes back to giving readers what they want.

As long as we do these things, we will get upvotes:

  • Give readers content they want to read, especially if it's new to them.
  • Engage with authors on their posts.
  • Write our posts as best as we can to the point whee people can say we did that.

No one is obligated to read our content. The people who read our content aren't obligated to upvote our content. People who read our content aren't obligated to comment or reply. All we can do is publish our posts; the rest is out of our hands.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, I think that pretty much covers it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe consistency and engagement are very important. Even if your content is good, if you don't show up and do the work every day, it's hard to stand out from the crowd.

Making yourself known is one of the first steps, in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been comparing Medium articles with LeoFinance lately. I must say we have a lot to learn, most of the top posts I see here are about internal topics like Cubfinance, hive, etc.

Those posts are pretty good but it doesn't add value to people from outside but only from inside.

I'll focus the topic of my articles to catch outside attention even if users here don't see any value in it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see your point and there are ongoing initiatives on LeoFinance to change that

But I must add that I see a LOT of crap content on Medium too lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is always crap everywhere XDD

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We each do what we think is right. Nothing wrong with that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, that right!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll focus the topic of my articles to catch outside attention even if users here don't see any value in it.


Outward-facing content is the key!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People are going to vote the way they vote. It is their stake and their business. There is no such thing as fair as fairness is subjective.

Engagement and showing up with some type of consistency is the best bet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Been a question on Hive since the start. I try not to vote on post with just a few words unless it is really important information.

As for the low rewards, how much are the authors engaging? Are they coming in here on a daily basis?

I know the regulars in here get a lot of upvotes from me, not only on their comments but also their posts.

Good chance I might not have gotten to know them if not for their time spent in here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am talking about @leofinance especially, I think we should reward original and useful content because when a content creator put a lot of time on creating a nice post and not get even few upvotes it's really discouraged him to work hard,you can understand what I am trying to say because you are a top writer on hive blockchain and LeoFinance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If I want to vote for something? I vote it. If I don't want to vote for something? I don't. Bottom line... my stake, my vote, my business.

I have been downvoted for upvoting others (not on thank goodness) or just because people do not care for me.

I complained about people auto-upvoting my content for years. But? I have learned the game and play the game with my sense of ethics.

What others do with their votes? None of my business.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand what you are saying but people need to understand this is a social network. They need to engage and it isnt as if put up an article and everyone should flock to vote it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@leopuma every one have its own stake, it's own vote and it's on business but sometimes we should think out of the box for improvement of overall Ecosystem here we are just discussing how we improve fare distribution of loe tokens rewards and how we improve upvoting system we are not targeting any other user, please don't mind ok

@taskmaster4450le I am following you on @leofinance and Twitter also I know how much effort and time you put to get engaged with other users I really appreciate this if everyone starts doing like you it's really help hive blockchain Ecosystem to grow I always share, upvote you content on hive and Twitter because I understand how much effort you are putting to do all of this

On the other hand some users content is effort less any one can write 100 words post about Leo token price or any other topic I don't against to upvote this type of effort less content but it should get what it deserves and other users like you get what they deserve to create a useful content and putting a lot of effort

Well I think there are a lot of people on auto-votes. There are specific people who actually go through the different posts but I do feel that engaging and making yourself known makes it more likely for people to read and vote your posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a lot of logic in what you say, but I can tell you that those overvalued votes are justified. Since I have been able to notice and follow those publications with great votes, and they are from users who believed in the project from the beginning and helped it to grow, either with investment or publishing from the beginning.

There are also those who helped the development of all leofinance and cubdefi, or are also users with high voting power that actively support the entire community taskmaster4450 is a good example of that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Start upvoting content that you like and what you feel is adding value. I try to support newbies from time to time who go unnoticed. We all try to do.

Also, one needs to showcase their work by engaging within the community. Some posts will always be overvalued and there's nothing much newbies can do about it. It's better to focus on your own work rather than looking at other's rewards. If you keep at it continuously people are going to notice you somehow. But it's better to take charge of that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta