Weekend Experiences: The Conversation & Me (Week 164)

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

It's the weekend, and I hope you are enjoying... because it seems that the hours fly by, we are living these days with heat, and to rest a bit in the shade today I join the Weekend-Engagement challenge in the #WeekendExperiences community promoted by @galenkp who this week suggests us again different topics to choose to publish our post.

I have chosen the first topic: “The conversation”.

It is basically about imagining ourselves on a plane and suddenly we start talking with another person sitting next to us who at a given moment asks us about three interesting things about us.

And what three interesting things could I tell you about myself? Let's go there, a conversation about myself:

1) Well, since we are supposedly going somewhere on a plane, I would tell you that I have traveled a lot for a few years, and also… I have lived in six countries! Besides mine, Spain. In a short time I was able to know not only different places, people and continents but also live in them. I think the experience is totally different, being a tourist or a visitor is a good way to explore and get to know different things, although we have more limited time, so we tend to focus more on some more relevant points, and try everything typical quickly, almost no time to taste all...

But when you know that you will have more time, living there, even if it is just some months, then we taste everything calmly, and slowly we know details that we would have missed. We can get to know the people who live there and their customs better, because you may have to get used to some of them, and not just the language. It's a different feeling, seeing street names that end up being familiar to you, when the monuments and museums are something else that are always there and that you can go whenever you want, like a boring or rainy weekend, because there is no rush to discover . You make life and live as if you were from there even though you see everything with different eyes.

In my case it was not only in one other place but as I have said in six different countries, do you want to know which ones?
Italy, USA, Brazil, Russia, Türkiye and Portugal.
Because the best thing is that they are very different and the contrast like this almost drives us crazy, but in a positive sense. A vital experience, well six, all unforgettable. Because those places are already part of me, I feel like a citizen of the world!

2) Another thing that I could say about myself and that some of you around here may already know is that I like to enjoy the sunrise at sea, so I love to go running early to see the sun rise from the waters. That magical, special and inspiring moment motivates me a lot, I could say that, in an emotional or spiritual sense it heals me. Because I'm a deep, sensitive person who loves beautiful sights and fancy words, and tries to blend that when writing and sharing some nice everyday experiences on Hive.

3) And well, so that this doesn't seem like a job interview, let's go for some funniest detail about me, or I don't know what's absurd. Is it a confession? I am addicted, a cheese addict, or a cheese lover. From the cheese crazy club (this should exist). Any special cheese? Yes and no.
No, because I like them all, at least all the ones I've tried, mild or strong, from all the countries I've been to. If I am not wrong still I am missing a really impressive one, one in Sardinia, but it will be a challenge for the future...
Anyway, but if I had to choose one, I would definitely choose feta cheese. Here's the interesting thing: every day I eat at least a small piece, even a bite of this cheese, which of course I always have in the fridge. And if there isn't, then like another hoping to buy more soon, but there's always cheese, no matter what happens or where I am, or where I'm going...

because I don't know where this plane in which I'm having this conversation about three interesting things about myself either directs, but what does it matter? Jaja😅

No feta photo but about me too... an extra bonus: me, myself & my face!

Happy Weekend!

Thanks for reading! Have a relax and inspiring day.

The text is mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca

The lead image is my photo edited by me using Canva.com


I'M ALSO HERE ON: Twitter / Publish0x


Muchas gracias @duvinca por este maravilloso ejercicio de apertura y sinceridad. Me ha parecido genial.

Gracias también por compartir.

Gracias a ti, agradezco mucho tu comentario 😊
Qué vaya bien el verano, saludos!

wow it is incredible that you have had the opportunity to live in six different countries, that means that you have also tasted many types of cheese in each place 😄
I admire you, I have never left my country. Hugs

Thanks! Yes I could have those different experiences abroad and they were the best life lessons, and of course also I had time to learn more about cheeses of the world!
But sometimes we do not need to go so far just see all around with different eyes and also its good to explore surroundings... U wish you the best and thanks for reading really. Happy week! 🤗

That plane photo is pretty nice and also I thought you would be like over 50 years old or some thing am quite surprised that you are looking as if you are in your 30s. Really fun stuff this thanks for sharing.

Thanks! Happy you like it! Well not 50s not 30s, 40s! 😅
Have a great Sunday!

Haha you look quite young for that age, please share your secrets? help.

Oh thanks jajaja well I try to have a healthy life... then genetics maybe can affect too 😅

Oh, thanks for sharing. I always felt people like Janet Jackson and Kate Beckinsale beauty never got affected even with their old age however I feel that Janet Jackson never even used plastic surgery who knows I might be wrong but you might be correct genetics play a huge part in this.

🙌 just try to have healthy habits and be happy

@liquidocelot! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @duvinca. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

I try to limit caffeine intake and take Vitamin C in liquid Form.

Amigaaaaa pero por favor.... ¡Que Diosa! ¡Hermosa!
Que bueno al fin poder, conocer el rostro detrás de todos esos post, esos azules y esos viajes. 😘

Jaja 😁 gracias bueno el sol me ayuda y algún filtro casi de dibujo sin serlo mucho que me tape se la vergüenza. Es curioso que hago lo contrario a lo que pienso... pero me planteo dejar esto un poco o quizás un mucho ahora en agosto y acabo poniéndome en el post con lo que me cuuuuesta. A veces ni me entiendo 🤔


¡Pues nada de soles y filtros, eres tu y eso es suficiente para ser hermosa!
¡Bravo! que te animaste, quiere de decir que estas poniendo a prueba tus tabúes, tus temores y esa voz y visión distorsionada, que te dice que debes ocultar tu rostro y tu ser, y nada más que cuestionarlo ya es una ganancia grande . 👏👏

Puede ser... muchas gracias 🤗💖

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@florbelys! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @duvinca. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

First of thanks referring me back to this post. It's a joy seeing your face. For 40's you look good I would say your looks have you looking like your in your mid thirties 😍 I take the plunge into the 50's soon, say it isn't so, jaja. Thanks for courage I know this is something not up your alley Amiga but glad you did it. Curious did you ever have any cheese curds when you were in Chicago from Wisconsin?

Oh well thank you very much 😊 (not easy for me but I wanted to do it, a small step ahead...). Hey you don't look like you're almost 50, really, we have young spirits jajaja and about the cheese, I ate different ones, some very orange, monterrey, jack I don't know what, those mozzarella sticks jajaja and some more, yes it sounds like one from Wisconsin but I don't remember... then as you can eat all the Europeans there too, I sometimes bought them out when I felt nostalgic 😅

Sounds like you should have been given a cheese head hat
Youre Wrong Told You So GIF by SHOWTIME Sports

😂 🤣 😂


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Oh good in the HPUD another good achievement!!! Happy August my friend!

Yes so true, I agree... thanks!
Have a great day!