Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku - Edition #57 [English - Español]

in Bananafish3 years ago


[photo by @f3nix]

El viento otoñal
esparce mil semillas.
Nuevo bosque en mí.

gabmr (4).gif

Hola, Hivers. Espero se encuentren bien. Tenía un buen tiempo sin participar en este concurso y me alegra volver. Creo que de todos mis inventos literarios, los haikus son con los que más logro relajarme. Además, es una dicha para mí el poder compartirlos con ustedes. Ojalá el de esta oportunidad les haya gustado.

Link al concurso


I translated this using google translate:

The autumn wind
scatter a thousand seeds.
New forest in me.

It's so nice! The next spring is in your haiku. I feel the seeds floating far and wide. Very very nice haiku.

It could be into, instead of in, but good translation, anyway😅.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Much appreciated.

I read it as within - a new forest within me. I knew that part of the translation was wonky. Hey, could you go look at the translation for sacra's? That wearing out countryside does not seem like a good translation to me, or at least I don't understand it.

Yes, it is also possible. Ok, I am not the best for getting poems' meaning, especially haikus, but this is my try on hers:

Autumm emerges
wearing countryside away,
everything starts.

Hope it helped you!

Yes thank you that is much better for English, but too many syllables. hm.

Según mi "mitad del círculo" personal, es decir, la experiencia del lector que completa el significado catalizado por el autor del haiku, tu composición me habla de la regeneración espiritual que siento cuando me sumerjo en la naturaleza. Gracias

Así es. Gracias a ti por leer y el apoyo.