Learning Faster

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

A few days ago, I have written about Tutorial Hell and thus students, professionals think that for learning faster they need to go through tons of tutorials, and thus they will be master at it.

The definition of Tutorial Hell is that stage where we are actually completing a lot of tutorials without actually making any meaningful progress. Like you can complete these tutorials CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Angular, NgRx and so on in like 3 months without actually learning anything. The problem with this approach is that we never actually learn anything because we are not implementing what we are learning and thus the information is not sticking into our head, it's just like reading the book of weight loss without doing any exercise.

PC: Pixabay.com

But that brings a question for us how we will learn faster if we don't go through the tutorial. As of now, learning is the most important for professionals because the world is moving too fast if we do not learn fast, then there is a constant threat of becoming outdated. The days are gone where we used to complete school, college, university, and forget the learning and there was no on the Job learning. Today every day we should be learning to be ahead of the rest or to be with the current market.

The school and college have made a mess out of our brains where we used to memorize most of the time which is actually obsolete in this era because as of now learning is no more memorization. We have the information on our hand in this digital world, now the question is to succeed in life we should be learning at all times and also along with that make use of the information from the digital world. That's why I said Tutorial is good to get you started but to learn fast we need to fail fast and thus we need to learn by doing something.

The best way to learn SEO is to actually have a blog and do the SEO on it, or you can use HIVE itself for doing the SEO and thus you can learn fast by doing it right here and right now. Have you seen anyone learning swimming by watching tutorials, no right? But ya you can go through some of the styles and then replicate it or learn it by actually getting into the pool.

When we wanted to learn something, we always feel like we should learn it first and then do something. But let me keep it straight no matter how much ou go through the tutorials and try to mug up the things, without doing in practice we will never learn. I know there is always that one step which is the hardest to take, because of the numerous reason but all the theories and concepts will give you satisfaction but actually you will not achieve anything. The progress can only be visible if you have done it and that you can show it as a demo or something.

PC: Pexels.com

If you have to go from one place to another place, it is not only looking through the Google Maps you actually have to travel by in person. This is where learning without doing is too dangerous because then the learning becomes harder and harder without you actually getting something out from that learning. And this is the main reason of losing out the motivation because we will not get a sense of satisfaction because we have actually not done anything.

Learning without doing is actually gives false motivation which is actually really bad for our career because when we have to actually face the real world, we will be lost. Motivation is always when we have some actions and the results out of that action which we can proudly show it to the world.

Learning by Doing is the fastest way to learn something and believe me there is nothing else better than this.




I agree. I have done few trainings, but they where not helpful, as did not get a chance to apply or practice.
Doing hands-on or On the job are the best ways, even if there are initial struggles.

That's correct, no job or doing it by you is the way you learn.

Learning by doing is the best way to learn. I am writing better posts because I am writing daily.

Next thing to do is learn to code by coding😄

That's why I am writing it too :P

Cool, we both will be better writers with time then👍🏻👍🏻

Yes we will and challenge sid :P

For sure. I started learning to code by just searching and making what I wanted, and nowadays I'll usually set myself a project I want to do and pick a new language (if I want to learn another one) that makes sense for that project. I've tried going the courses route and It's never really turned out great for me, I haven't even managed to finish them, and I don't think I will.

Thanks for sharing,

~ CA

That's the way to do it I guess, I think to learn a new language its ok to start a tutorial for basics but when you acquire the basics then you need to code it to get the basics otherwise is of no use

Agreed, to get the basics down it's not a bad way to go, and I know many people who that has worked for!

You are totally right. Everything I have gone to school for I had to re-learn when it was time to use the information. Learning on the go is the most efficient way of learning anything. I think the educational system would be better if it was more apprentice based rather then study based.

Learning on the go is the most efficient way of learning anything.

That's absolutely true