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RE: This land is my land, or is it?

Oh, I would have liked to answer this one @galenkp - been away so missed out on a good one by the looks!

I think we have even more responsiblity to other creatures as we have the monopoly on their lives. I don't think many people realise what a delicate balance the world is in, and I find it devastating that we continue to see species annihilation because of our desires. We know full well that it's not sustainable. Realise the melting permafrost viruses I say - even out the score a little.


There's been some good ones on this topic, some really good ones.

It's a massive issue and one I feel won't be reversable. The damage we do to the land, waterways, oceans and the air is all interconnected. I watched a doco about the kelp forests in Tasmania and how bastard sea urchins are decimating them.

They say when the sea urchins clear them out leaving the area barren it's equivalent to felling a rain forest on land - massive knock-effects.

Over-fishing of lobsters is mostly to blame as they are not present in numbers enough to eat the sea urchins to maintain balance - Thanks humans.

I say the above as you mentioned delicate balance. It's the lack of balance that is the problem. Humans want more, more more and fail to consider the impact of creating it. The sooner humans are gone the happier the planet will be.

Kelp is everything. The problem is humans rely on systems that are broken.

I've never eaten a sea urchin, have you? If so, what does it taste like? I'll admit to having eaten a lot of lobsters though, so I'm partly to blame I guess.

Hahaha. Koreans eat sea urchins. They are mostly used to flavor the broth in seafood soups. I bit it and couldn't chew. It was bitter.

Yeah, it's a yellow sort of goop right? Not my thing, I'll stick with lobsters.


Doctors tell us there are over seven million people who are overweight.
Of course, those are only round figures.

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I agree with you. I'd like to think that at least wiping out three quarters of us and leaving me and you behind would be a better alternative to complete destruction, but I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the planet. I try not to watch those docos as I get far too upset. Focussing on nature's resilience and the capacity of mushrooms to mop up oil spills is better for my mental health.

I'd like to think that at least wiping out three quarters of us and leaving me and you behind would be a better alternative to complete destruction

A most excellent solution indeed.

I try not to watch those docos as I get far too upset.

I hear you. They actually make me angry to be honest. I mean, the answers are right there, we can fix this over time, but no one really wants to. People like to talk a big game, be politically correct and make a stand. Ask them to go without something though, and it's nope, not going without!

You still have 30 minutes left to leave you 2 cents before the weekend engagement time runs up^^

Well, instead I wrote a post for Friday, accidentally published it today, and had to rush to unschedule tonight's post, and fix up all my scheduling, so that happened.

And it's too late. We are doomed.

I know the feeling. I guess it is just a matter of time. Enjoy your Monday. Mine was weird with some labor clashes with administration. Nothing worth commenting on yet, but it may develop into something. Teachers in my school are knowledgeable about the law and very democratic about things. The principal is new and seems to be out for himself. I guess that's where my question came from. I wonder if he could change and recognize the world actually revolves around the sun. And the only moon that revolves around his is flat.

The principal is new and seems to be out for himself.

Oh my god and they get paid so much and are usually terrible. My hubs is very unhappy with his principal - she doesn't care about anyone and gets paid four times as much as everyone slaving away whilst she is in some luxury suite in Thailand at a 'conference'. Totally understand what you are saying.

Those viruses remind me of Jurassic Park.


Is there any hope for humans to change or is it too late?