American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 12 The Infantilization of Man

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

The Judeo-security Goyim in charge of the x-ray machine said one thing as the duffel bag passed through.
"Holy shit!"

Inside the duffel bag was various limited edition Rick and Marty merchandise and various other manchild toys. Modern culture demanded the infantilization of man to better control him. The education system, the media, and all other institutions were designed to aid in this infantilization process. Men would no longer come of age and become a MAN, instead they stayed forever like a teenager or child in an adult's body, never going through the trials and tribulations needed for the transformation into a real MAN.

Endlessly chasing hedonistic pleasure was pushed as normal living. Responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance were things for the elites, for the politicians, for those in charge. But even now, most of the elite's children in positions of power themselves had been subverted by this endless propaganda and infantilization. The infantilization was generated from top-down social cultural mechanics, but looped back up to the top, ever feeding the cycle, and speeding up and growing the level of infantilization.
Many so called adults could not handle mean words, as they were but children on the inside.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
Even a child could understand this, but the state of modern man was a slobbering whining screeching mentally unstable spoiled child crying out for authoritarianism as a means to offload responsibility and everything that comes with it. These man children couldn't bear not getting their way. They screeched online and in the streets, using Simple Simon language, screeching "Nazi! Fascist!" and other many words they didn't understand. They were children... how could they understand what they were doing?
They believed if they could give more power to the government, it would solve all the problems caused by government. It was very easy for the Judeo-Corporate media to control them. The people on the TV box were authority to them, of course they had to be, because they were on the TV. It was such a childish way to view the world.

Shows like Rick and Marty were designed to inject the manchildren with midwit takes on life, pushing them to narcissism, nihilism, and empty hedonism. It would give them such midwit takes as love being nothing but chemical reactions. No wonder so many of them killed themselves; what is the point of living if you are just chemical reactions? What does it matter? And who will care if you kill yourself? Some chemical reactions?
Such retarded axiomatic conclusions of the human, yet because the TV show told them so, they would believe this midwit take, and it would enslave them.

The state of modern Wahmen was a downstream effect of the infantilization of men. Women needed strong men to lead them, but with only weak men present, women whored themselves out and called it empowering.
Actresses would suck Weinstein dick when it was convenient for their career, and then claim "#ME TOO!" when it was convenient for their career. Women would pornograph themselves, and then claim victim status when it suited them.
"Sex work is real work" they would say, yet they would complain when their bosses asked for a blowjob.
So many women had been brainwashed by third wave judeo-feminism to hate men, but who could blame them when the men were so weak? Where were the men to lead them to a fulfilling life?
Modern women were very depressed and took anti-depressants which made them into fat amorphous genderless blobs. Chasing hedonistic pleasure as a means for fulfillment was a one way ticket to emptiness on the inside. The hedonism wouldn't fill them or the men, it merely gave little highs while slowly eroding and chipping away at their souls.


"Oh my gawd Greg! It's limited edition Rick and Marty!" the Judeo-security Goyim shouted.
As planned all the Judeo-security Goyim left their posts to look at the contents of the duffel bag.
"We work for the Goyim Toyim company! Feel free to take some samples!" Detective Blackman told the security.
I could hear some security on the upper levels complaining that they were missing out.
"Look! We are going to be late for our appointment... so..." I said as Detective Blackman and I walked through the beeping metal detectors.
All eyes and attention were on the toys.
"Oh my gosh! Pocket monster!"
The Judeo-Satanic Cult used Goyim as low level security as they were expendable, and what better way to control the Goyim than with Goyim who had to follow orders due to all the debt on them, and the low pay they received. If they refused to carry out orders, they would be made homeless.

We made our way to the elevator, and used our key to get in. Detective Blackman gave me a look, like he couldn't believe the plan worked. Such was the infantilization of man; the remaining adults could run rings around these NPC child types.


The elevator dinged as we reached the seventh floor. Everything was going smoothly. Televisions were set up across the hallways to provide on the go entertainment. Some old school comedy played.


Kramer: WELL slams door I'm killing the niggers
audience laughs
Jerry: You're what?
Kramer: Killing the niggers Jerry!
audience laughs
Jerry: What are you crazy? You can't kill the niggers Kramer!
Kramer: JERRY 56% of all murders in the U.S are committed by niggers alone! Not to mention all the welfare they leech off the system at INCREDIBLE rates and best of all think of all the KFC's closing down tck
audience laughs
Jerry: Kramer you can't kill 13% of the population because of the color of their skin, that's genocide.
Kramer: WHA THEY KILL EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME! Only difference this time they won't be coming back.
audience laughs
Jerry: Kramer I can't imagine yo-
Kramer: NOW JERRY listen listen! Are you black?
Jerry: No but I-
Kramer: AH AH! There you go! You got nothing to worry about buddy!
audience laughs


