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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 59: The invite

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

What a great choice! It seems this person means a great deal to you and has provided some valuable support and friendship over the years despite you not having had the chance to get together. Now I just want this dinner to take place in real life!

The menu sounds pretty good amazing! It's a lot of food, but I feel the dinner will be an extended affair as it should be with such a valued friend.

I get the feeling that should this dinner take place there would be great mutual gain and it would create memories that endured.

Overall, an excellent selection I think. G-dog approves. 😬


This person means a lot to him because he has provided him with knowledge in terms of cooking. It seems they are in same field.

I recall you're a great host who designs the menu around the guests needs...Maybe one day I'll experience it first-hand. Let's just work off the premise that I have a standing invite acceptance as far as dinner at your place goes. 😆

It's the company that really counts, I agree. With good company I wouldn't care if the food was a simple toasted cheese sandwich and a glass of water.

Teasing me now! I hope to consume one a couple of those GCS's of yours. :)