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RE: Encouraging Engagement on Hive

in OCD4 years ago

Howdy sir johannpiber! I missed your reply last night but then I missed everyone's reply last night because I never made it back on here.

Yes, textbooks mean books for college predominately. A typical good deal would be to buy one for $40 and sell it for $120. Those deals are not easy to find for a beginner because it takes awhile for Amazon to let beginners sell many textbooks. But those are the kind of deals people are getting who are experienced.

Some of the big book sellers are selling $80,000 worth of books a month. It takes a few years to build up to that though. What is funny is that there is no reason for the textbooks to be that expensive, people just charge that much because the students will pay almost any price!


Hello @janton,

seems to be a hard business, but when you do it right you can make a lot of money - a lot more than you would ever make here on the Hive if the price does not rise to the moon.
I hope for you that you make the right choices and very good deals from the beginning on, my friend. At least one of us should earn real money for his work ;)

Cheers and !BEER 🙂

lol...howdy today sir johannpiber! You are making decent money over there aren't you? When you include the benefits like retirement? And if you are still on the week on- week off schedule you are making really good money. lol.

Good evening @janton,

that's right, we earn very well and when we retire we get less, but still more than many others. The weekon - week off thing will end by the end of next week. So instead of being home this week I'll be at home next week, if my colleague is healthy again by then.


I don't think you are going to want to go back to your normal work schedule are you? What is wrong with your colleague?

No, I don't want to go back to normal ;) but next week is my last week off and from May 18 we will be working "normal" again :(
Nothing is wrong with him - he is healthy again, he has just had a cold or so, but I told him he can stay at home today and come back to work after the weekend.


Oh that is good to hear about your big boss man and kind of you to tell him to stay home. Did he get tested for the virus? How does he know it wasn't the virus?

He didn't get tested and he knows that it wasn't the virus because yesterday he was already healthy again. I told him to stay at home and have a nice long weekend. Therefore I'll stay at home next week and after that week we all will work as we did before the lockdown.