Ask the Hive: beer, wine or vodka?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

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Welcome to another round of my ATH (Ask the Hive) weekly series that I created to increase the engagement level on Hive (or at least among my followers).

The question for this round is: beer, wine or vodka?


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In this round, I wanted to provoke a discussion about various alcoholic beverages and their popularity in different parts of the world and when thinking about it, the above featured picture came to my mind immediately :D Yep, nothing to be really proud of but the fact is that my Czech homeland is a true alcoholic superpower :D

As for me, I am definitely a beer fan. There are certain occasions when I tolerate a glass of wine or a few shots of some spirit (not necessarily just vodka) but when it comes to my total consumption of alcohol, I would say 99% of it is made up by beer.

The Czech Republic is actually sometimes referred to as "the beer capital of the world" and there are a few good reasons for that. We are home to some of the oldest and most renowned beers in the world and literally hundreds of traditional, family-run microbreweries that produce incredible craft beers. No wonder that for long decades, the Czech Republic has been "boasting" the title of the world´s highest beer consumption per capita. I am sorry guys from Germany, Ireland or US if you thought it was you... :D

So how about you guys? What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Is it the same one that is also the most popular in your country? Let me know in the comment section below, I cannot wait to check out your replies :)

As usually, I will try to upvote all creative and interesting comments.

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Without a doubt, my answer goes as Beer. Those were the days when we had no money in college but still made our savings just to sip some beer. Beer is much costlier than other available alcohol beverages.

When I was staying in Hostel, beer was something we started with and when our wallets were empty, we slowly got down to Rum. Specially the Militart Rum. Ha ha, those were the fun days.

Once we all got into our first job, first salary and the first party was a beer party too 😁😁

So it's always Beee-eer.

Nice, thanks for your sharing your experience with us :) Just to be sure, you are talking about India right? Btw, you might want to see what I just replied to @codingdefined regarding the "costliness" of beer in my country :D

When a soft drink and beer and water are sold at same prices, why would anyone prefer drinking water 😁😁

Exactly :D

Hello there! In Greece I think beer and wine are equally popular and loved, each one for its target group or even for the case.

We also have our own local popular drinks, like ouzo, tsipouro, raki - rakomelo etc. About Vodka I see people drinking it, but I have not acknowledged any particular great preference on it over others.

About me, if I had to choose from the three, I would go for beer! I really like Sangria too, but due to the great taste I can empty the glass in the first 10 minutes and either stay with no drink for the rest of the night, or get drunk really soon.. 😆

But if I was completely free to choose from any drink, it would currently be tequila or whiskey! I also like some cocktails a lot (Mojito for sure and some that have tequila or rum as a base) and would like to explore other drinks too, which I haven't until recently, because it was kind of a given that we drink beer or wine when we go out, so I haven't thought about drinking something different! Most of the times we are creatures of habit and I'm currently in the mood of changing that for me! 😄

Woow, a lot of interesting alcoholic beverages mentioned here :D You seem to be an experienced drinker :D I like your tactics of trying to taste as many different drinks as possible :D From those Greek ones, I only know ouzo though... Thanks for this great contribution to the debate Christina :)

You're welcome @phortun, thank you too! I would not say that I am already very experienced as a drinker, but I'm getting there, the start has been done!

From the greek ones my own favourite is raki!

I'm a Beer - dude born and raised in the wine region :D

Rebel heart since childhood :D


Hmm as much as do love a glass of red wine it's got to be beer for me. Love Czech beer also. Proposed to my wife in Prague and helped myself to plenty of beer while I was there. Love going to craft breweries also wherever I am in the world. Very partial to a dark beer, a porter or stout. Getting thirsty typing this. This is the craft brewery we go to in Cebu City, Philippines. So good

Very nice contribution, thank you for that :) I am really glad you enjoyed your time in my country and that you even decided to propose to your wife in there. Cheers!

she said yes haha. I am going to dig out the pics of that ime and post soon. Loved your country and loved your beer. The food is also very good ;)

Awesome, I am looking forward to that post :)

not really a drinker, and has a curse of living in a slovak village and not being a beer drinker :D
My choice usually is Rakija/Paleno (is paleno a word in sk/cz?) but overall in the country i think beer is winning, and i think it is because it is kinda most social accepted. you can have a beer at noon, but if you drink vodka at 1PM :) and it is hard to stay at 1 vodka.

Thing i really like, and it is dangerous is Tatranski caj. 52% is my favorite, 72 is killer.

Haha very valuable feedback here, thanks for that :) I know Rakija (from Croatia) and the word "Paleno" probably means "Palenka" in the Czech language ;) Tatranský Čaj (Tatra Tea) is a legend, similarly to Absinthe but Absinthe is originally from Switzerland I think... In my country, the most popular strong distilled beverage is probably "Slivovica", a plum brandy (usually home made) with around 60% of alcohol.

slivovica is more of the south part of serbia, they have tons of plum, here is more viliamovka (pear) and kajsija (apricot), but it is mostly around 50%

Viliamovka = our "hruškovica" and kajsija = our "meruňkovica" ;) Usually also around 50%.

Dám si všechno. Pivko víc. Střídmě. Místo vodky spíš preferuji Becherovku. Je víc západočeská :D

1 Plzeňské !BEER
a pro tebe ještě Ragedasta ;)

Jsi správný patriot a to se mi líbí :) Škoda, že je s Becherovkou spojován jistý český prezident, tahle reklama ji asi moc neprospěla :D

Ten už prý přešel na slivovici. Měl by pít radši něco zahraničního, aby neškodil našim pálenicím a likérkám :)
Ta citronová Becherovka, co jsme si přivezli z Varů, docela rychle mizí. Návštěvám chutná :)

Osobně mi taky chutnalo Limoncello, co jsem ochutnal na Capri. Zajímavý nápoj.