George: The correct term for this is "purge" you're purging the blacks

We made our way through the seventh floor hallways trying to blend in. It was an admixture of Irish, Italians, and Jews; a recipe for criminality.
"Top of the morning to ye" I said tipping my hat at everyone I walked by.
I wasn't wearing a hat. Maybe I needed to find one to make this work.
"A spicy meatball!" Detective Blackman said with exaggerated hand gestures every time someone was within ears reach.
"A potato!" I would retort sharply, as if arguing over what to have for lunch.
"A spicy meatball!"
"A potato!"
Some judeo-randomer interjected our heated argument "Hey, you know there is this new place on fifth and plaza that does spicy meatball potatoes?"
"Shut up Jew! I mean thank you!" I responded.
"The chutzpah on that Irishman!" he said as he walked away.
We had done it, we were successfully blending in.


Elaine: What is this chickenscratch?
Jerry: I don't know. Kramer's cooked up some cockamamie scheme to genocide all the niggers.
Elaine: Blacks.
Jerry: Right. The blacks. He says we all have to sign this document that we aren't black so we don't get genocided.
George: Purged.
Jerry: Right. "Purged."

We eventually found the meeting room. We would have to make a quick appearance to make sure we didn't arouse suspicion.


John S. Goldman sat behind a wooden mahogany desk. There was a poster behind him designed to sow discord between the Italian and Irish workers.


Such was the judeo-way to put other groups against each other, occasionally pretending to be other groups themselves in order to achieve this.
To Goldman's right was a graph measuring white replacement levels, and in the back corner of the room was a white board listing proposed and effective subversion techniques.

"Take a seat! Take a seat!" Goldman said lighting up a fat cigar.
"But I can't carry this with me, it looks heavy, and I have other things to do later" I told him.
He laughed "Classic Irish humour!"
Detective Blackman sat down, and I followed suit.
"So... what is this about?" Goldman said taking a puff on his cigar.
Detective Blackman and I both looked at each other.
"You have the folder?" Detective Blackman asked me.
"I gave the folder down to Greg in filing... you didn't bring it?"
"I thought you were going to bring it!"
"No, I was going to bring it down to Greg in filing to get it filed, and then you were supposed to bring it!"
We began swearing at each other, calling each other every name under the sun.
Goldman laughed, enjoying the spectacle of different ethnicities fighting each other.
"Oh how easy they are to control and subvert" he thought.
"I'm sorry, you can't trust an Italian with paperwork..."
"You can say that again!" Goldman said laughing and puffing on his fat cigar.
"Sorry for wasting your time" Detective Blackman apologized "We will reschedule when we have everything in order."
Goldman chuckled as we left his office, before getting angry and scolding me for trying to take a chair. You could never hold a Jew to their word.

Outside in the hallway, the television box blasted.


Jerry: Georgy boy! how did the interview go?
George: (sarcastically) oh it went just fantastic! Just GREAT
laugh track
Jerry: What happened?
George: well uh.. the woman interveiwing me was a..
Jerry: a what?
George looks around
Jerry: well?
George: (whispering) ..a coalburner
audience laughs
Jerry: So what?
George: So what??? SO WHAT??? Jerry.. I’m sitting there talking about my extensive work history and amazing professional skills and I see a picture on the desk!!
Jerry: Of the black boyfriend?
George: Oh even worse! It was a picture of her and the half-black niglet mutt!
laugh track
Jerry: No father in the picture?
George: No father, Jerry! NO FATHER! throws hands up
audience laughs violently and Jerry shows visible signs of hiding his laugh and trying to not break character

We had successfully fooled the Jew. Now it was time to find the express executive lift.
"Oh shit! Get down!" Detective Blackman said.
Coming down the hallway was my arch-nemesis, Rabbi Foreskinstein, and he was accompanied by the GloboHomo Paedo Priest whom Jesus had previously thrown through a stain-glass mural of St. George Floyd. We hid beside a water cooler, and pretended to be engrossed by the television as they passed us by.


