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RE: Weekend-engagement week 13: Ask me anything

Who the hell am I and what do I think...I know...

So who the hell is G-dog and what is he all about?

Alright my dear friend. It seems that for this thirteenth edition of the Weekend-engagement challenge, I can finally participate one more time since I don't have to draw anything or doodle nothing at all. LoL

I can draw just with words. Yeh yeh yeh, only with weird, twisted and pretty wacky & offbeat words. You know me. And only by that and for that is that the Cranky Gandalf still exist here in the blockchain. };)

So, what do we have this week? Huh?

This weeks topic

  1. Ask me anything at all (yep, anything)
  2. Tell us something about yourself (totally optional)

Oki doki G-dog. It looks as if this week you are wearing your daredevil hat and you are not afraid to answer 'any kind of questions' eh? Especially the daring questions of the crazies and wackos who swarm around here in our community right? Ok, then let's run the extra mile to put you in serious straits so you cannot answer as easily. Mwahahaha

I understand that you have already entered into the club of the "half coupon" chaps. And that besides, you also feel very proud of it. Right? So my question for you today is going to be pretty simple.

  1. What Is Your Life Expectancy? Given your current age and excellent physical condition and particularly in these uncertain times of pandemic and economic apocalypse?

  2. Yeah! this one can be (totally optional), but if you can pull my tongue out enough, it's always possible that I can offer something about myself funny or interesting to let you know me a little better. Or maybe, just maybe, just make something up to confuse you even more. Hahahaha

So, that's it G-dog! ¿What Is Your Life Expectancy Today Brother?


 4 years ago (edited) 

Hmm, my life expectancy...

Ok, so at 50.5 right now...I'd say 20-25 years if I am lucky.

It's a bit morbid to think about really but I don't shy away from the fact I will one day die. I am diabetic and so have a strong change of not living the full term through complications arising from that condition as time goes on. Then there's cancer etc. So, I don't know...Who really knows.

I don't think I want to die though, meaning I'm not ready yet, so it would be sad for me to have my life cut short, not that I'd have much of a say in it. I'm ready for it though. I have my affairs in order so that when I'm gone those that are left, my wife Faith, will not need to do much other than rejoice or grieve, whichever it is she will do.

One thing I know...I do not want her to go first...I would not cope without her and so I hope I go first. A selfish thought of course, one that means I'd avoid the pain of having to lose her.

Just on another note: I'm working on a list of who I'll come back and haunt after I'm gone. You know, move stuff in their houses, turn the water mains tap off when they're in the shower, sneak laxatives into their food...You know, all those things that will give me a big old laugh. It's a long list.


If you are being good by the time I make it to the other side you can be my mentor to help curb my devious haunting ways and set me on the path of righteousness. I'll not want to haunt people forever, just a while, have some fun. I'm sure there's other activities to do on the other side so maybe you can persuade me not to haint those I left behind. :)

I'm glad @galenkp finally answered this. I've been politely waiting rather than my normal poke my face right in the conversation.

I'm facing 70 for my next birthday. I NEVER thought I'd make 30 (I lived pretty fast) so I've now had 40 years of bonus play with my life. It's been fun.

I don't give two shits when I die. I hope to be able to live right up 'til the end. I ride a motorcycle a lot and I have long believed that there is a Buick with my name on the bumper. I haven't found it yet, or if I did it missed.

You see, I'm already way past my life expectation. So I just as well see what's over the next hill.

Good way to look at it I think. We're generally not aware of when it may come so might as well live as best we can right up to the point we can't. ✅