Nice map 😀 And the Czech Republic is in the heart of Europe again, this time as the strongest alcoholics. I like beer and semi-sweet wine but I drink it rarely.

Tak tak, zase jsme v něčem výjimeční :D Díky za příspěvek do debaty. Jsem docela překvapen, jak rezervovaný vztah k alkoholu má tolik zástupců českého rybníčku. Asi budu muset přivolat @godfish, aby to trošku vyvážil :D

Easy Question! BEER! I drink a glass of wine every now and then but don´t like it that much. Vodka? Yak! I hate strong spirits. If I had to choose I would always go for a gin tonic, but I think I stick to beer. :)

My man right there! :)) Cheers!

Man I´m german, I had the first sip on a beer when I was 5! 😂 I´ve spit it out and swore to myself that I will never drink beer. haha

Beer in Germany counts as staple food, also known as liquid bread

Hehe, same in our country (liquid bread :D) Many people actually east mostly this kind of bread :D

Beer and wine but, mostly beer. I´m not an avid alcohol drinker. Three beers and I´m drunk :))

Hehe you would be a real lightweight in my country then :D A lot of my friends can kill 10-15 beers during the night with ease :D Not me though, I am a kind of lightweight too :D

I could kill 10 when I was in high schoold and college. Now I'm playing in the small league.

Hahaha, same here :D My drinking golden age has also been gone for a long time and it hurts really bad when I try to revive those times now :D

haha same here. for me only the first three taste good, after that it is no longer a pleasure.

Absolutely wine lover here.
The amount of occasions you can try it with different food, the thousand of varieties, the history behind every bottle, makes every single drink a whole experience :)

You are from Catalonia so wine is no surpise here :) Even the map above has it right :D Thanks for your contribution.

Slovenia is also alcoholic super power :)

For me glass of wine please...

Just one? Come man, it´s Friday :D

Another entry that matches up with the map, nice :)

You really have great white wines, I tasted some a year ago in Ljubljana.

Beer 100%! :)

Is it the same one that is also the most popular in your country?


List of countries by beer consumption per capita

I'm shocked we're 15th, I thought we were much higher up on the list!

Haha no surprise here :) I mean with your personal choice ;) Your beer reviews are legendary. And don´t be shocked my friend, many nations around the world think they are heavy beer drinkers but in fact, they are not :D It´s hard to drink to anything else than beer in my country given that beer is often also the cheapest beverage in the pub (yes, even cheaper than bottled water :D)

Haha, legendary...that's a bit too much, but thanks anyway! :D

It´s hard to drink to anything else than beer in my country given that beer is often also the cheapest beverage in the pub (yes, even cheaper than bottled water :D)

That's crazy! That would never happen in Finland. Here you have to pay around 5-6 € for a disgusting tasteless lager.

Oh man that would be beyond outrageous and scandalous in my country. You can still find many great beers for less than 1 Euro in pubs all over the country. In supermarkets, you can get them for as little as 0.30 :D

Yes, I have experienced it myself when I visited your lovely home country. It was like being in heaven! :D

According to the picture attached it looks like half Romanians prefer vodka and half wine, but in reality, most of them are beer lovers hahaha. Though, not me. I prefer a cold cider anytime :D

Oh really? So that´s a first major failure of the map :D Cold cider? Wow, I think I have never had it :D

You have to! It's some alcohol with fresh fruits, most of them naturally made! I love this drink especially during a hot day of summer :D

Yeah, I know what it is, I just think I haven´t tried it yet :D

It depends on the circumstances and what you eat. If I'm at happy hour, I usually prefer a glass of wine, If I'm at a party, I prefer a glass of beer.

Sounds good, thanks for your feedback :)

For me is beer and mezcal.

Mostly beer, but this last two months were the beer is put off the market I've found a really pleasant times with my mezcales.

Greetings from Mexico.

Mezcal, nice :) I think I tried it at some parties in Mexico but honestly, I don´t remember what it tasted like :D What is your favorite beer brand? I mostly had Victoria, XX or Sol when in a pub.

I drink dark beers... Negra Modelo or Boehmia mostly. When I can afford (or find it) I buy some Calavera or Tempus stouts.

Cool :) I didn´t even know Calavera and Tempus...

Asi takhle bych to shrnul.

Tak ty jsi jasný :D Stoka styl :D

Jako správný řidič si dám občas pivo :-)

I don't drink, but in my friend circle, they prefer beer than any other drink, one of the reasons could be easy availability as well as different brewery to try different varieties of beer.

Good points, thanks for your feedback :)

😁 True that, but what I see here in India, the beer is very costly. Just imagine if a bottle of water costs same as a pint of beer 😉

I think it happens in GOA, where the bottle of beer cost less than 2.5 litres of water.

😁😁 you got it right! Goa is the Beer Capital

And now imagine that 0.5 liter of (decent) beer costs less than 0.25 liter of sparkling water :D True story in many Czech pubs...

Wooo 😁😁😁 that's why ther is so much beer allover the world

Just to give u a comparision here,
500 ml Can / 650 ml bottle of beer cost is equal to 7-8 ltrs of packaged drinking water. Sparkling water is higher than water 😊

But the state of Goa in India sells liquor at tax free rates. That's where water and beer cost it little relatable. 500 ml beer = 2 ltrs of packaged drinking water 😊

That´s interesting :) Looks like Goa is the place to live in India :D

Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of BEER from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Very appropriate for this post, thanks :D

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