George: so in conclusion, Mr Benes, we'd really appreciate you joining our quest to purge the niggers
*blank stares, awkward silence *
Jerry: you know Mr Benes, you could even write a book about the genocide!
George: Purge
Jerry: Purge
laugh track
awkward silence
Mr Benes: I'll do it. I hate niggers
laugh track

"Phew! That was a close call!"
"You're telling me! We should probably follow them and see what that unholy alliance is up to..."
We slowly followed Rabbi Foreskinstein and the GloboHomo Paedo Priest. They entered into a small meeting room, and began talking. The door was slightly ajar.
"I don't believe it!" Rabbi Foreskinstein shouted at Paedo Priest.
"But it happened!" the Paedo Priest pleaded.
"This won't do! We need the church subverted! The more faggots and paedos the better! It keeps people away! We can't have the Goyim uniting under a religion! Especially a religion so anti-Jew. We need more paedos, more faggots, more rapefugees, and more Nigger worship! You hear me!!! I don't give a damn if Jesus Christ himself threw you through a window!"
"But he was so strong! What can I do?" the Paedo Priest asked.
"Don't worry... we killed him once before! He won't survive again. This time he really will end up boiling in poo in hell, our master has promised!"
There was momentary pause as Rabbi Foreskinstein turned on a laptop and said "We need to figure out how to remove this thorn from our side!"


"What about just saying he is a Nazi? Won't the people believe the Media?" the Paedo Priest foolishly asked.
Rabbi Foreskinstein lashed out, striking the Paedo Priest while crying out in pain "Why do you make me do this? YOU IDIOT!!!" he recomposed himself before adding "he is bigger than our media! He is subverting us!"
There was a pause, and then the sound of water coming out of a water cooler.
Rabbi Foreskin sounded shaken as he said "This water! It's been turned to wine! He's here!"

"Oh shit! Jesus has fumbled" Detective Blackman whispered to me.
I looked at my watch. Jesus was early.
"Let's get the fuck outta here!" I said changing from Irish to Italian.
We quickly made our way to the Executive Lift. Television still blasting out the episode.


Kramer: Jerrry... I don't know how to tell you this...
Jerry: Kramer? I'm sleeping, how'd you get in? Why are you here?
Kramer: Jerry, it's been the Jews this whole time, ok, good night buddy.

Suddenly the televisions switched off, and alarms activated. Red lights swirled around in a state of emergency as a message was blasted out from the tannoy. It was go time.

"All employees and visitors, please make your way to the fire meeting point."

We pushed through the crowds of people making their way to the stairs.
"My potato" I explained as we pushed through against the flow of the crowd.

We finally made it to the express executive lift. It was at the end of a hallway, with a window overlooking the Moloch statue. If we couldn't use the lift it was a dead end.
"Oh shit! Security!" Detective Blackman said exasperated.
Thankfully they weren't Goyim security. This was upper echelon Judeo-security. Goyim couldn't be trusted with such important tasks.
"Hey you two!" I said, as Detective Blackman and I approached.
They tried to stop us and tell us to turn around. But we were too quick. We opened up our trench coats, unveiling myriad of crosses.
"AHHHH! MY EYES! IT BURNS!" they said, recoiling from the sight of the crosses.
"Don't like crosses huh? Prefer Kikels? How about a merry christmas?" Detective Blackman said, as he did a spinning flying back kick, knocking them both out.
"This should hold them down" I said as I placed a cross on each of the unconscious Judeo-security guards.
I snatched the VIP express executive lift key from the head guard, and activated the lift.
"Oh shit! Someone is coming!" Detective Blackman said as we watched the numbers on the lift slowly descend towards our floor.
"THERE THEY ARE!!! GET THOSE PESKY GOYIM!" Rabbi Foreskinstein shouted.
Behind him emerged riot gear Judeo-security. They were the elite of the elite, a formidable force. They linked together in a somewhat hoplite formation with their shields, as they approached us in lockstep.
"I don't think so!" Detective Blackman said as he coolly threw off his trench coat, revealing all his cross weaponary. He equipped a massive super soaker 5000 he had on his back, and began to spray the elite judeo-praetorian guardsman.
They screamed in pain and began to retreat as the holy water soaked through their gear.
"Merry Christmas Motherfuckers!" Detective Blackman said as he pumped and sprayed.
"Dratz!" Rabbi Foreskinstein said as he retreated, before pushing the Paedo Priest out to face us.
Detective Blackman drenched the Paedo Priest in holy water, but it had no effect.
"Shit! What do we do? We didn't plan for this!" Detective Blackman said as we watched the lift numbers slowly descending.



Suddenly Jesus smashed through the window and drove full throttle towards the Paedo Priest.
"I'll handle things down hear! NOW GO MY SONS!" Jesus said as the executive lift dinged, and the door opened.
We quickly dove in. The lift doors closed behind us. The sound of gunshots and a revving engine could be heard. It was carmageddon.
As the lift ascended, I began to feel the weight of the fate of the world resting on my shoulders. Something wasn't right...

# To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews
Chapter 6 One Flew over the Jewcoos Nest
Chapter 7 From My Virtue to My Principles
Chapter 8 Gods of Culture
Chapter 9 The Twin Towers
Chapter 10 Totalitarianism of Compassion
Chapter 11 Day of the Rope